DirectShow 学习(四):部分Helper Classes类源代码分析

类别:软件工程 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:
CRefTime类维护了REFERENCE_TIME m_time;的成员变量。单位为100ns
const LONGLONG MILLISECONDS = (1000);            // 10 ^ 3
const LONGLONG NANOSECONDS = (1000000000);       // 10 ^ 9
const LONGLONG UNITS = (NANOSECONDS / 100);      // 10 ^ 7
    Int32x32To64((lMs), (UNITS / MILLISECONDS))
inline LONGLONG WINAPI ConvertToMilliseconds(const REFERENCE_TIME& RT)
{return (RT / (UNITS / MILLISECONDS));} IBaseReferenceClock接口
IReferenceClock : public IUnknown
    // Retrieves the current reference time.
        /* [out] */ REFERENCE_TIME *pTime) = 0;
    // Creates a one-shot advise request.
        /* [in] */ REFERENCE_TIME baseTime,
        /* [in] */ REFERENCE_TIME streamTime,
        /* [in] */ HEVENT hEvent,
        /* [out] */ DWORD_PTR *pdwAdviseCookie) = 0;
   // Creates a periodic advise request.
   virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AdvisePeriodic(
        /* [in] */ REFERENCE_TIME startTime,
        /* [in] */ REFERENCE_TIME periodTime,
        /* [in] */ HSEMAPHORE hSemaphore,
        /* [out] */ DWORD_PTR *pdwAdviseCookie) = 0;
   // Removes a pending advise request.
        /* [in] */ DWORD_PTR dwAdviseCookie) = 0;
}; CCritSecCAutoLock[wxutil.h/wxutil.cpp]
CCritSec封装了CRITICAL_SECTION m_CritSec;成员变量,通过函数Lock()和Unlock对该变量进行EnterCriticalSectionLeaveCriticalSection,同时,Constructor和Deconstructor分别调用了InitializeCriticalSectionDeleteCriticalSection函数。
派生自 CBaseObject
其实此类就是一个List,Node是类型CAdvisePacket。具体解析略。 CBaseReferenceClock[refclock.h/refclock.cpp]
继承了IReferenceClock接口,同时派生自CUnknown、CCritSec。 成员变量:
REFERENCE_TIME m_rtPrivateTime;     // Current best estimate of time
DWORD          m_dwPrevSystemTime;  // Last vaule we got from timeGetTime
REFERENCE_TIME m_rtLastGotTime;     // Last time returned by GetTime
REFERENCE_TIME m_rtNextAdvise;      // Time of next advise
UINT           m_TimerResolution;
BOOL           m_bAbort;            // Flag used for thread shutdown
HANDLE         m_hThread;           // Thread handle
CAMSchedule * const m_pSchedule; // 任务列表
// 一个Static函数
static DWORD __stdcall AdviseThreadFunction(LPVOID); // Function used to get there IReferenceClock接口函数:
        // 首先调用Lock(),然后rtNow = GetPrivateTime();
        // 判断(rtNow > m_rtLastGotTime),是则m_rtLastGotTime = rtNow;否则设置返回值为S_FALSE
        // 设置返回值 *pTime = m_rtLastGotTime;
/* Ask for an async notification that a time has elapsed */
    REFERENCE_TIME baseTime,        // base reference time
    REFERENCE_TIME streamTime,      // stream offset time
    HEVENT hEvent,                  // advise via this event
    DWORD_PTR *pdwAdviseCookie          // where your cookie goes
          // 首先初始化输出变量 *pdwAdviseCookie = 0;
          // 判断 ASSERT(WAIT_TIMEOUT == WaitForSingleObject(HANDLE(hEvent),0));
          // 得到当前绝对时间 const REFERENCE_TIME lRefTime = baseTime + streamTime;
          // *pdwAdviseCookie = m_pSchedule->AddAdvisePacket( lRefTime, 0, HANDLE(hEvent), FALSE );
/* Ask for an asynchronous periodic notification that a time has elapsed */
STDMETHODIMP AdvisePeriodic(
    REFERENCE_TIME StartTime,       // starting at this time
    REFERENCE_TIME PeriodTime,      // time between notifications
    HSEMAPHORE hSemaphore,          // advise via a semaphore
    DWORD_PTR *pdwAdviseCookie          // where your cookie goes
        // 同样,首先初始化输出变量
        // *pdwAdviseCookie = m_pSchedule->AddAdvisePacket( StartTime, PeriodTime, HANDLE(hSemaphore), TRUE );
STDMETHODIMP Unadvise(DWORD_PTR dwAdviseCookie);
        return m_pSchedule->Unadvise(dwAdviseCookie);
} 新增加的virtual函数:
virtual REFERENCE_TIME GetPrivateTime();
        CAutoLock cObjectLock(this);
        DWORD dwTime = timeGetTime();
        m_rtPrivateTime += Int32x32To64(UNITS / MILLISECONDS, (DWORD)(dwTime - m_dwPrevSystemTime));
         m_dwPrevSystemTime = dwTime;
         return m_rtPrivateTime;
} 普通成员函数:
/* Provide a method for correcting drift */
STDMETHODIMP SetTimeDelta( const REFERENCE_TIME& TimeDelta );
          CAutoLock cObjectLock(this);
          m_rtPrivateTime += TimeDelta;
          if ( TimeDelta > 5000 && m_pSchedule->GetAdviseCount() > 0 ) TriggerThread();
          return NOERROR;
CAMSchedule * GetSchedule() const { return m_pSchedule; }
void TriggerThread()                 // Wakes thread up.  Need to do this if
{      // time to next advise needs reevaluating.
DWORD __stdcall AdviseThreadFunction(LPVOID p)
           return DWORD(reinterpret_cast<CBaseReferenceClock*>(p)->AdviseThread());
// Method in which the advise thread runs
HRESULT AdviseThread()
        DWORD dwWait = INFINITE;
        while ( !m_bAbort )
                 WaitForSingleObject(m_pSchedule->GetEvent(), dwWait);
                 if (m_bAbort) break;
                 const REFERENCE_TIME  rtNow = GetPrivateTime();
                 m_rtNextAdvise = m_pSchedule->Advise( 10000 + rtNow );
                 LONGLONG llWait = m_rtNextAdvise - rtNow;
                 llWait = ConvertToMilliseconds(llWait);
                // DON'T replace this with a max!! (The type's of these things is VERY important)
                dwWait = (llWait > REFERENCE_TIME(UINT_MAX)) ? UINT_MAX : DWORD(llWait);
} Deconstructor:
         if (m_TimerResolution) timeEndPeriod(m_TimerResolution);
        // 如果m_hThread存在,设置m_bAbort为TRUE后调用TriggerThread(),
        // 然后等Thread结束:WaitForSingleObject( m_hThread, INFINITE );
        // 关闭Thread的handle::EXECUTE_ASSERT( CloseHandle(m_hThread) );
        // m_hThread = 0;
        // 清除任务列表的Event Handle:EXECUTE_ASSERT( CloseHandle(m_pSchedule->GetEvent()) );
} Constructor:
CBaseReferenceClock::CBaseReferenceClock( TCHAR *pName, LPUNKNOWN pUnk, HRESULT *phr, CAMSchedule * pShed )
: CUnknown( pName, pUnk ) , m_rtLastGotTime(0) , m_TimerResolution(0) , m_bAbort( FALSE )
, m_pSchedule( pShed ? pShed : new CAMSchedule(CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL)) ) , m_hThread(0)
         // 判断m_pSchedule是否为空,如果为空则直接返回错误
         TIMECAPS tc;
         m_TimerResolution = (TIMERR_NOERROR == timeGetDevCaps(&tc, sizeof(tc))) ? tc.wPeriodMin: 1;
         /* Initialise our system times - the derived clock should set the right values */
        m_dwPrevSystemTime = timeGetTime();
        m_rtPrivateTime = (UNITS / MILLISECONDS) * m_dwPrevSystemTime;
       if ( !pShed )
            DWORD ThreadID;
           m_hThread = ::CreateThread(NULL,                  // Security attributes
                   (DWORD) 0,             // Initial stack size
                  AdviseThreadFunction,  // Thread start address
                   (LPVOID) this,         // Thread parameter
                   (DWORD) 0,             // Creation flags
                  &ThreadID);            // Thread identifier
           if (m_hThread) SetThreadPriority( m_hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL );
          else 返回错误并清除m_pSchedule
} CAMEvent类[wxutil.h/wxutil.cpp]
类似于CCritSec,CAMEvent封装了HANDLE m_hEvent; Construction:
CAMEvent(BOOL fManualReset = FALSE);
{m_hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, fManualReset, FALSE, NULL);} Deconstructor
~CAMEvent(){if (m_hEvent) EXECUTE_ASSERT(CloseHandle(m_hEvent));} 成员函数很简洁明了
operator HANDLE () const { return m_hEvent; };
void Set() {EXECUTE_ASSERT(SetEvent(m_hEvent));};
BOOL Wait(DWORD dwTimeout = INFINITE) {
       return (WaitForSingleObject(m_hEvent, dwTimeout) == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
void Reset() { ResetEvent(m_hEvent); };
BOOL Check() { return Wait(0); }; CAMThread类[wxutil.h/wxutil.cpp]
CAMThread稍微复杂一点。 成员变量:
CAMEvent m_EventSend;
CAMEvent m_EventComplete;
DWORD m_dwParam;
DWORD m_dwReturnVal;
HANDLE m_hThread;
CCritSec m_AccessLock; // locks access by client threads
CCritSec m_WorkerLock; // locks access to shared objects
其中,m_EventSend默认为TRUE,m_hThread初始化为NULL。 Deconstrutor只调用了Close函数。 新增加的virtual函数:
virtual DWORD ThreadProc() = 0; 成员函数:
// start thread running  - error if already running
BOOL Create();
      CAutoLock lock(&m_AccessLock);
      if (ThreadExists()) {return FALSE;}
      // 创建Thread,返回创建结果
      m_hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, CAMThread::InitialThreadProc, this, 0, &threadid);
// signal the thread, and block for a response
DWORD CallWorker(DWORD);
       CAutoLock lock(&m_AccessLock);
       // 判断ThreadExists函数
       // 设置参数 m_dwParam = dwParam;
       // signal the worker thread: m_EventSend.Set();
       // 等待该Thread结束 m_EventComplete.Wait();
      // 返回结果 return m_dwReturnVal;
// accessor thread calls this when done with thread (having told thread to exit)
void Close() {
    HANDLE hThread = (HANDLE)InterlockedExchangePointer(&m_hThread, 0);
    if (hThread) {
        WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE);
// Return TRUE if the thread exists. FALSE otherwise
BOOL ThreadExists(void) const {return (m_hThread != 0); }
// wait for the next request
DWORD GetRequest();{m_EventSend.Wait();return m_dwParam;}
// is there a request?
BOOL CheckRequest(DWORD * pParam);
       // if (!m_EventSend.Check())return FALSE;
      // 否则设置*pParam = m_dwParam;
// reply to the request
void Reply(DWORD);
      m_dwReturnVal = dw;
HANDLE GetRequestHandle() const { return m_EventSend; };
DWORD GetRequestParam() const { return m_dwParam; }; static成员函数:
// thread initially runs this. param is actually 'this'. Function
// just gets this and calls ThreadProc
static DWORD WINAPI InitialThreadProc(LPVOID pv);
         HRESULT hrCoInit = CAMThread::CoInitializeHelper();
        CAMThread * pThread = (CAMThread *) pv;
        HRESULT hr = pThread->ThreadProc();
        if(SUCCEEDED(hrCoInit)) {CoUninitialize();}
        return hr;
// call CoInitializeEx (COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE) if available. S_FALSE means it's not available.
static HRESULT CoInitializeHelper();
         // 通过GetModuleHandle(TEXT("ole32.dll"));来直接调用其中函数CoInitializeEx函数。

上一篇:学习(三) CBaseFilter类源代码解析
