连接池 for php ---- sqlrelay

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SQL Relay is a persistent database connection pooling, proxying and load balancing system for Unix and Linux.

SQL Relay is ideal for:

speeding up database-driven web-based applications enhancing the scalability of database-driven web-based applications distributing access to replicated databases throttling database access accessing databases from unsupported platforms migrating applications from one database to another

SQL Relay supports the following database backends:

Oracle MySQL mSQL PostgreSQL Sybase MS SQL Server IBM DB2 Interbase Sybase SQLite Lago ODBC

The SQL Relay client API's support advanced database operations such as bind variables, multi-row fetches, client side result set caching and suspended transactions. SQL Relay is has native client API's for the following languages:

C C++ Perl Python PHP Ruby Java TCL Zope

SQL Relay provides drivers for the following database abstraction layers:

Perl DBD Python DB Ruby DBD PHP Pear DB

An application coded using another database's native client API may be able to use SQL Relay without modification. SQL Relay provides drop-in replacement libraries for:

MySQL PostgreSQL

SQL Relay also features:

command line clients a GUI configuration tool extensive documentation
