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很久没有关心过web开发版,以后可能会来的更少,今天发布一个破解微软脚本加密算法的vbScript 脚本,算是给CSDN出把力吧。

这是一个编写的相当精巧的,用于还原Script Encoder加密后的script代码,用过asp的人应该知道,微软提供的脚本保护技术很弱,本人在csdn 发布过aspDecoder,以前也发布过几个版本,最近得到该源码(来源不记得了),是用vbScript编写的;

复制以下代码到txt文件中,使用前修改后缀为 .vbs 。可以方便的修改为visual basic 或 ASP 程序;

option explicit
Dim oArgs, NomFichier
'Optional argument : the encoded filename
Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments
Select Case oArgs.Count
Case 0 'No Arg, popup a dialog box to choose the file
 NomFichier=BrowseForFolder("Choose an encoded file", &H4031, &H0011)
Case 1
 If Instr(oArgs(0),"?")=0 Then '-? ou /? => aide
 End If
Case Else
 WScript.Echo "Too many parameters"
End Select
Set oArgs = Nothing

If NomFichier<>"" Then
 Dim fso
 Set fso=WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 If fso.FileExists(NomFichier) Then
  Dim fic,contenu
  Set fic = fso.OpenTextFile(NomFichier, 1)
  Set fic=Nothing

  Const TagInit="#@~^" '#@~^awQAAA==
  Const TagFin="==^#~@" '& chr(0)
  Dim DebutCode, FinCode
   If DebutCode>0 Then
    If (Instr(DebutCode,Contenu,"==")-DebutCode)=10 Then 'If "==" follows the tag
     If FinCode>0 Then
      Contenu=Left(Contenu,DebutCode-1) & _
      Decode(Mid(Contenu,DebutCode+12,FinCode-DebutCode-12-6)) & _
     End If
    End If
   End If
  Loop Until FinCode=0
  WScript.Echo Contenu
  WScript.Echo Nomfichier & " not found"
 End If
 Set fso=Nothing
 WScript.Echo "Please give a filename"
 WScript.Echo "Usage : " & wscript.fullname  & " " & WScript.ScriptFullName & " <filename>"
End If

Function Decode(Chaine)
 Dim se,i,c,j,index,ChaineTemp
 Dim tDecode(127)

 Const Combinaison="1231232332321323132311233213233211323231311231321323112331123132"
 Set se=WSCript.CreateObject("Scripting.Encoder")
 For i=9 to 127
 For i=9 to 127
  For j=1 to 3
   tDecode(c)=Left(tDecode(c),j-1) & chr(i) & Mid(tDecode(c),j+1)
 'Next line we correct a bug, otherwise a ")" could be decoded to a ">"
 tDecode(42)=Left(tDecode(42),1) & ")" & Right(tDecode(42),1)
 Set se=Nothing

 For i=1 to Len(Chaine)
  If c<128 Then index=index+1
  If (c=9) or ((c>31) and (c<128)) Then
   If (c<>60) and (c<>62) and (c<>64) Then
    Chaine=Left(Chaine,i-1) & Mid(tDecode(c),Mid(Combinaison,(index mod 64)+1,1),1) & Mid(Chaine,i+1)
   End If
  End If
End Function

Function BrowseForFolder(ByVal pstrPrompt, ByVal pintBrowseType, ByVal pintLocation)
 Dim ShellObject, pstrTempFolder, x
 Set ShellObject=WScript.CreateObject("Shell.Application")
 On Error Resume Next
 Set pstrTempFolder=ShellObject.BrowseForFolder(&H0,pstrPrompt,pintBrowseType,pintLocation)
 If Err.Number<>0 Then BrowseForFolder=""
 Set pstrTempFolder=Nothing
 Set ShellObject=Nothing
End Function

