
类别:编程语言 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:

// MySocket.cpp: implementation of the CMySocket class.
// ------------------------------------
// *   程 序 名:MySocket.h
// *   包    名:网络套接字封装类
// *   功    能:封装网络地址
// *   依赖组件:头文件MySocket.h中的两个类
// *   作    者:fusx
// *   开发日期:2003/06/11
// *   修改日期:2004/06/06
// *   项目名称:
// *   版    权:
// ------------------------------------

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MySocket.h"
#include <crtdbg.h>
#include <assert.h>

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW

// Construction/Destruction


 assert(m_hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET);

void CMySocket::operator =(SOCKET sck)
 assert(m_hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET);
 m_hSocket = sck;
bool CMySocket::Create(int nType)
 assert(m_hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET);

 WSADATA wsaData;
 if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData))
  m_nErrCode = WSAGetLastError();
  return false;
 if((m_hSocket = socket(AF_INET, nType, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET)
  m_nErrCode = WSAGetLastError();
  return false;
 return true;

bool CMySocket::Bind(LPCSOCKADDR psa)
 assert(m_hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET);

 if(bind(m_hSocket, psa, sizeof(SOCKADDR)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
  m_nErrCode = WSAGetLastError();
  return false;
 return true;
bool CMySocket::Listen()
 assert(m_hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET);

 if(listen(m_hSocket, 5) == SOCKET_ERROR)
  m_nErrCode = WSAGetLastError();
  return false;
 return true;

bool CMySocket::Connect(LPCSOCKADDR psa)
 assert(m_hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET);

 // should timeout by itself
 if(connect(m_hSocket, psa, sizeof(SOCKADDR)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
  m_nErrCode = WSAGetLastError();
  return false;
 return true;

bool CMySocket::Accept(CMySocket& sConnect, LPSOCKADDR psa,int nSecs)
 assert(m_hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET);
 assert(sConnect.m_hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET);
 if (nSecs !=0)
  FD_SET fd = {1, m_hSocket};
  TIMEVAL tv = {nSecs, 0};
  if (select(0, &fd, NULL, NULL, &tv) == 0)
   m_nErrCode = WSAETIMEDOUT;
   return false;

 int nLengthAddr = sizeof(SOCKADDR);
 sConnect.m_hSocket = accept(m_hSocket, psa, &nLengthAddr);
 if(sConnect == INVALID_SOCKET)
  m_nErrCode = WSAGetLastError();
  return false;  
 return true;

bool CMySocket::Send(const char* pch, const int nSize, int& nBytesSent,int nSecs)
 assert(m_hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET);

 FD_SET fd = {1, m_hSocket};
 TIMEVAL tv = {nSecs, 0};
 if (select(0, NULL, &fd, NULL, &tv) == 0)
  m_nErrCode = WSAETIMEDOUT;
  return false;
 if((nBytesSent = send(m_hSocket, pch, nSize, 0)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
  m_nErrCode = WSAGetLastError();
  return false;  
 return true;

bool CMySocket::Write(const char* pch, const int nSize, int nSecs)
 assert(m_hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET);

 FD_SET fd = {1, m_hSocket};
 TIMEVAL tv = {nSecs, 0};
 if ( select(0, NULL, &fd, NULL, &tv) == 0)
  m_nErrCode = WSAETIMEDOUT;
  return false;

 int nBytesSent = 0;
 int nBytesThisTime;
 const char* pch1 = pch;
  nBytesThisTime = send(m_hSocket, pch, nSize, 0);
  if ( nBytesThisTime == SOCKET_ERROR )
   m_nErrCode = WSAGetLastError();
   return false;
  nBytesSent += nBytesThisTime;
  pch1 += nBytesThisTime;
 } while(nBytesSent < nSize);
 return true;

bool CMySocket::Receive(char* pch, const int nSize, int& nBytesReceived, int nSecs)
 assert(m_hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET);

 FD_SET fd = {1, m_hSocket};
 TIMEVAL tv = {nSecs, 0};
 if ( select(0, &fd, NULL, NULL, &tv) == 0)
  m_nErrCode = WSAETIMEDOUT;
  return false;
 nBytesReceived = recv(m_hSocket, pch, nSize, 0);
 if(nBytesReceived == SOCKET_ERROR)
  m_nErrCode = WSAGetLastError();
  return false;
 return true;
bool CMySocket::Read(char* pch, const int nSize,int nBytesRead,int nSecs)
 assert( m_hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET);

 FD_SET fd = {1,m_hSocket};
 int nTimeout,nLeft=nBytesRead;
 char *pTemp = pch;
  if ( (nSecs==0) && (nMillSecs==0) )
   nTimeout = select(0, &fd, NULL, NULL, NULL);
   TIMEVAL tv = {nSecs,nMillSecs};
   nTimeout = select(0, &fd, NULL, NULL, &tv);
  if (nTimeout == 0)
   nErrCode = WSAGetLastError();
   return false;
  int nBytesReceived = recv(m_hSocket, pTemp, nLeft, 0);
  if(nBytesReceived == SOCKET_ERROR)
   nErrCode = WSAGetLastError();
   return false;
  pTemp += nBytesReceived;
  nLeft -= nBytesReceived;
 } while(nLeft<=0);
 return true;
bool CMySocket::ReceiveDatagram( LPSOCKADDR psa,char* pch, const int nSize, int& nBytesReceived,int nSecs)
 assert(m_hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET);

 FD_SET fd = {1, m_hSocket};
 TIMEVAL tv = {nSecs, 0};
 if ( select(0, NULL, &fd, NULL, &tv) == 0)
  m_nErrCode = WSAETIMEDOUT;
  return false;
 int nFromSize = sizeof(SOCKADDR);
 nBytesReceived = recvfrom(m_hSocket,pch,nSize,0,psa,&nFromSize);
 if(nBytesReceived == SOCKET_ERROR)
  m_nErrCode = WSAGetLastError();
  return false;
 return true;

bool CMySocket::SendDatagram(LPCSOCKADDR psa, const char* pch, const int nSize,  int& nBytesSent, int nSecs)
 assert(m_hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET);
 FD_SET fd = {1, m_hSocket};
 TIMEVAL tv = {nSecs, 0};
 if ( select(0, NULL, &fd, NULL, &tv) == 0)
  m_nErrCode = WSAETIMEDOUT;
  return false;
 nBytesSent = sendto(m_hSocket, pch, nSize, 0, psa, sizeof(SOCKADDR));
 if(nBytesSent == SOCKET_ERROR)
  m_nErrCode = WSAGetLastError();
  return false;
 return true;

bool CMySocket::GetPeerAddr(LPSOCKADDR psa)
 assert(m_hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET);
 int nLengthAddr = sizeof(SOCKADDR);
 if(getpeername(m_hSocket, psa, &nLengthAddr) == SOCKET_ERROR)
  return false;

 return true;

bool CMySocket::GetSockAddr(LPSOCKADDR psa)
 assert(m_hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET);
 int nLengthAddr = sizeof(SOCKADDR);
 if(getsockname(m_hSocket,psa,&nLengthAddr) == SOCKET_ERROR)
  return false;

 return true;

//static function
CSockAddr CMySocket::GetHostByName(const char* pchName,const USHORT ushPort/*=0*/)
 SOCKADDR_IN sockTemp;
 sockTemp.sin_family = AF_INET;
 sockTemp.sin_port = htons(ushPort);
 sockTemp.sin_addr.s_addr = 0;

 hostent* pHostEnt = gethostbyname(pchName);
 if(pHostEnt != NULL)
  ULONG* pulAddr = (ULONG*) pHostEnt->h_addr_list[0];
  sockTemp.sin_addr.s_addr = *pulAddr; //地址已经是网络字节顺序
 return sockTemp;

//static function
const char* CMySocket::GetHostByAddr(LPCSOCKADDR psa)
 hostent* pHostEnt = gethostbyaddr((char*) &((LPSOCKADDR_IN) psa)
    ->sin_addr.s_addr, 4, PF_INET);
 if(pHostEnt == NULL)
  return NULL;
 return pHostEnt->h_name; // caller shouldn't delete this memory

//static function
bool CMySocket::GetLocalHostInfo(LPTSTR strHostName,LPTSTR strHostIP)
 // Get host name.
 char hostname[256];
 int res = gethostname(hostname,sizeof(hostname));
 if (res != 0)
  return false;

 strcpy(strHostName, hostname);

 // Get host info for hostname.
 hostent* pHostent = gethostbyname(hostname);
 if (pHostent==NULL)
  return false;

 // Parse the hostent information returned
 hostent &he = *pHostent;

 sockaddr_in sa;
 memcpy( &sa.sin_addr.s_addr, he.h_addr_list[0],he.h_length );

 //for (int nAdapter=0; he.h_addr_list[nAdapter]; nAdapter++)
 // memcpy ( &sa.sin_addr.s_addr, he.h_addr_list[nAdapter],he.h_length);
 //     // Output the machines IP Address.
 //    // TRACE("Address: %s\n", inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr)); // display as string

 return true;

bool CMySocket::Close()
 if (INVALID_SOCKET == m_hSocket)
  return true;

 if(closesocket(m_hSocket) == SOCKET_ERROR)
  m_nErrCode = WSAGetLastError();
  return false;
 m_hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;
 return true;

// 连接服务器
bool CMySocket::Connect(LPCTSTR strIP, int nPort)
 assert(m_hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET);
 // should timeout by itself
 CSockAddr  sa(strIP,nPort);
 if(connect(m_hSocket, sa, sizeof(SOCKADDR)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
  m_nErrCode = WSAGetLastError();
  return false;
 return true;

bool CMySocket::Bind(LPCTSTR strIP, int nPort)
 assert(m_hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET);

 CSockAddr sa(strIP,nPort);
 if(bind(m_hSocket, sa, sizeof(SOCKADDR)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
  m_nErrCode = WSAGetLastError();
  return false;
 return true;

bool CMySocket::GetErrorMessage(const int nErrCode, char *pErrMsg, int nMaxLen)
 assert(pErrMsg != NULL);
 LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
    NULL, nErrCode,
    (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL );
 if (dwLen == 0)
  pErrMsg[0] = 0;
  return false;
  if ( nMaxLen > (int)dwLen )
   nMaxLen = (int)dwLen;
  pErrMsg[nMaxLen-2] = 0;
  LocalFree( lpMsgBuf );
 return true;

