SCJP考试中的 thread 题目分析

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SCJP考试中的线程题目分析 来源   1:                                                                             Which two CANNOT dir
ectly cause a thread to stop
executing? (Choose Two)

  A.Existing from a synchronized block         B.Calling the wait method on an object     C.Calling notify method on an object         D.Calling read metho
d on an InputStream object
  E.Calling the SetPri
ority method on a Thread obj
  2:                                                                              public class SyncTest{                                   public static void main(String[
] args) {
   final StringBuffer s1= new Stri
   final StringBuffer
s2= new StringBuffer();

   new Thread ()  {                                                public void run() {                                         synchronized(s1) {                                           s2.append(“A”);                                             synchronized(s2) {                                    s2.append(“B”);                                                 System.out.print(s1);                                    System.out.print(s2);                                 }                                                                           }                                                                          }                                                                          }.start();                                                           new Thread() {                                                    public void run() {                                         synchronized(s2) {                                          s2.append(“C”);                                              synchronized(s1) {                                        s1.append(“D”);                                               System.out.print(s2);                                 System.out.print(s1);                                }                                                                         }                                                                           }                                                                          }.start();                                                          }                                                                           }                                                                            Which two statements are true? (
Choose Two)
  A. The program prints “ABBCAD”                     B. The program prints “CDDACB”                     C. The program prints “ADCBADBC”                 D. The output is a n
on-deterministic point becau

se of a possible deadlock

  E. The output is dep
is running on.
endent on the threading mode

l of the system the program

  3:                                                                             What will happen whe
n you attempt to compile and
run the following code?
  public class Test{                                             int i = 0;                                                         public static void main(Strin
g argv[]) {   
   Test t = new Test();                                  t.myMethod();                                                     }                                                                           public void myMethod(){                            while(true) {                                                try {                                                               wait();                                                      }catch (InterruptedException e
) {}     
   i++;                                                                  }                                                                             }                                                                           }                                                                              A. Compile time erro
r, no matching notify within
the method.
  B. Compile and run b
ut an infinite looping of th
e while method.
  C. Compilation and run without a
ny output.
  E. Runtime Exception
  Answer: E                                                               Note: The wait/notif
synchronized. In this ca
synchronized) and will t
y protocol can only be used
se calling code does not hav
hus cause an Exception at ru
within code that is
e a lock on the object(not

  4:                                                                             1.10 What is the result of compi
ling and executing the following code?
  public class ThreadT
est extends Thread { 

   public void run() {                                       System.out.println("In run");                 yield();                                                           System.out.println("Leaving run");         }                                                                            public static void main(String
args []) { 
   (new ThreadTest()).start();                       }                                                                             }                                                                               A. The code fails to
compile in the main() metho
  B. The code fails to
compile in the run() method
  C. Only the text "In run" will b
e displayed.
  D. The text "In run"
followed by "Leaving run" w
ill be displayed.
  E. The code compiles correctly,
but nothing is displayed.
  Answer: D                                                           
  5:                                                                             1.12 Which of the following will
wait()B. notify()C. yield()D. suspen
definitely stop a thread from executing?A.
d()E. sleep()Answer: ACDE

  6:                                                                             1.12 Which of the fo
llowing will definitely stop
a thread from executing?
  A. wait()                                                               B. notify()                                                           C. yield()                                                             D. suspend()                                                         E. sleep()                                                             Answer: ACDE                                                     
  7:                                                                              Which of the follow
ing statements about threadi
ng are true?
  A. You can only obtain a mutuall
extends Thread or implements runnabl
y exclusive lock on methods in a class that
  B. You can obtain a mutually exc
lusive lock on any object.
  C. You can't obtain
a mutually exclusive lock on
any object.
  D. Thread scheduling
algorithms are platform dep
  Answer: BD                                                            8:                                                                             Consider the following statement:             Thread myThread = new Thread();                   Which of the followi
ng statements are true regar
ding myThread?
  A. The thread myThre
ad is now in a runnable stat
  B. The thread myThre
ad has a priority of 5.

  C. On calling the start() method
class will be executed.
on myThread, the run method in the Thread

  D. On calling the st
class will be executed.
art() method on myThread, th

e run method in the calling

  Answer: C                                                               Note: the priority o
the constructor.
f myThread will be inherited

from the Thread that called

  9:                                                                             What is the effect of issuing a
wait() method on an object?(Mutiple)
  1) If a notify() met
hod has already been sent to

that object then it has no

  2) The object issuing the call t
a notify() or notifyAll() method
o wait() will halt until another object sends

  3) An exception will be raised                     4) The object issuin
with any other objects u
g the call to wait() will be
sing the receiving object.
automatically synchronized

  ANSWER 1)                                                               10:                                                                           Pick all the true statements below.           1) If a thread wants
object's lock.
to call wait() on an object

, the thread must own that

  2) There is a method that you ca
that puts the instance to sleep for
n call on an instance of the Thread class
a specified  number of milliseconds.
  3) At the moment whe
the object for which it
n a thread is notified, it a
was waiting.
utomatically gets the lock of

  ANSWER 1                                                              
  11:                                                                           1. class Z {                                                        2.  public static void main(Str
ing[] args) {
  3.   new Z();                                                      4.  }                                                                      5.                                                                            6.  Z() {                                                              7.   Z alias1 = this;                                      8.   Z alias2 = this;                                      9.   synchronized(alias1) {                           10.    try {                                                         11.     alias2.wait();                                     12.     System.out.println("
  13.    }                                                                 14.    catch (InterruptedException e) {   15.     System.o

  16.    }                                                                 17.    catch (Exception e) {                         18.     System.out.println("
  19.    }                                                                 20.    finally {                                                 21.     System.out.println("FINALLY");     22.    }                                                                 23.   }                                                                   24.   System.out.println("ALL DONE");       25.  }                                                                     26. }                                                                       Mutiple:                                                                1) Compiler error.                                             2) The application compiles but
doesn't print anything. 
  3) The application prints "DONE
  4) The application prints "INTER
  5) The application prints "OTHER
  ANS: 2)                                                                   12:                                                                            What will happen wh
en you attempt to compile an
d run the following code?
  class MyThread extends Thread{                      public void run(){                                            System.out.println
("MyThread: run()");

   }                                                                              public void start(){////注意,
此方法重写后,不再有CALL RUN()方法的功能。
   }                                                                             }                                                                               class MyRunnable implements Runnable{        public void run(){                                            System.out.println("MyRunnable
: run()");
   }                                                                              public void start(){//Runnable
否则,将CALL THREAD 的start()执行run
并无此方法,所以,除非本类的对象可以CALL 它,
("MyRunnable: start()");

   }                                                                             }                                                                               public class MyTest {                                        public static void main(String
   MyThread myThread = new MyThread();        MyRunnable myRunnable = new My
   Thread thread = 
new Thread(myRunnable);

   myThread.start();                                            thread.start();                                                }                                                                             }                                                                               A.prints: MyThread: start() foll
owed by MyRunnable: run()
  B.prints: MyThread:
run() followed by MyRunnable
: start()
  C.prints: MyThread: start() foll
owed by MyRunnable: start()
  D.prints: MyThread: run() follow
ed by MyRunnable: run()
  E.compile time error                                         F.None of the above                                           ANSWER:A                                                                 13:                                                                           Multiple objects of
multiple Threads to crea
use the following code?
MyClass (given below) are us
te new integer count. What w
ed in a program that uses
ill happen when other threads

  class MyClass{                                                     static private int myCount = 0;                   int yourNumber;                                                   private static synchronized int
  return ++myCount;  //myCount为static           }                                                                               public void getYourNumber(){                         yourNumber = nextCount();                               }                                                                               }                                                                            
  A. the code ill give ompilation error       B. the code ill give runtime error             C. each thread will get a unique number   D. the uniqueness of the number
different Threads can’t be guaranteed.
  C                                                                               14:                                                                           What is the effect o
f issuing a wait() method on
an object

  Mutiple:                                                                1) If a notify() method has alre
ady been sent to that object then it has no

  2) The object issuin
a notify() or notifyAll(
g the call to wait() will ha
) method
lt until another object sends

  3) An exception will be raised                     4) The object issuing the call t
with any other objects using the rec
o wait() will be automatically synchronized
eiving object.
