多个编程语言Multiple languages-2
使用Jython,在你的程序内部创造一种解释(interpreted)语言是极其简单的。考虑 《Thinking in Java》第二版第八章greenhouse控制器的那个例子。那种情形下你会希望最终用户——也就是管理greenhouse的那个人——能够通过配置来控制整个系统,于是一个简单的脚本语言就成了理想的解决方案。
要创建这个语言,我们只需简单的写一组Python类,每个类的构造函数会把它自己添加到一个(静态的)master链表。公共的数据和行为会被factor到叫作Event的基类。每个Event对象都会包括一个action字符串(for simplicity——实际应用中,你应该安排一些functionality)和运行该事件(event)的设定时间。构造函数初始化这些成员变量,然后把新创建的Event对象添加到一个叫作events(在类的内部定义,但是位于所有方法的外部,所以它是静态的)的静态链表.
class Event:
events = [] # static
def __init__(self, action, time):
self.action = action
self.time = time
# Used by sort(). This will cause
# comparisons to be based only on time:
def __cmp__ (self, other):
if self.time < other.time: return -1
if self.time > other.time: return 1
return 0
def run(self):
print "%.2f: %s" % (self.time, self.action)
class LightOn(Event):
def __init__(self, time):
Event.__init__(self, "Light on", time)
class LightOff(Event):
def __init__(self, time):
Event.__init__(self, "Light off", time)
class WaterOn(Event):
def __init__(self, time):
Event.__init__(self, "Water on", time)
class WaterOff(Event):
def __init__(self, time):
Event.__init__(self, "Water off", time)
class ThermostatNight(Event):
def __init__(self, time):
Event.__init__(self,"Thermostat night", time)
class ThermostatDay(Event):
def __init__(self, time):
Event.__init__(self, "Thermostat day", time)
class Bell(Event):
def __init__(self, time):
Event.__init__(self, "Ring bell", time)
def run():
for e in Event.events:
# To test, this will be run when you say:
# python GreenHouseLanguage.py
if __name__ == "__main__":
上面的文件现在已经是一个模块了,它可以被包括进(included)另外一个Python程序,用以定义那个程序所包含的所有类。但是,我们不用普通的Python程序,我们使用Java的Jython。这其实是非常简单的:你只需引入一些Jython类,创建一个PythonInterpreter对象,然后cause the Python files to be loaded:
//- interpreter:GreenHouseController.java
package interpreter;
import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter;
import org.python.core.*;
import junit.framework.*;
public class
GreenHouseController extends TestCase {
PythonInterpreter interp =
new PythonInterpreter();
public void test() throws PyException {
"Loading GreenHouse Language");
"Loading GreenHouse Script");
"Executing GreenHouse Script");
public static void
main(String[] args) throws PyException {
} ///:~
PythonInterpreter对象是一个完整的Python解释器,它可以从Java程序接受命令。其中一个命令是execfile(),这个命令告诉解释器去执行它所找到的特定文件所包含的所有语句。通过执行GreenHouseLanguage.py,那个文件里所有的类都会被加载到PythonInterpreter对象,于是解释器就“拥有了” greehouse控制器语言。Schedule.ghs是由最终用户创建的用来控制greenhouse的文件。下面是一个例子:
//:! interpreter:Schedule.ghs
控制解释器Controlling the interpreter
前面的例子只是创建解释器并且让它运行外部脚本。本章的剩余部分,我们会讲述更为复杂的与Python交互的方法。要在Java范围内对PythonInterpreter施加更多的控制,最简单的方法就是,发送数据给解释器,然后再从它取回数据(pull data back out)。
提交数据Putting data in
为了向你的Python程序插入数据,PythonInterpreter类有一个看似简单的方法:set( ).。实际上,set( )可以接受不同类型的数据并且对它们进行转换。下面的例子是一个关于set( )不同用法的相当全面的练习,一道给出的那些注释提供了相当完整的解释。
//- interpreter:PythonInterpreterSetting.java
// Passing data from Java to python when using
// the PythonInterpreter object.
package interpreter;
import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter;
import org.python.core.*;
import java.util.*;
import com.bruceeckel.python.*;
import junit.framework.*;
public class
PythonInterpreterSetting extends TestCase {
PythonInterpreter interp =
new PythonInterpreter();
public void test() throws PyException {
// It automatically converts Strings
// into native Python strings:
interp.set("a", "This is a test");
interp.exec("print a");
interp.exec("print a[5:]"); // A slice
// It also knows what to do with arrays:
String[] s = { "How", "Do", "You", "Do?" };
interp.set("b", s);
interp.exec("for x in b: print x[0], x");
// set() only takes Objects, so it can't
// figure out primitives. Instead,
// you have to use wrappers:
interp.set("c", new PyInteger(1));
interp.set("d", new PyFloat(2.2));
interp.exec("print c + d");
// You can also use Java's object wrappers:
interp.set("c", new Integer(9));
interp.set("d", new Float(3.14));
interp.exec("print c + d");
// Define a Python function to print arrays:
"def prt(x): \n" +
" print x \n" +
" for i in x: \n" +
" print i, \n" +
" print x.__class__\n");
// Arrays are Objects, so it has no trouble
// figuring out the types contained in arrays:
Object[] types = {
new boolean[]{ true, false, false, true },
new char[]{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' },
new byte[]{ 1, 2, 3, 4 },
new int[]{ 10, 20, 30, 40 },
new long[]{ 100, 200, 300, 400 },
new float[]{ 1.1f, 2.2f, 3.3f, 4.4f },
new double[]{ 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 },
for(int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
interp.set("e", types[i]);
// It uses toString() to print Java objects:
interp.set("f", new Date());
interp.exec("print f");
// You can pass it a List
// and index into it...
List x = new ArrayList();
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
x.add(new Integer(i * 10));
interp.set("g", x);
interp.exec("print g");
interp.exec("print g[1]");
// ... But it's not quite smart enough
// to treat it as a Python array:
interp.exec("print g.__class__");
// interp.exec("print g[5:]); // Fails
// If you want it to be a python array, you
// must extract the Java array:
System.out.println("ArrayList to array:");
interp.set("h", x.toArray());
interp.exec("print h.__class__");
interp.exec("print h[5:]");
// Passing in a Map:
Map m = new HashMap();
m.put(new Integer(1), new Character('a'));
m.put(new Integer(3), new Character('b'));
m.put(new Integer(5), new Character('c'));
m.put(new Integer(7), new Character('d'));
m.put(new Integer(11), new Character('e'));
System.out.println("m: " + m);
interp.set("m", m);
interp.exec("print m, m.__class__, " +
"m[1], m[1].__class__");
// Not a Python dictionary, so this fails:
//! interp.exec("for x in m.keys():" +
//! "print x, m[x]");
// To convert a Map to a Python dictionary,
// use com.bruceeckel.python.PyUtil:
interp.set("m", PyUtil.toPyDictionary(m));
interp.exec("print m, m.__class__, " +
"m[1], m[1].__class__");
interp.exec("for x in m.keys():print x,m[x]");
public static void
main(String[] args) throws PyException {
} ///:~
对于Java来说,大多数时候真正的对象(real objects)和基本类型(primitive types)之间的差别总会带来麻烦。一般而言,如果你传递给set( ),方法的是一个通常的对象(regular object),它是知道如何处理的,但是如果你想传入一个基本类型(primitive type)的对象,就必须得作转换。一种做法是创建一个“Py”类型,比如PyInteger和PyFloat,但实际上你也可以使用Java自带的对象外覆类比如Integer和Float,这些可能更容易记住。
上面程序的前一部分你会看到有一个exec( )含有以下的Python语句:
pint a[5:]
你会看到我们是能够用exec( ),来创建一个Python函数的(虽然有点别扭)。prt( )函数打印整个数组,然后(to make sure it’s a real Python array)遍历数组的每一个元素并且把它打印出来。最后,它打印数组的类名称,我们可以据此看看发生是什么转换(Python不仅有运行时刻信息,它还有与Java的反射相当的东西)。prt( )函数用以打印来自Java的基本类型的数组。
尽管可以使用set( )把一个Java的ArrayList传入解释器,而且你也能把它当作数组那样进行索引,但是试图从它产生一个切片是不会成功的。为了把它完全转换成一个数组,一种方法是简单的利用toArray( )从中取出一个Java数组,然后再把它传给解释器。set( )方法会把它转换成一个PyArray ——Jython提供的一个类——它可以被当作一个Python数组来处理(你也可以显式的创建一个PyArray,但是似乎没有这个必要)。
最后,我们创建了一个Map并且把它直接传给了解释器。虽然可以对While it is possible to do simple things like index into the resulting object,但它并不是一个真正的Python字典(dictionary),所以你不能调用像keys( )那样的方法。并没有直接了当的方法可以把一个Java的Map转换成一个Python字典,于是我就写了一个叫做toPyDictionary( )的小程序并且把它作为com.bruceeckel.python.PyUtil的一个静态方法。它还包括一些从Python数组提取数据到Java List和从Python字典提取数据到Java Map的一些小程序。
//- com:bruceeckel:python:PyUtil.java
// PythonInterpreter utilities
package com.bruceeckel.python;
import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter;
import org.python.core.*;
import java.util.*;
public class PyUtil {
/** Extract a Python tuple or array into a Java
List (which can be converted into other kinds
of lists and sets inside Java).
@param interp The Python interpreter object
@param pyName The id of the python list object
public static List
toList(PythonInterpreter interp, String pyName){
return new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(
pyName, Object[].class)));
/** Extract a Python dictionary into a Java Map
@param interp The Python interpreter object
@param pyName The id of the python dictionary
public static Map
toMap(PythonInterpreter interp, String pyName){
PyList pa = ((PyDictionary)interp.get(
Map map = new HashMap();
while(pa.__len__() != 0) {
PyTuple po = (PyTuple)pa.pop();
Object first = po.__finditem__(0)
Object second = po.__finditem__(1)
map.put(first, second);
return map;
/** Turn a Java Map into a PyDictionary,
suitable for placing into a PythonInterpreter
@param map The Java Map object
public static PyDictionary
toPyDictionary(Map map) {
Map m = new HashMap();
Iterator it = map.entrySet().iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry)it.next();
// PyDictionary constructor wants a Hashtable:
return new PyDictionary(new Hashtable(m));
} ///:~
//- com:bruceeckel:python:Test.java
package com.bruceeckel.python;
import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter;
import java.util.*;
import junit.framework.*;
public class Test extends TestCase {
PythonInterpreter pi =
new PythonInterpreter();
public void test1() {
List lst = PyUtil.toList(pi, "tup");
System.out.println(new HashSet(lst));
public void test2() {
List lst = PyUtil.toList(pi, "ints");
public void test3() {
pi.exec("dict = { 1 : 'a', 3 : 'b', " +
"5 : 'c', 9 : 'd', 11 : 'e'}");
Map mp = PyUtil.toMap(pi, "dict");
public void test4() {
Map m = new HashMap();
m.put("twas", new Integer(11));
m.put("brillig", new Integer(27));
m.put("and", new Integer(47));
m.put("the", new Integer(42));
m.put("slithy", new Integer(33));
m.put("toves", new Integer(55));
pi.set("m", PyUtil.toPyDictionary(m));
pi.exec("print m");
pi.exec("print m['slithy']");
public static void main(String args[]) {
} ///:~
取出数据Getting data out
存在很多种不同的方法从PythonInterpreter提取数据。如果你只是调用get( )方法,把对象标识符作为一个字符串传给它,它会返回一个PyObject(由org.python.core所提供的支持类的一部分)。可以用__tojava__( )方法对它进行“cast”,但是还有比这更好的方法:
1. Py类有一些很方便的方法,比如py2int( ),可以接受一个PyObjec并且把它转换成若干不同的类型。
2. get( )有一个重载过的版本可以接受预期的Java Class对象作为第二个参数,并且产生出一个具有其运行时刻类型(run-time type)的对象(所以说在你的Java代码里你仍然需要对得到的结果进行一次cast)。
使用第二种方法,从PythonInterpreter取出一个数组是非常简单的。这一点显得尤为有用,因为Python对字符串和文件处理都异常的出色,所以通常你会希望把结果作为一个字符串数组提出出来。例如,你可以使用Python的glob( )函数对文件名进行通配符扩展(wildcard expansion),就像接下来的例子所展示的那样:
//- interpreter:PythonInterpreterGetting.java
// Getting data from the PythonInterpreter object.
package interpreter;
import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter;
import org.python.core.*;
import java.util.*;
import com.bruceeckel.python.*;
import junit.framework.*;
public class
PythonInterpreterGetting extends TestCase {
PythonInterpreter interp =
new PythonInterpreter();
public void test() throws PyException {
interp.exec("a = 100");
// If you just use the ordinary get(),
// it returns a PyObject:
PyObject a = interp.get("a");
// There's not much you can do with a generic
// PyObject, but you can print it out:
System.out.println("a = " + a);
// If you know the type it's supposed to be,
// you can "cast" it using __tojava__() to
// that Java type and manipulate it in Java.
// To use 'a' as an int, you must use
// the Integer wrapper class:
int ai= ((Integer)a.__tojava__(Integer.class))
// There are also convenience functions:
ai = Py.py2int(a);
System.out.println("ai + 47 = " + (ai + 47));
// You can convert it to different types:
float af = Py.py2float(a);
System.out.println("af + 47 = " + (af + 47));
// If you try to cast it to an inappropriate
// type you'll get a runtime exception:
//! String as = (String)a.__tojava__(
//! String.class);
// If you know the type, a more useful method
// is the overloaded get() that takes the
// desired class as the 2nd argument:
interp.exec("x = 1 + 2");
int x = ((Integer)interp
.get("x", Integer.class)).intValue();
System.out.println("x = " + x);
// Since Python is so good at manipulating
// strings and files, you will often need to
// extract an array of Strings. Here, a file
// is read as a Python array:
interp.exec("lines = " +
"open('PythonInterpreterGetting.java')" +
// Pull it in as a Java array of String:
String[] lines = (String[])
interp.get("lines", String[].class);
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
// As an example of useful string tools,
// global expansion of ambiguous file names
// using glob is very useful, but it's not
// part of the standard Jython package, so
// you'll have to make sure that your
// Python path is set to include these, or
// that you deliver the necessary Python
// files with your application.
interp.exec("from glob import glob");
interp.exec("files = glob('*.java')");
String[] files = (String[])
interp.get("files", String[].class);
for(int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
// You can extract tuples and arrays into
// Java Lists with com.bruceeckel.PyUtil:
"tup = ('fee', 'fi', 'fo', 'fum', 'fi')");
List tup = PyUtil.toList(interp, "tup");
// It really is a list of String objects:
// You can easily convert it to a Set:
Set tups = new HashSet(tup);
List ints = PyUtil.toList(interp, "ints");
// It really is a List of Integer objects:
// If you have a Python dictionary, it can
// be extracted into a Java Map, again with
// com.bruceeckel.PyUtil:
interp.exec("dict = { 1 : 'a', 3 : 'b'," +
"5 : 'c', 9 : 'd', 11 : 'e' }");
Map map = PyUtil.toMap(interp, "dict");
System.out.println("map: " + map);
// It really is Java objects, not PyObjects:
Iterator it = map.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry)it.next();
public static void
main(String[] args) throws PyException {
} ///:~
最后两个例子展示了从Python的垫片(tuples)和链表(lists)中提取数据到Java Lists,以及从Python 字典中提取数据到Java Maps。上述两种情况都需要用到比标准Jython库所提供的更多的处理方法,所以我又写了一些小程序放在com.bruceeckel.pyton里。PyUtil: toList( )是用来从一个Python序列产生一个List,toMap( )用来从Python字典产生出一个Map。PyUtil所提供的方法使得在Java和Python之间来回传递重要的数据结构变得更为简单。
多个解释器Multiple interpreters
//- interpreter:MultipleJythons.java
// You can run multiple interpreters, each
// with its own name space.
package interpreter;
import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter;
import org.python.core.*;
import junit.framework.*;
public class MultipleJythons extends TestCase {
interp1 = new PythonInterpreter(),
interp2 = new PythonInterpreter();
public void test() throws PyException {
interp1.set("a", new PyInteger(42));
interp2.set("a", new PyInteger(47));
interp1.exec("print a");
interp2.exec("print a");
PyObject x1 = interp1.get("a");
PyObject x2 = interp2.get("a");
System.out.println("a from interp1: " + x1);
System.out.println("a from interp2: " + x2);
public static void
main(String[] args) throws PyException {
} ///:~