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我现在在bubble中定义了几个这样的连接,<a href=\"cmd:205\">here</a> to go to MSNBC。想通

过点击这些连接执行对应的功能。按照eVC的帮助文件的说明:If the HREF is in the format

CMD:n, as in

Click <a href=\"cmd:205\">here</a> to go to MSNBC
the system sends a WM_COMMAND message instead of a WM_NOFIFY to the window. In this

case, the value n is the ID value of the message, and the ID of the notification is

returned in lParam. For the in-proc server, clicking the standard hyperlink results in

a call to the interface’s OnLinkSelected method while clicking on links with the CMD:n

format results in the OnCommandSelected method being called. The CMD value 0 is

reserved, a value of 1 sends a notification but does not dismiss the bubble, and a

command value of 2 does not dismiss the bubble nor does it result in a WM_COMMAND

message being sent. Applications should generally use CMD values greater than 2.

此时系统会调用IShellNotificationCallback interface的OnCommandSelected函数。但是不知道具



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