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一个来自温哥华 (yeah!), 一个来自ebay上。

Marc Canter -- 一个资深IT人/博客组织了 marqui.com 的 Blogosphere Program ("Paying Bloggers to Blog") (http://marqui.com/paybloggers/). 项目是这样: 位于温哥华的Marqui公司开发了一种新的CMS内容管理系统, 他们决定邀请一些市场和企业方面的blogger写关于他们产品的评论, 不管是正面还是负面的, 作为回报, Marquie支付800美元/每月加提成的报酬, 合同最长至3个月. Marc(他曾是Macromedia的co-founder)关于这个项目产生的日记 Anyway - so I was sitting there one day in August when they asked "how can we get into the blogosphere."
At that point I had heard that request like a 1,000 times. So I looked around the room and said "what the hell, let me give it a shot".
What was the most outrageous idea I could throw at them?
"Pay Bloggers to Blog"
and they went for it!目前他们已经有16位博客加入. 其中一位博客Allen Herrel在 Blogging for Marqui这样纪录: Yes I am taking money for talking about a product. Here is the deal. I test the product, post my impressions, and they give me money. Money for stuff. It is not any more complicated than that. It is my blog and my writing will be just as direct as it is here.
这个破天荒的项目当然受到了媒体的热烈关注 (http://www.marqui.com/Newsroom/event12020445995537.aspx) ,也引起来激烈的反对, 指责marqui 和参与的博客们"污染了博客圈", "真正的博客是不能被收买的", 看看这个博客的遭遇 Watch this space (the Globe and Mail reporter )He got right to the question of whether I was "tainting the blogosphere." I responded that there was plenty of taint on the blogosphere already with people grinding their political and personal axes. 第二个案例是在ebay上 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5142129647 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5143179122 博客 Jeremy Wright 和 Darren Bareboot登出广告拍卖自己的bloging服务, 为期三个月,每周至少5篇关于公司产品和服务的日记, 还帮助设立博客网站, 并提供博客圈动向的咨询. 拍卖得到了不少回应, Jeremy's 拍得 $3,350美元. 拍卖的成功促使他们设立了第一家博客咨询公司 InsideBlogging,并且已经有了6个潜在客户! What is InsideBlogging?A blogging consulting venture. I’ve had so much business come in through the eBay auction that I can’t handle it alone, which is why Darren and I are teaming up. We have about 6 potential clients right now (as well as the secured one from eBay) literally ranging from a 1 man project up to 3 of the largest companies in the world (two are Fortune 500 companies).这两个项目一个从产品服务方发起,一个从博客方发起, 都达成了双方的商业合作. blog的商业化, 不管是天使还是猛兽, 已经随着先锋(也许是疯子?)破门而入.
