
类别:VC语言 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:


POINTER_32 void *   void *→POINTER_32 32位指针(详解略) POINTER_64 void *   void *→POINTER_64 64位指针(详解略) PSHORT short *   short→SHORT,SHORT *→PSHORT SHORT的指针 PSTR char *   char→CHAR,CHAR *→PSTR 8位Windows字符(ANSI)无终结字符串指针 PTBYTE wchar_t *   wchar_t→WCHAR,WCHAR *→PTBYTE TBYTE的指针 PTCHAR wchar_t *   wchar_t→WCHAR,WCHAR *→PTCHAR TCHAR的指针 PTSTR wchar_t *   wchar_t→WCHAR,WCHAR *→LPWSTR→PTSTR PWSTR if UNICODE is defined, a PSTR otherwise. PTBYTE wchar_t *   wchar_t→WCHAR,WCHAR *→PTBYTE TBYTE的指针 PTCHAR wchar_t *   wchar_t→WCHAR,WCHAR *→PTCHAR TCHAR的指针 PTSTR wchar_t *   wchar_t→WCHAR,WCHAR *→LPWSTR→PTSTR A PWSTR if UNICODE is defined, a PSTR otherwise. PUCHAR unsigned char *   unsigned char→UCHAR,UCHAR *→PUCHAR UCHAR的指针 PUINT unsigned int *   unsigned int *→PUINT(呵呵,为什么不用UINT*来定义呢?) UINT的指针 PULONG unsigned long *   unsigned long→ULONG,ULONG *→PULONG ULONG的指针 PUSHORT unsigned short *   unsigned short→USHORT,USHORT *→PUSHORT USHORT的指针 PVOID void *   void *→PVOID 任何类型的指针 PWCHAR wchar_t *   wchar_t→WCHAR,WCHAR *→PWCHAR WCHAR的指针 PWORD unsigned short *   unsigned short→WORD,WORD near *→PWORD WORD的指针 PWSTR wchar_t *   wchar_t→WCHAR,WCHAR *→PWSTR 16位Windows字符(Unicode)无终结字符串指针 REGSAM unsigned long   unsigned long→DWORD→ACCESS_MASK→REGSAM 注册表值的安全访问掩码 SC_HANDLE SC_HANDLE__结构体指针   由DECLARE_HANDLE(name)宏定义…… Handle to a service control manager database. SC_LOCK void *   void far *→LPVOID→SC_LOCK Handle to a service control manager database lock.  SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE__结构体指针   由DECLARE_HANDLE(name)宏定义…… Handle to a service status value.  SHORT short 2 short→SHORT 短整数类型(16位) SIZE_T unsigned long 4 unsigned long→ULONG_PTR→SIZE_T 指针可指向的最大字节数 SSIZE_T long   _W64 long→LONG_PTR→SSIZE_T 有符号SIZE_T. TBYTE wchar_t 2 wchar_t→WCHAR,WCHAR→TBYTE 如果UNICODE已定义则为WCHAR,否则为CHAR TCHAR wchar_t 2 wchar_t→WCHAR,WCHAR→TCHAR 如果UNICODE已定义则为WCHAR,否则为CHAR UCHAR unsigned char 1 unsigned char→UCHAR 无符号CHAR UINT unsigned int * unsigned int→UINT 无符号INT UINT_PTR unsigned int * unsigned int→UINT_PTR 无符号INT_PTR. UINT32 unsigned int 2 unsigned int→UINT32 无符号INT32. UINT64 unsigned __int64 4 unsigned __int64→UINT64 无符号INT64. ULONG unsigned long 4 unsigned long→ULONG 无符号LONG. ULONG_PTR unsigned long 4 unsigned long→ULONG_PTR 无符号LONG_PTR. ULONG32 unsigned int 2 unsigned int→ULONG32 无符号LONG32 ULONG64 unsigned __int64 4 unsigned __int64→ULONG64 无符号LONG64 ULONGLONG unsigned __int64 4 unsigned __int64→ULONGLONG 64位无符号整数 UNSIGNED 没查到,大家帮忙吧     无符号属性 USHORT unsigned short   unsigned short→USHORT 无符号SHORT类型 VOID void   void→VOID 任何类型 WCHAR wchar_t 2 wchar_t→WCHAR 16位Unicode字符 WINAPI __stdcall 调用 __stdcall→WINAPI 系统函数(API函数)调用约定 WORD unsigned short 2 unsigned short→WORD 16位无符号整数 WPARAM unsigned int * unsigned int→UINT_PTR→WPARAM 消息的参数


#ifdef STRICT
typedef void *HANDLE;
#define DECLARE_HANDLE(name) struct name##__ { int unused; }; \
typedef struct name##__ *name
#define DECLARE_HANDLE(name) typedef HANDLE name
