PL/SQL Developer特别版

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PL/SQL Developer是我平时管理Oracle数据库使用最频繁的Oracle客户端GUI程序。


January 5, 2005 - Version 6.0.4 released Enhancements Package bodies, type bodies, and materialized views would disappear from user defined folders Opening a user defined folder when disconnected would lead to "Not logged on" messages Reports menu did not show directories with only subdirectories correct Instantiable and final member procedures were not displayed correctly in the Code Contents Text Importer file associations are now stored in user.prefs, not in Import\import.files SQL() function added to Data Generator Table creation DDL for partition values ending with a parenthesis were incorrect Popup menu in various editors were missing "Insert Template" submenu Fixed "cannot convert string to double" error Fixed problem with disappearing last row while pasting into grid Title of Program Window would not change from View to Edit if Window changed to Edit mode Command windows now displays CLOB and XMLTYPE in accordance with the SET LONG setting Replace All in Find dialog now also includes the current selection Code Assistant could not resolve local variable names in a Test Script or Trigger Code Assistant could not resolve variables of a type in another schema Command Window and SQL Window will no longer silently retry after "ORA-04068, Existing state of packages has been discarded" Using a variable in an exception handler could cause incorrect "Unused variable value" hint Double-clicking on a package in the Object Browser could display 2 Program Windows if the package body was wrapped Pasting data in result grid did not update NULL indicator color Added sound to Warning and Error messages Data Generator could give a "list index out of bounds" for Files() function with only one file Logon History did not always display all grouped items Fixed link to Direct Oracle Access (5 variables limit) Copy comma separated from browser would not work for closed folders Suppressed dialogs (Don't show this message again) still gave a sound Duplicate reports (same path and file) in reports menu prevented Program Window could split source on a slash in the middle of a line Dropping an object in the SQL Window would not update the Object Browser Replace All was not restricted to the selected scope Preference "Wrap to start / end of file when text is not found" did not work Using +variable or -variable could cause incorrect "Unused variable" hints Command Window now issues a warning when a connection is re-established Refreshing the Session Window with a disconnected PL/SQL Developer session would cause errors SQL Window always auto-sizes columns unless you have explicitly resized a column Recent files list is now passed to a second PL/SQL Developer instance 特别版已经上载到Itpub的2号FTP中-/incoming/目录中,用户名和密码可以从Itpub论坛的授权用户区得到。
