
类别:Asp 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:

  代码如下: '#############################################################
Function StrType(Str)
 On Error Resume Next
 Dim I,A,E,N,C
 If IsNUll(Str) Then
  Exit Function
 End If
 If Trim(Str)="" Then
  Exit Function
 End If
 For I=1 To Len(Str)
  If A>=48 And A<=57 Then N=True
  If (A>=65 And A<=90) Or (A>=97 And A<=122) Or (A>=38 And A<=39) Then E=True
  If A<0 Then C=True
 If N And (Not E) And (Not C) Then
 Elseif E And (Not N) And (Not C) Then
 Elseif C And (Not E) And (Not N) Then
 Elseif C And E And (Not N) Then
 Elseif N And E And (Not C) Then
 Elseif C And N And (Not E) Then
 Elseif N And E And C Then
 End If
 If Err.Number<>0 Then Err.Clear
End Function
