UML工具推荐 Poseidon版本 可以免费下载,自动生成代码 C++ Java C# VB.NET等 (来自德国汉堡的国际性建模软

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Gentleware推出Poseidon for UML 2.3版本
Gentleware推出Poseidon for UML 2.3版本  

总部位于汉堡的国际性建模软件开发商Gentleware AG今天向市场推出了Poseidon for UML的最新版本。和先前版本不同之处在于,新版本中包含了对UML2.0标准元素诸如接口(ports)、连接器(connector)以及新的图形的增强支持,Poseidon for UML是第一个允许地理分布的开发成员可以同时操作同一模型并可以看到同事的实时修改的UML CASE工具。该软件现在已经可以www.gentleware.com得到。

在三月份的CeBIT展会上,Gentleware推出了企业版,并展现了对Poseidon的团队功能的巨大兴趣,接下来的重大举措就是在UML2.0的图形支持以及对新的UML2.0元素诸如接口和连接器等的支持,这些举措都使得Poseidon相对于其它UML CASE工具的不同之处更加突出。

Gentleware AG 总裁Marko Boger博士认为,“通过2.3版本,我们再次证明了:和大多数其它开发商所不同,Gentleware已经符合了即将到来的UML2.0标准。我们将坚定不移地沿此路前进,今年下半年,你们将看到Poseidon已经100%地基于了UML2.0的元模型仓库。”

Poseidon for UML目前有共享版(免费),标准版本(199欧元),专业版(699欧元),企业版(1249欧元另加服务器费用),以及嵌入式版本(1249欧元),可以www.gentleware.com得到。


(自 yahoo,UMLChina袁峰 摘译,不得转载用于商业用途)

Figure 4-2. Navigation pane in the Stattauto model.

The model Stattauto contains many packages (e.g. Analysis, Business Process Model, and Design) as well as a large number of diagrams ( Overview, Implementation: Overview, ...).

Select the class diagram Container Class Analysis-Packages by clicking on it in the Navigation pane. The selected diagram will then be displayed in the Diagram pane, which is located to the right of the Navigation Pane. The 'Container Class Analysis-Packages' diagram (Figure 6–3) visualizes the dependencies between the included packages: Account, Member, Reservation, Vehicle, User, and Rates.

Figure 4-3. Class diagram 'Container Class Analysis-Packages'

Inside the packages you can find further diagrams, but to quickly browse through the existing diagrams you need not navigate through the packages themselves. You can find diagrams directly (and much more quickly) using the diagram tree.

Changing the Navigation View

Let's now take a quick look at the diagram tree, which can be seen in the Diagram Centric view. At the top of the Navigation pane, there is a drop-down selection box. Select the Diagram Centric view.

Figure 4-4. Change a view in the Navigation pane

Now your Navigation pane should look like this:

This view sorts the model elements according to the diagrams in which they are included. Of course, this view includes only includes those model elements that are included in at least one diagram. The organization of this view has the advantage of quick navigation to any diagram or to the elements they contain. It logically follows that sometimes the Diagram Centric view and at other times the Package Centric view is more useful. Take a few moments now to look at the other available views.

Source Code Tab

Available for different elements, based upon the target language selected

Shows the code generated by Poseidon

Figure 6-8. Source code tab for a class
