C/C++资源, LFC--跨平台类库

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LFC is a general C++ class library/framework, trying to provide OO abstractions for:

common data structures (STL extensions) common algorithms (STL extensions) OS services (files, inet sockets, threads, ...) GUI support database access common programming patterns (MVC, ...) callbacks/signals, RTTI, persistence data streams/filters multimedia (including games development support, 3d graphics) net protocols: http,ftp, ... regular expressions / parsing

LFC is developed under LGPL, guided by the fallowing principles/goals:

simple to use/extend fully documented cross platform (Win32, Linux, FreeBSD, ...) fully use standard C++: classes, templates, exceptions, ...

For a list of some ideas for future development read notes/ideas from source tree. You are welcome to add your suggestions for features on the feature request page.

Current features:

compiles/work under: Win9x, WinNT, Win2K, Linux, FreeBSD available modules: callbacks/signals RTTI extensions polymorphic persistence ref-counted smart pointers streams: console, file, mem, sockets / text format, bin format threads: threads, mutex, semaphore, guards, ... date/time serial communications support

Please report bugs, and contact us if you have suggestions/ideas! LFC is under LGPL and if you want to contribute you are welcome!

Thank you,
LFC development team.
