Plain Binary (Flat-Form Binary) File

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                                        Plain Binary (Flat-Form Binary) File
                                                                            (C) 2004-11-1 Gr1x . All rights reserved.   
So what does plain binary mean?
----------------------------------------Quoted from Nasm Documentation--------------------------------
6.1 bin: Flat-Form Binary Output
The bin format does not produce object files: it generates nothing in the output file except the code you wrote. Such `pure binary' files are used by MS-DOS: .COM executables and .SYS device drivers are pure binary files. Pure binary output is also useful for operating system and boot loader development.
OK, if we wanna to generate a plain binary file , we can do the following:
With nasm,as if you don't -f option , it'll chose bin as its default output format!
    nasm hello.asm -o hello.bin
With gcc , you can
    gcc -c hello.c
    ld -o hello -Ttext 0x0 -e main hello.o
    objcopy -R .note -R .comment -S -O binary hello hello.bin
I think Plain Binary=Flat-Form Binary=Raw Binary, but not 100% sure about this : )
If you notice any mistakes or omissions, please let me know!
