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安装程序安装出错解决方法之葵花宝典, 解决您安装的问题


适用于InstallShield 6.x 制作的安装程序


1、在NT平台下(包括Win NT,Win 2000,Win XP),请使用管理员身份登陆后运行安装程序,请确认身份,否则不能进行安装;

2、如果您刚运行完一个安装程序,请稍等几秒再启动下一个安装程序,因为安装程序表面上已经完毕,实际上程序还在进行后期清理,内存中还有 Ikernel.exe(安装程序引擎)驻留,所以如果您此时启动另一个安装程序,将出现错误。

3、如果您安装的过程中出现错误,请使用任务管理器察看是否有 Ikernel.exe 这个进程存在,如果存在而且此时您确认没有安装程序在运行,您可以结束这个进程后再进行安装。

4、清理干净系统和您系统账户下的 Temp 目录。例如:您系统安装在C盘,windows目录是 winnt ,那么您的系统 Temp 目录是:c:\winnt\temp ,如果您是以“陆国暾”的账户登陆的,您的个人 Temp 目录是:C:\Documents and Settings\陆国暾\Local Settings\Temp

5、删除目录: Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield 以后再进行安装

6、删除目录: Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Engine 以后再进行安装

7、请重新安装IE 5.X 或者 6.0,如果您是NT平台,请重新安装微软的Service Pack。


9、可能潜在引起问题的文件:Stdole32.tlb, stdole2.tlb, or Stdole.tlb ,这3个文件的丢失可能导致安装失败,这3个文件是系统核心文件,如果缺失,请从其它相同操作系统的机器上拷贝到本机的相应目录下。


11、确认您使用的是最新的InstallShield引擎,这条是针对安装程序制作员,请使用 InstallShield最新版本,并保持更新,使您制作出来的安装程序包含的引擎是最新的。

c、输入 DCOMCNFG ,然后确定;


请使用 regedt32.exe 来改变账户等级,请改变成以下等级:

Administrator (on the local machine)
Created Owner

14、请使用 regedit32.exe 检查HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion下的CommonFilesDir键值后面没有空格或者使用了Tab。比如“C:\Program Files\Common Files”是正确的,但是“C:\Program Files\Common Files ”或者“C:\Program Files\Common Files ”是错误的,请删除掉空格。

增加一点:如果用户安装过ACDSee 5.0试用版,将会造成和安装程序冲突,建议卸载ACDSee 5.0试用版再安装。


Professional 6.x Users

Insufficient permissions on the machine. If you are using a Windows NT or a Windows 2000 machine, you need to have administrative permission to run an InstallShield Professional 6.x setup. Make sure you have the correct permissions.

If you just ran an InstallShield setup, the engine takes a few seconds at the end of the installation to clean up. During this time Ikernel.exe (the engine file) is running in memory from a previous process; that is why you are not allowed to launch another setup. Waiting a few seconds and running the setup again should resolve this.

Check and make sure Ikernel.exe is not in memory. If it is, and no setup is running at the time, end that task.

Clean out the Temp directory.

Delete the Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield folder and then rerun the setup.

Delete the Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Engine folder and then rerun the setup.

Reinstalling Internet Explorer (IE) 5.x can also repair a number of corrupted/missing core Windows files from your machine, so reinstalling IE 5.x and the NT service pack is also suggested.

You may not have sufficient COM permissions. For information on how to troubleshoot this, see Knowledge Base article Q104986, INFO: Initialization Error Troubleshooting.

A potential cause is missing Stdole32.tlb, stdole2.tlb, or Stdole.tlb files. These are core Windows files and should exist on your machine. Make sure that if you get these files from another machine, the machine is running the same operating system as the target machine.

If you are trying to install to a Windows 98 machine, download and run DCom98.exe from the following site: http://www.microsoft.com/com/dcom/dcom98/download.asp.

Make sure that you are using the latest version of the InstallShield engine. To install the latest engine, see Knowledge Base article Q105097, INFO: Install the Latest Version of Ikernel.exe.

The Default Impersonation Level must be set to Identify. Verify that the DCOM Configuration Properties Defaults Impersonation Level is set correctly. Users that have their Default Impersonation Level set to Anonymous experience this error message. To change the impersonation level, please follow the steps below:
Click on the Start button
Select Run
Enter DCOMCNFG then click OK
Select NO for any Warning screens that are presented
The "Distributed COM Configuration Properties" screen is displayed
Select the "Default Properties" tab
The "Defaults Impersonation Level" field must be set to "Identify"
Select Apply then OK

The said symptom occurs if the user does not have access privileges for the following registry keys:

Use regedt32.exe* to alter the security settings. Give Full Control to following user types:

Administrator (on the local machine)
Created Owner

Using Regedit.exe* check the value of CommonFilesDir registry entry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, to ensure that there are no trailing spaces or tab characters in the text of that value.
* Warning: These instructions involve modifying the Windows Registry. Modifications to the Windows registry, if not done correctly, can cause serious problems to a Windows system. Please consider exporting any keys you modify to a .reg file as a backup.
