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//功能说明: 使你的窗口具有子窗口对齐能力。
//   2,调用SetItemAlignable函数,传入一个子窗口句柄及对齐方式(对齐方式可用按位或运算符多选)。
//    如果父窗口句柄及相应子窗口的句柄无效,或子窗口句柄并非父窗口的子窗口,函数调用将失败。
//    (对于基于对话框的程序,在OnInitDialog函数中调用。)    
//   3,当你的窗口的子控件需要对齐的时候,调用Align函数。(通常在父窗口的WM_SIZE消息
//    处理函数中调用。
//    语言SDK编程就要将vector用数组代替...
//                            2005-2-28. writer by txf.
//                            如果你有更好的改进,记得通知我:[email protected]   
#include "windows.h"
#include <vector>   
using std::vector;
enum AlignType{
 leftalign = 1,
 topalign = 2,
 rightalign = 4,
 bottomalign = 8
class CAlignability
 BOOL SetParentHwnd(HWND hwndParent);
 HWND GetParentHwnd() const;
 void Align(); //进行对齐。
 struct AlignCfg{
  AlignCfg(HWND hwndChild, AlignType eType, RECT oriEDs)
    :m_hwndChild(hwndChild), m_oriEDs(oriEDs), m_eType(eType){}
  HWND  m_hwndChild;//子窗口的句柄.
  AlignType m_eType; //对齐方式.
  RECT  m_oriEDs; //子控件初始时(通常为设计时)到父窗口的四边的边距.
 CAlignability(HWND hwndParent);
 virtual ~CAlignability();
 BOOL SetItemAlignable(UINT nSubWndId, AlignType aligntype);
 BOOL SetItemAlignable(HWND hwndChild, AlignType aligntype);
 HWND    m_hwndParent;
 vector<AlignCfg> m_alignset;


// Alignable.cpp: implementation of the CAlignable class.
#include "Alignability.h"
#include <assert.h>

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW

// Construction/Destruction

CAlignability::CAlignability(HWND hwndParent)


BOOL CAlignability::SetItemAlignable(UINT nSubWndId, AlignType aligntype)
 HWND  hwndChild(GetDlgItem(m_hwndParent, nSubWndId));
 return SetItemAlignable(hwndChild, aligntype);
BOOL CAlignability::SetItemAlignable(HWND hwndChild, AlignType aligntype)
 if(! ::IsWindow(m_hwndParent))
  assert(0);//Parent window is Invalid.
  return FALSE;
 RECT subWndRect, parentWndRect;
 ::GetClientRect(m_hwndParent, &parentWndRect);
  ::GetWindowRect(hwndChild, &subWndRect);
  POINT pt;
  pt.x = subWndRect.left; pt.y = subWndRect.top;
  ::ScreenToClient(m_hwndParent, &pt);
  subWndRect.left = pt.x, subWndRect.top = pt.y;
  pt.x = subWndRect.right; pt.y = subWndRect.bottom;
  ::ScreenToClient(m_hwndParent, &pt);
  subWndRect.right = pt.x, subWndRect.bottom = pt.y;
  RECT oriEDs;
  oriEDs.left = subWndRect.left - parentWndRect.left;
  oriEDs.right = parentWndRect.right - subWndRect.right;
  oriEDs.top = subWndRect.top - parentWndRect.top;
  oriEDs.bottom = parentWndRect.bottom - subWndRect.bottom;
  m_alignset.push_back(AlignCfg(hwndChild, aligntype, oriEDs));
  return true;
 return FALSE;
void CAlignability::Align()
 if(! ::IsWindow(m_hwndParent))
  assert(0);//Can't AAlign: Parent window is Invalid.
 RECT rect;
 ::GetClientRect(m_hwndParent, &rect);
 const int cxParent = rect.right - rect.left;
 const int cyParent = rect.bottom - rect.top;
 HWND  hwndChild = 0;
 for(long i=0, n=m_alignset.size(); i < n; ++i)
  hwndChild = m_alignset[i].m_hwndChild;
  if(::IsWindow(hwndChild) && ::IsChild(m_hwndParent, hwndChild))
   ::GetWindowRect(hwndChild, &rect);
   POINT pt;
   pt.x = rect.left; pt.y = rect.top;
   ::ScreenToClient(m_hwndParent, &pt);
   rect.left = pt.x, rect.top = pt.y;
   pt.x = rect.right; pt.y = rect.bottom;
   ::ScreenToClient(m_hwndParent, &pt);
   rect.right = pt.x, rect.bottom = pt.y;

   const int oriWidth = rect.right - rect.left;
   const int oriHeight= rect.bottom - rect.top;
   if(m_alignset[i].m_eType & leftalign)
    rect.left = m_alignset[i].m_oriEDs.left;
    if(!(m_alignset[i].m_eType & rightalign))
     rect.right = rect.left + oriWidth; //保持宽度不变.
   if(m_alignset[i].m_eType & topalign)
    rect.top = m_alignset[i].m_oriEDs.top;
    if(!(m_alignset[i].m_eType & bottomalign))
     rect.bottom = rect.top + oriHeight; //保持高度不变.
   if(m_alignset[i].m_eType & rightalign)
    rect.right = cxParent - m_alignset[i].m_oriEDs.right;
    if(!(m_alignset[i].m_eType & leftalign))
     rect.left = rect.right - oriWidth; //保持宽度不变.
   if(m_alignset[i].m_eType & bottomalign)
    rect.bottom = cyParent - m_alignset[i].m_oriEDs.bottom;
    if(!(m_alignset[i].m_eType & topalign))
     rect.top = rect.bottom - oriHeight; //保持高度不变.
   ::MoveWindow(hwndChild, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, TRUE); 
   assert(0); //SetAlign to a item failed.


HWND CAlignability::GetParentHwnd() const
 return m_hwndParent;

BOOL CAlignability::SetParentHwnd(HWND hwndParent)
  m_hwndParent == hwndParent;
  return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
