
类别:Java 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:

You typically develop a Flex application using the following steps:

Create an MXML file with the <mx:Application> root tag. (创建MXML文件,根标记为<mx:Application>) Add one or more containers. (添加一个或多个容器) Add controls to a container, such as input fields, buttons, and output fields. (添加控件到容器中,例如:输入域、按钮、输出域) Define a data model. (定义一个数据模型) Add a web service, HTTP service, or request to a remote object such as a Java object or a Flash Remoting service. (添加请求到web service、HTTP service或一个远程对象上,例如JAVA对象或远程Flash服务) Add validation to input data. (添加对输入数据的有效性验证) Add a script to extend a component. (添加组件脚本)
