Apache Module: CustomLog

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Apache Module mod_log_config
Available Languages:  en  |  ja  |  ko  //now chinese

Description: Logging of the requests made to the server
Status: Base
Module Identifier: log_config_module
Source File: mod_log_config.c

This module provides for flexible logging of client requests. Logs are written in a customizable format, and may be written
directly to a file, or to an external program. Conditional logging is provided so that individual requests may be included or
excluded from the logs based on characteristics of the request.

Three directives are provided by this module: TransferLog to create a log file, LogFormat to set a custom format, and
CustomLog to define a log file and format in one step. The TransferLog and CustomLog directives can be used multiple
times in each server to cause each request to be logged to multiple files.

...Hold it. 翻译到这里,才知道是对我没用的东西。你有兴趣的话自己去看吧。
