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set a = new DataGrid
'a.Connstr="Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;User ID=sa;Password=servser;Initial Catalog=temp_blue;Data Source=server;Connect Timeout=30;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;"
a.Connstr="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"&" Data Source="&server.mappath("test.mdb") '连接ACCSS字符串
a.SQLString="select * from table1" '生成datagrid所显示的记录集的sql语句
a.isAddnew = 1 '是否可以填加新记录
a.Table = "table1" 'datagrid控制的主表
a.UniqueField = "ID"  '标志字段,所有记录不重复整型即可
a.PagePosition = "down" '分页显示位置,up上面,down下面 updown上下 ,其它为不显示
a.pagesize = 5 '每页显示记录数
a.Pagenumber = 10 '显示页数

a.BorderColor="#ff0000" '默认为效果图显示

a.BackGround="#00ff00" '默认为效果图显示

a.BorderWidth=1 默认为1

set b1 = new column
b1.Field = "id"  '此列所绑定的数据库字段
b1.Title = "标志"  '标题
b1.Align = "center" ' 对齐方式
a.AddColumn(b1)   '把此列插入到datagrid
set b2 = new column

set b3 = new column
b3.Field = "lastname"
b3.Title = "名"

set b4 = new column
b4.Field = "logintimes"
b4.Title = "登陆次数"
b4.ReadOnly = true  '设为只读,不会出现在编辑框中和新增记录中

set b5 = new column
b5.Columntype ="edit"  '编辑列
b5.EditCommandText = "编辑"  '编辑按钮文本

set b6 = new column
b6.align = "center"
b6.Width = 200
b6.Columntype = "delete"
b6.DeleteCommandText = "删除按钮"
b6.Title ="删除"

set b1 = nothing
set b2 = nothing
set b3 = nothing
set b4 = nothing
set b5 = nothing
set b6 = nothing


<%Class DataGrid
 Private pages
 Private strSQLString
 Public  Connstr
 Private Columns
 Private index
 Private strUniqueField,strTable
 Private rs
 Private strCellspacing,strCellpadding,strCssClass
 Private strBorderColorDark,strBorderColorLight,strBackGroundColor
 Private intBorderWidth
 Private strHeadStyle,strHeadBackgroudColor
 Private strStyle,strAlternateStyle
 Private UniqueKey,dg_action,currPage
 Private actionURL,pageURL,operationURL,formURL
 Public PagePosition,Pagesize,Pagenumber
 Public isAddnew
 Private Sub Class_Initialize()
  set Columns = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  index = 0
  Pagesize = 10
  Pagenumber = 10
  PagePosition = "updown"
  strSQLString = Session("DSN")
  uniquekey = Request("uniquekey")
  dg_action = Request("dg_action")
  currPage = Request("Page")
  actionURL = Request.ServerVariables("Script_name") & "?page=" & currPage
  if dg_action= "edit" then formURL = actionURL& "&dg_action=update&uniquekey="&uniquekey
  operationURL = Request.ServerVariables("Script_name") & "?page=" & currPage& "&uniquekey=" & uniquekey
  pageURL = Request.ServerVariables("Script_name")&"?1=1"
  if currPage = "" or isnull(currPage) then currPage = 1
  strBorderColorDark ="#f7f7f7"
  strBorderColorLight = "#cccccc"
  strBackgroundColor = "#f7f7f7"
  strHeadBackgroudColor = "#F2F2F2"
  intBorderWidth  = 1
  strAlternateStyle ="bgcolor=#f6f6f6"
  isAddnew = 1
  Set rs = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Recordset")
  End Sub
  Private Sub Class_Terminate()
  set rs = nothing
  set Columns  = nothing
     End Sub
    Public Property Get SQLString()
        SQLString = strSQLString
 End Property 
 Public Property Let SQLString(Value)
  strSQLString = Value
 End Property
 Public Property Let Style(Value)
        strStyle = Value()
 End Property
 Public Property Get Style()
        Style = strStyle
 End Property 
 Public Property Let UniqueField(Value)
        strUniqueField = lcase(Value)
 End Property
 Public Property Get UniqueField()
        UniqueField = strUniqueField
 End Property
 Public Property Let Table(Value)
        strTable = lcase(Value)
 End Property
 Public Property Get Table()
        Table = strTable
 End Property
 Public Property Let DbConn(Value)
  strConn = Value
 End Property
 Public Property Get Version()
  Version = "1.0"
 End Property

 Public Property Let Cellspacing(Value)
  strcellspacing = Value
 End Property
 Public Property Get Cellspacing()
  Cellspacing = strcellspacing
 End Property
 Public Property Let cellpadding(Value)
  strcellpadding = Value
 End Property
 Public Property Get cellpadding()
  cellpadding = strCellspacing
 End Property
 Public Property Let CssClass(Value)
  strCssClass = Value
 End Property
 Public Property Get CssClass()
  CssClass = strCssClass
 End Property
 Public Property Let BorderColor(value)
  strBorderColorDark = value
 End Property
 Public Property Get BorderColor()
  BorderColor = strBorderColorDark
 End Property
 Public Property Let BackGround(value)
   strBorderColorDark = value
   strBackgroundColor = value
 End Property
 Public Property Get BackGround()
  BackGround = strBorderColorLight
 End Property
 Public Property Let BorderWidth(value)
  intBorderWidth = value
 End Property
 Public Property Get BorderWidth()
  BorderWidth = intBorderWidth
 End Property
 Public Property Get nColumns(intIndex)
  nkeys = Columns.Keys
  nItems = Columns.Items
  for i = 0 to Columns.Count - 1
   if intIndex = nkeys(i) then
    set tmp = nItems(i)
   end if
  set nColumns = tmp
 End Property

 Private Function page(totalpage,pagenumber,thisPage)
   MinPage = thisPage - pagenumber/2
  if MinPage <= 0 then MinPage = 1
  'if MinPage + pagenumber/2 > totalpage then Maxpage = totalpage else Maxpage = MinPage + pagenumber
  for i = MinPage to MinPage + pagenumber -1
   if i <= totalpage then
    if cint(thisPage)<> cint(i) then
     strtemp = strtemp & "<a href="&pageURL&"&page=" & i &">" & i & "</a> "
     strtemp = strtemp & i&" "
    end if
    page = strtemp
    Exit Function
   end if
  page = strtemp
 End Function
 Public Sub CreateGrid()
  nkeys = Columns.Keys
  nItems = Columns.Items
  If dg_action="update" then
   dim strsql
   strsql = "update "& table & " set "
   dim j
   For i = 0 to index - 1
    if nItems(i).Columntype<>"edit" and nItems(i).Columntype <> "delete" and not nItems(i).readonly and nItems(i).field<>uniquefield then
     if j <> 0 then strsql = strsql & ","
     Select case nItems(i).DataType
     Case "text"
      strsql = strsql & nItems(i).field & "='" & Request(nItems(i).field)&"' "
     Case "number","int","bigint","tinyint"
      strsql = strsql & nItems(i).field & "=" & Request(nItems(i).field) & " "
     Case "date","time","datetime"
      strsql = strsql & nItems(i).field & "=convert(datetime,'" & Request(nItems(i).field)&"',102) "
     Case else
      strsql = strsql & nItems(i).field & "='" & Request(nItems(i).field)&"' "
     End select
    End if
   strsql = strsql & " where " & UniqueField &" = "& uniquekey
   set rst = Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
   rst.Open strsql,connstr
   set rst = nothing
   set strsql = nothing
  End if
  If dg_action="delete" then
   strsql = ""
   strsql = "delete  from " & table & " where  " & UniqueField &" = "& uniquekey
   response.Write strsql
   set rst = Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
   rst.Open strsql,connstr
   set rst = nothing
  End if
  IF dg_action = "addnew" and isAddnew = 1 then
   'dim strsql
   set rst = Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") table,connstr,1,3,2
   For i = 0 to index - 1
    if nItems(i).Columntype<>"edit" and nItems(i).Columntype <> "delete" and not nItems(i).readonly and nItems(i).field<>uniquefield then
     if j <> 0 then strsql = strsql & ","
     Select case nItems(i).DataType
     Case "text"
      rst(nItems(i).field) =   Request(nItems(i).field)
     Case "number","int","bigint","tinyint"
      rst(nItems(i).field) =   Request(nItems(i).field)
     Case "date","time","datetime"
      rst(nItems(i).field) =   Request(nItems(i).field)
     Case else
      rst(nItems(i).field) =   Request(nItems(i).field)
     End select
    End if
   set rst = nothing
  End if
  rs.Open strSQLString,connstr,1,1
  strTable= "<table border=" & intBorderWidth & " bordercolordark=" & strBorderColorDark & " bordercolorlight=" & strbordercolorlight & "class=" &cssclass & " cellspacing=0>" '加样式
  strTable = strTable & "<form action=" & formURL & " name=""gridform"" method=post>"
  if PagePosition="up" or PagePosition="updown" then strTable = strTable & "<tr><td colspan="& index &">"& page(rs.PageCount,Pagenumber,currPage )&"</td></tr>"
   strTable = strTable & "<tr bgcolor=" & strHeadBackgroudColor & ">"
   for i = 0 to index - 1
     if nItems(i).Title<>""  then
      strTable = strTable & "<td " & nItems(i).HTMLstr & ">" & nItems(i).Title &"</td>"
      strTable = strTable & "<td " & nItems(i).HTMLstr & ">" & rs.Fields(i).Item.Name  &"</td>"
     end if
   strTable = strTable & "</tr>"
   if cint(currPage) > cint(rs.PageCount) then currPage = rs.PageCount
   intPage = Pagesize
   rs.PageSize = pagesize
   rs.AbsolutePage = currPage
  do while not rs.eof and intPage > 0
   intPage = intPage - 1
   dbuniquekey = rs(uniquefield)
   If intPage mod 2  then
    strTable = strTable & "<tr>"
    strTable = strTable & "<tr "& strAlternateStyle &">"
   End if
   'response.Write len(dg_action)>0 and int(dbuniquekey) = int(uniquekey)
   if dg_action ="edit"  and int(dbuniquekey) = int(uniquekey)  then
    for i = 0 to index - 1
     if nItems(i).Columntype<>"edit" and nItems(i).Columntype <> "delete" and not nItems(i).readonly and nItems(i).field<>uniquefield then
      strTable = strTable & "<td " & nItems(i).HTMLstr &"><input type=Text name=""" & rs.Fields(nItems(i).field).Name &""" value=""" & rs(nItems(i).field) &"""></td>"
      Select case lcase(nItems(i).Columntype)
      Case "label"
       strTable = strTable & "<td "& nItems(i).HTMLstr &">" & rs(nItems(i).field) &"</td>"
      Case "radio"
      Case "image"
      Case "checkbox"
      Case "textbox"
       strTable = strTable & "<td " & nItems(i).HTMLstr &"><input type=text name=""" & rs.Fields(i).Name &""" value=" & rs(nItems(i).field) &"></td>"
      Case "link"
      Case "edit"
       if UniqueField="" then ErrorMsg="UniqueField not set"
       if dg_action = "edit" then
        strTable = strTable & "<td "&nItems(i).HTMLstr &"><a href=""JavaScript:document.gridform.submit()"">"&nItems(i).UpdateCommandText&"</a> <a href="&actionURL&">"&nItems(i).CancelCommandText&"</a></td>"
        strTable = strTable & "<td "&nItems(i).HTMLstr &"><a href="&actionURL&"&dg_action=edit&uniquekey=" & rs(UniqueField) &">"&nItems(i).EditCommandText&"</a></td>"
       end if
      Case "delete"
       if UniqueField="" then ErrorMsg="UniqueField not set"
       strTable = strTable & "<td "&nItems(i).HTMLstr &"><a href="&actionURL&"&dg_action=delete&uniquekey=" & rs(UniqueField) &">"&nItems(i).DeleteCommandText&"</a></td>"
      Case "update"
      Case else
       strTable = strTable & "<td " & nItems(i).HTMLstr & ">" & rs(nItems(i).field) & "</td>"
      End select
     end if
    for i = 0 to index - 1
     select case lcase(nItems(i).Columntype)
     Case "label"
      strTable = strTable & "<td " & nItems(i).HTMLstr & ">" & rs(nItems(i).field) &"</td>"
     Case "radio"
     Case "image"
     Case "checkbox"
     Case "textbox"
      strTable = strTable & "<td " & nItems(i).HTMLstr &"><input type=text value=" & rs(nItems(i).field) &"></td>"
     Case "link"
     Case "edit"
      if UniqueField="" then ErrorMsg="UniqueField not set"
       strTable = strTable & "<td " & nItems(i).HTMLstr & "><a href=" & actionURL & "&dg_action=edit&uniquekey=" & rs(UniqueField) & ">" & nItems(i).EditCommandText & "</a></td>"
     Case "delete"
      if UniqueField="" then ErrorMsg="UniqueField not set"
      strTable = strTable & "<td " & nItems(i).HTMLstr &"><a href=" & actionURL & "&dg_action=delete&uniquekey=" & rs(UniqueField) &">" & nItems(i).DeleteCommandText&"</a></td>"
     Case "update"
     Case else
      strTable = strTable & "<td " & nItems(i).HTMLstr &">" & rs(nItems(i).Field) & "</td>"
     End select
    End if
   'End if
   strTable = strTable & "</tr>"& vbcrlf
  if PagePosition="down" or PagePosition="updown" then strTable = strTable & "<tr><td colspan="& index &">"& page(rs.PageCount,Pagenumber,currPage )
  'strTable =strTable&"<tr>"
   for i = 0 to index - 1
     if nItems(i).Columntype<>"edit" and nItems(i).Columntype <> "delete" and not nItems(i).readonly and nItems(i).field<>uniquefield then
      'strTable = strTable & "<td " & nItems(i).HTMLstr &"><input type=Text name=""" & rs.Fields(nItems(i).field).Name &"""></td>"
      'strTable = strTable & "<td " & nItems(i).HTMLstr &">&nbsp;</td>"
     end if
   strTable =strTable&"</tr>"
  strTable = strTable & "</form></table>"
 If isAddnew = 1 then
  strTable = strTable & "<form action=""?dg_action=addnew"" name=""dgridadd"" method=""post""><table border=" & intBorderWidth & " bordercolordark=" & strBorderColorDark & " bordercolorlight=" & strbordercolorlight & " cellspacing=0><tr>"
   for i = 0 to index - 1
     if nItems(i).Columntype<>"edit" and nItems(i).Columntype <> "delete" and not nItems(i).readonly and nItems(i).field<>uniquefield then
      strTable = strTable & "<td " & nItems(i).HTMLstr &">" & rs.Fields(nItems(i).field).Name &"</td>"
      'strTable = strTable & "<td " & nItems(i).HTMLstr &">"&nItems(i).Title&"</td>"
     end if
   strTable = strTable & "<td rowspan=2><a href=""JavaScript:document.dgridadd.submit()"">New</a></td></tr><tr>"
   for i = 0 to index - 1
     if nItems(i).Columntype<>"edit" and nItems(i).Columntype <> "delete" and not nItems(i).readonly and nItems(i).field<>uniquefield then
      strTable = strTable & "<td " & nItems(i).HTMLstr &"><input type=Text name=""" & rs.Fields(nItems(i).field).Name &"""></td>" & vbcrlf
      'strTable = strTable & "<td " & nItems(i).HTMLstr &">&nbsp;</td>"
     end if
   strTable = strTable &"</tr></table></form>"
 End if
 Response.Write strTable
 End Sub
 Public Sub AddColumn(cColumn)
  'set tem = new Column
  'tem = cColumn
  'response.Write cColumn.ColumnHTMLstr
  Columns.Add index,cColumn
  index = index + 1
 End Sub
End Class

Class Column
 Private strType
 Private strAlign
 Private strStyle
 Private ColumnText
 Private intWidth
 Private intHight
 Private strfield
 Private strTitle
 Private strEvent
 Private strCssClass
 Private strText
 Private strEditCommandText,strUpdateCommandText,strCancelCommandText,strDeleteCommandText
 Private strRegExp
 Private strReadOnly
 Private strDataType
 Public MaxValue,MinValue,MaxLength,MinLength,IsEmpty,IsChar,IsNumber,isCharNumber,isDate,isEmail
  Private Sub Class_Initialize()
  ColumnType = "Text"
  strEditCommandText = "EDIT"
  strUpdateCommandText = "UPDATE"
  strCancelCommandText = "CANCEL"
  strDeleteCommandText = "DELETE"
  End Sub
  Private Sub Class_Terminate()
     End Sub
     Public Property Let Columntype(Value)
  strType = lcase(Value)
     End Property
     Public Property Get Columntype()
  ColumnType = strType
     End Property
     Public Property Let Para(Value)
  Para = Value
     End Property
     Public Property Let ParaLink(Value)
  ParaLink  = Replace(Value,"{0}",Para)
     End Property
     Public Property Let ControlName(Value)
  ControlName = Value
     End Property
     Public Property Let Style(Value)
  strStyle = Value
     End Property
     Public Property Let Eventstr(Value)
  strEvent = Value
     End Property
     Public Property Let Align(Value)
  strAlign = Value
  End Property
     Public Property Get Align()
  Align = strAlign
  End Property
     Public Property Get Eventstr()
  Eventstr = strEvent
     End Property
     Public Property Let Width(Value)
  intWidth = Value
     End Property
     Public Property Let Field(Value)
  strField = lcase(Value)
     End Property
     Public Property Get Field()
  Field = strField
     End Property
     Public Property Let Title(Value)
  if value="" then strTitle = strField else strTitle = Value
     End Property
     Public Property Get Title()
  if strTitle="" then Title = strField else Title  = strTitle
     End Property
     Public Property Let CssClass(Value)
  strCssClass = Value
     End Property
     Public Property Get CssClass()
  CssClass = strCssClass
     End Property
     Public Property Let DataType(Value)
  strDataType = lcase(Value)
     End Property
     Public Property Get DataType()
  DataType = strDataType
     End Property
     Public Property Let Text(Value)
  select case value
  case ""
   strText = strType
  case null 
   strText = strType
  case else
   strText = Value
  end select
     End Property
     Public Property Get Text()
  Text = strText
     End Property
     Public Property Let ReadOnly(Value)
  if value="" or isnull(value) then strReadOnly = False else strReadOnly = value
     End Property    
     Public Property Get ReadOnly()
  ReadOnly = strReadOnly
     End Property
     Public Property Let EditCommandText(Value)
  strEditCommandText = Value
     End Property    
     Public Property Get EditCommandText()
  EditCommandText = strEditCommandText
     End Property
     Public Property Let UpdateCommandText(Value)
  strUpdateCommandText = Value
     End Property    
     Public Property Get UpdateCommandText()
  UpdateCommandText = strUpdateCommandText
     End Property
     Public Property Let CancelCommandText(Value)
  strCancelCommandText = Value
     End Property    
     Public Property Get CancelCommandText()
   CancelCommandText = strCancelCommandText
     End Property
     Public Property Let DeleteCommandText(Value)
  strDeleteCommandText = Value
     End Property    
     Public Property Get DeleteCommandText()
  DeleteCommandText = strDeleteCommandText
     End Property
     Public Property Let RegExp(Value)
  strRegExp  = Value
     End Property    
    Public Property Get RegExp()
  RegExp = strRegExp
    End Property    
     Public Property Get HTMLstr()
  tempstr = ""
  if intWidth <> "" then tempstr = tempstr & " width=""" & intWidth & """"
  if intHeight <> "" then tempstr = tempstr & " height =""" & intHeight & """"
  if strStyle <> "" then tempstr = tempstr & " style=""" & strStyle & """"
  if strEvent <> "" then tempstr = tempstr & " " & strEvent
  if strAlign <> "" then tempstr = tempstr & " align=""" & strAlign & """"
  HTMLstr = tempstr
     End Property
End Class
