SAS9新体验-在DATA STEP中使用对象

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SAS9新体验-关于DATA STEP的使用

不说那么多了,呵,真高兴,今天装上SAS 9.1.2了
?%let n=1000;
?data _null_;
?set 要遍历的数据集;
?arrary arr1{&n};
?if _n_=1 then do;
?呵呵,不过现在可好了,SAS终于提供了一种终极解决方案,就是提供了2个可以在DATA STEP中使用的对象,分别为
?Hash object
、Hash Iterator Object
/* Richard A. DeVenezia
?* Feb 11, 2003
?* Show the values of the data items of a DATA Step hash object in the log

%macro putHash (hash, vars);

? %*
? %* hash - variable that references a hash object
? %* vars - space separated list of variables linked to the data items of hash
? %*??????? separate with pound sign (#) to get varname=varvalue format
? %*;

? %* generate a random variable name;
? %local random hi rc;
? %let random = %substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0),10.8),3);
? %let hi = hi_&random;
? %let rc = rc_&random;

? %* emit DATA Step code that iterates the hash and
? %* puts the data items values in the log;

? declare hiter &hi ("&hash");
? do &rc = &hi..first() by 0 while (&rc = 0);
??? put %sysfunc(translate(&vars,=,#));
??? &rc = &;
? end;
? &hi..delete();
? put;

? %put WARNING: Values of variables &vars will change;


data _null_;
? * prep the PDV, this lazy way is not always recommended;
? if 0 then set sashelp.class(obs=0);

? declare hash H (dataset:'sashelp.class');
? H.defineKey ('Name');
? H.defineData('Name', 'Age', 'Weight', 'Sex');
? H.defineDone();

? %putHash (H,name#age#weight#sex#);
? %putHash (H,name age weight sex);

? stop;
