FCKeditor 2.0 RC1 中文版

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FCKeditor 2.0 由于有了RC版
从2.0开始,支持跨多浏览器: IE 5.5+, Gecko browser (Mozilla / Firefox / Netscape)
支持XHTML 1.0
服务器端接口有: ASP.Net, ASP, ColdFusion, PHP, Java

集成于Xoops的FCKeditor将随NewBB 2.0发布,详情参考 http://xoops.org.cn

November 30, 2004 - FCKeditor 2.0 RC1 released
Version 2.0 is now much more stable. People can now start thinking seriously to use it on production systems. Many bugs have been fixed and many features added: Advanced Styles (CSS integration) support with preview, Plug-ins support, HTML entities support, ASP and PHP integration modules and much more.
Go ahead! Start using FCKeditor today!

中文版下载地址: http://xoops.org.cn/modules/wfdownloads/singlefile.php?cid=2&lid=207
