sicp习题试解 (2.12)

类别:编程语言 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:

; ======================================================================
; Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
; (trial answer to excercises)
; 计算机程序的构造和解释(习题试解)
; created: code17 05/30/05
; modified:
; (保持内容完整不变前提下,可以任意转载)
; ======================================================================

;; SICP No.2.12

;; 唯一的注意事项是符号,
;; 比如当c小于0时,make-center-percent定义中make-interval中两个操作数的先后
;; 以及如何保证percent函数的输出始终是正的。
(define (make-center-percent c p)
(if (or (< p 0) (> p 1))
(error "Percentage x should satisfy 0 <= x <= 1")
(let ((a (* c (+ 1.0 p)))
(b (* c (- 1.0 p))))
(make-interval (min a b) (max a b)))))

(define (center i)
(/ (+ (lower-bound i) (upper-bound i)) 2.0))

(define (percent i)
(let ((l (lower-bound i))
(u (upper-bound i)))
(/ (- u l) (abs (+ u l)))))

;; Test-it:
;; Welcome to MzScheme version 209, Copyright (c) 2004 PLT Scheme, Inc.
;; ;; .............
;; > (make-center-percent -20.0 0.1)
;; (-22.0 . -18.0)
;; > (define v (make-center-percent -20.0 0.1))
;; > (center v)
;; -20.0
;; > (percent v)
;; 0.1
