
类别:Java 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:


41.It is valid to throw (and re-throw) an exception inside a catch(){} clasuse.

42. String Integer Double Date File override the equals() method.

43. The Class class has no constructors.

44. Unicode uses 16-bit to represent a char

       UTF uses as many as bits as are needed to represent a char

45. a instanceof b (right)

   A instanceof (b)  (wrong)

46.double d=-0.5;



47. public transient static final int abc=800;   (right)

48. String.trim() 是去掉字符串两边的空格

49.Long val=new Long(“11”);

       byte bb=val.byteValue();

50.        int[] a=new int[]{1,2,3}  (right)

51.        Java 中&不用于字符串之间的连接

52.        interface methods are public, so the method being implemented must be public

53.        null object instanceof a class always results in false

54.        why define a method native:

1.       to get to access hardware that java does not know about

2.       to write optimsed code for performance in a language such as C++

55.        int[] a=new int[5];

System.out.println(a[5]);  runtime error rather than compile error

56.You can obtain a mutually exclusive lock on any object

57.Interface 也是object的子类

58.熟练掌握collection map 部分,包括其中的方法

59.An interface can not be instantiated

60. collection中方法有 isEmpty()  toArray()  iterator()
