PowerFolder 工作流服务器版本0.5 试驾之旅(5)

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Web Page Development and Web Client API
 3.1 Overview 概述
To create or edit existing web pages, from the PowerFolder Console click 'Develop', then 'Web
Pages'. You can either edit an existing web page by clicking the 'Edit' button beside it or create a
new web page by entering its name in the box next to 'New Web Page' and clicking 'Create'.
Remember, new and editted web pages cannot be seen by outside viewers until they are deployed
under the 'Administer' section.
Pages.你可以编辑一个现存的页面,通过单击它旁边的Edit按钮,或者通过在New Web
Page' 旁的文本框中输入它的名字并且单击'Create'按钮来创建一个新页面。记住,新的

Standard HTML is rather bland. It just displays things for the user to see, but it can't understand
commands issued by the user or 'do anything'. It can't read HTML 'form' parameters, it can't use
user submitted information to change the state of a workflow.
任何事情的命令。它不能阅读HTML form参数,它也不能利用用户提交的信息来改变工作

That is where 'client' comes in. By default, it is included with every web page in PowerFolder. Its
role is to simplify the process of making HTML 'intelligent'.

Web pages in PowerFolder use Java JSP scripting and syntactically correct scripting means
following the JSP conventions. For a general script area within a web page, start it with '<%' and
end it with '%>'. For a one line script that writes output that the user will see, start it with '<%= '
and end it with '%>'.

The goal of 'client' is to minimize the learning curve and make the scripting process more

PowerFolder can use any Java class or primitive, but by default it uses 3 variable types –
Boolean, Decimal, and String. In the view of 'client' these represent 'boolean', 'double', and
'java.lang.String' in Java.
Boolean, Decimal, 和 String. 在client的观点来看,这些表示了Java中的boolean,
double, 和java.lang.String。

Note about below - when '()' is used to surround a name in a description, it is referring to an input
argument. For instance if 'startWorkflow("Hello")' will start a workflow with trigger data
'<powerfolder>Hello</powerfolder>', not '<powerfolder>(arguement1)</powerfolder>'.
 3.2 Commands命令
 3.2.1 Starting Workflows启动工作流 startWorkflow 启动工作流

Inputs – (none)输入-无
Return – (none)返回-无
Description - Starts a workflow with XML trigger '<powerfolder/>'.
描述-启动一个工作流,带有XML触发器 '<powerfolder/>'
Example – client.startWorkflow();
例子:client.startWorkflow(); startWorkflow 启动工作流

Inputs - arguement1 (String) 输入--参数1(字符串)
Return – (none) 返回--无
Description - Starts a workflow with XML trigger '<powerfolder>(arguement1)</powerfolder>'.
Note that (arguement1) is converted replaces special XML characters with their proper escape
codes (e.g. '<' becomes '&lt;').
Example - client.startWorkflow("Change the temperature to 30 degrees Celius.");
例子--client.startWorkflow("Change the temperature to 30 degrees Celius."); startWorkflowWithRequest带有请求启动工作流

Inputs - webValue (String)输入-web值(字符串)
Return – (none) 返回值(无)
Description - Starts a workflow with XML trigger
'<powerfolder>(client.getWebValue(webValue))</powerfolder>'. Note that
(client.getWebValue(webValue)) is converted replaces special XML characters with their proper
escape codes (e.g. '<' becomes '&lt;').
Example - client.startWorkflowWithRequest("USER_NAME");
例子—client.startWorkflowWithRequest("USER_NAME"); startWorkflowWithXML带有XML启动工作流

Inputs - xmlValue (String)输入--xml值
Return – (none)返回--无
Description - Starts a workflow with '(xmlValue)'. No characters are converted.
Example - client.startWorkflowWithXML("<employee><name>Cindy Smith</name><title>VP
of Sales</title></employee>");
例如--client.startWorkflowWithXML("<employee><name>Cindy Smith</name><title>VP of
 3.2.2 Selecting Existing Workflows选择已经存在的工作流 isNextWorkflowPresent 下一个工作流是否存在

Inputs – (none) 输入--无
Return – Boolean 返回--Boolean
Description - this does two things - determines if there is another workflow that has been been
selected from 'selectWaitingWorkflows' and 'selectWorkflows' and prepares this workflow's
attributes to be read and editted. Don't use this function after calling 'selectWorkflowById'.
Returns true if there is another selected workflow, false otherwise.
如果有另外一个被选中的工作流,返回true,否则返回 false
Example -例子
while (client.isNextWorkflowPresent()) {
  client.setAttribute("Status", "Accepted");
} selectWaitingWorkflows选择等候的工作流

Inputs - workflowName (String), state (String)输入--工作流名称,状态
Return – (none)返回-无
Description - select all workflows using script (workflowName)
Example - client.selectWaitingWorkflows("EmployeeSetup", "NewComputerArrived");
例子--client.selectWaitingWorkflows("EmployeeSetup", "NewComputerArrived"); selectWorkflowById根据ID来选择工作流

Inputs - id (String)输入—id(字符串)
Return – (none)返回-无
Description - select the workflow having system ID equal to (id). Don't call
'isNextWorkflowPresent' after calling this function. The (id) specified will almost always be
derived from another function.
Example - client.selectWorkflowById(client.getWebValue("ID"));
例子-client.selectWorkflowById(client.getWebValue("ID")); selectWorkflows选择工作流

Inputs - query (String)输入-查询(字符串)
Return – (none)返回-无
Description - select all workflows that match the criteria specified in (query).
Example - client.selectWorkflowById("*APP* = 'LocationFormSubmission' AND ?State? =
'NJ'");例子 - client.selectWorkflowById("*APP* = 'LocationFormSubmission' AND ?State? =
 3.2.3 Getting and Setting Workflow Attributes 得到和设置工作流属性 getAttribute得到属性

Inputs - attributeName (String)输入-属性名称(字符串)
Return - (String)返回(字符串)
Description - get the value of the application-specific attribute. Can't be used on Internal
Example – client.getAttribute("StreetAddress");
例子 - client.getAttribute("StreetAddress"); getBooleanAttribute得到布尔属性

Inputs - attributeName (String)输入--属性名称(字符串)
Return – (Boolean)返回-布尔值
Description - get the value of the application-specific attribute. Can't be used on Internal
Example - client.getBooleanAttribute("HasDriversLicense");
例子 – client.getBooleanAttribute("HasDriversLicense"); getDecimalAttribute得到数值属性

Inputs - attributeName (String)输入--属性名称(字符串)
Return - (Decimal)返回-数值
Description - get the value of the application-specific attribute. Can't be used on Internal
Example – client.getDecimalAttribute("BankBalance");
例子 - client.getDecimalAttribute("BankBalance"); getSystemAttribute得到系统属性

Inputs - attributeName (String)输入--属性名称(字符串)
Return - (String)返回(字符串)
Description - get the value of the system attribute. Can't be used on Internal Attributes. System
attributes are common to all workflows, but probably have different values.
Example - client.getSystemAttribute("ID");
例子 – client.getSystemAttribute("ID"); releaseWaitAtState 释放等待状态

Inputs - stateName (String)输入--状态名称(字符串)
Return – (none)返回-无
Description - release the 'trace' waiting at the state. In addition, the 'STATUS' system attribute
for the workflow is changed to 'ACTIVE'.
Example - client.releaseWaitAtState("InventoryUpdated");
例子 – client.releaseWaitAtState("InventoryUpdated"); setBooleanAttribute设置布尔型的属性

Inputs - attributeName (String)输入--属性名称(字符串)
Return - (none)返回(无)
Description - set the value of the application-specific attribute. Can't be used on Internal
Example - client.setBooleanAttribute("ShipmentDamaged", false);
例子 - client.setBooleanAttribute("ShipmentDamaged", false); setDecimalAttribute设置数值型的属性

Inputs - attributeName (String)输入--属性名称(字符串)
Return - (none)返回(无)
Description - set the value of the application-specific attribute. Can't be used on Internal
Example - client.setDecimalAttribute("Refund", 50);
例子 - client.setDecimalAttribute("Refund", 50); setStringAttribute设置字符串型的属性

Inputs - attributeValue (String)输入--属性名称(字符串)
Return - (none)返回(无)
Description - set the value of the application-specific attribute. Can't be used on Internal
Example - client.setStringAttribute("BookOrdered", "Simon's Dictionary");
例子  - client.setStringAttribute("BookOrdered", "Simon's Dictionary");
 3.2.4 Getting Web Values得到Web页面值 getNextWebValue得到下一个Web值

Inputs - webValue (String)输入webValue(字符串)
Return - (String)返回(字符串)
Description - get the next value from the collection of values generated from 'loadWebValues'.
Example - client.getNextWebValue();
例子 – client.getNextWebValue(); getWebValue得到web值

Inputs - webValue (String)输入webValue(字符串)
Return – (String)返回-(字符串)
Description - get web value submitted by an HTML 'input' tag. This is equivalent to the Java
servlet call 'request.getParameter("")'.
Example - client.getWebValue("COMMENTS");
例子 - client.getWebValue("COMMENTS") isNextWebValuePresent是否有下一个web值

Inputs - (none)
Return - (Boolean)
Description - determines if there is another value in the collection created by 'loadWebValues'.
Example - client.isNextWebValuePresent(); loadWebValues 读取web值集合

Inputs - webValue (String)
Return - (none)
Description - create a collection of web values with the same name (webValue).
Example - client.loadWebValues("ReviewedCases");

 3.2.5 Arithmetic数学 add加

Inputs - arguement1 (Decimal), arguement2 (Decimal)
Return - (Decimal)
Description - adds two Decimals together. You really don't need to use this function, you can use
a simple '+' instead.
Example - client.add(client.getDecimalValue("TotalAttendees"), 1); divide除

Inputs - arguement1 (Decimal), argument2 (Decimal)
Return - (Decimal)
Description - divides (arguement1) by (arguement2). You really don't need to use this function,
you can use a simple '/' instead.
Example - client.divide(client.getDecimalValue("DogYears"), 12); multiply乘

Inputs - arguement1 (Decimal), argument2 (Decimal)
Return - (Decimal)
Description - multiplies (arguement1) with (arguement2). You really don't need to use this
function, you can use a simple '*' instead.
Example - client.multiply(client.getDecimalValue("GallonsOfGas"), 1.59); subtract减

Inputs - arguement1 (Decimal), argument2 (Decimal)
Return - (Decimal)
Description - subtract (arguement2) from (arguement1). You really don't need to use this
function, you can use a simple '-' instead.
Example - client.subtract(client.getDecimalValue("BankBalance"), 20);
 3.2.6 Logical逻辑 and逻辑与

Inputs - arguement1 (Boolean), argument2 (Boolean)
Return - (Boolean)
Description - true if both (arguement1) and (arguement2) are both true, false otherwise.
Example - client.and(client.getBooleanAttribute("collegeDegree"),
client.getBooleanAttribute("speaksLatin")); isEqual相等

Inputs - arguement1 (Decimal), argument2 (Decimal)
Return - (Boolean)
Description - true if (arguement1) and (arguement2) are equal, false otherwise.
Example - client.isEqual(client.getDecimalAttribute("BlackjackHand"), 21); isGreaterThan大于

Inputs - arguement1 (Decimal), argument2 (Decimal)
Return - (Boolean)
Description - true if (arguement1) is greater than (arguement2), false otherwise.
Example - client.isGreaterThan(client.getDecimalAttribute("Age"), 18); isGreaterThanOrEqual大于或等于

Inputs - arguement1 (Decimal), argument2 (Decimal)
Return - (Boolean)
Description - true if (arguement1) is greater than or equal to (arguement2), false otherwise.
Example - client.isGreaterThanOrEqual(client.getDecimalAttribute("FrequentFlyerMiles"),
25000); isLessThan小于

Inputs - arguement1 (Decimal), argument2 (Decimal)
Return - (Boolean)
Description - true if (arguement1) is less than (arguement2), false otherwise.
Example - client.isLessThan(client.getDecimalAttribute("ShoeSize"), 10); isLessThanOrEqual小于或等于

Inputs - arguement1 (Decimal), argument2 (Decimal)
Return - (Boolean)
Description - true if (arguement1) is less than or equal to (arguement2), false otherwise.
Example - client.isLessOrEqualThan(client.getDecimalAttribute("StrikeOuts"), 45); isNotEqual不等于

Inputs - arguement1 (Decimal), argument2 (Decimal)
Return - (Boolean)
Description - true if (arguement1) is not equal to (arguement2), false otherwise.
Example - client.isLessOrEqualThan(client.getDecimalAttribute("PrimeNumber"), 2); not逻辑非

Inputs - arguement1 (Boolean)
Return - (Boolean)
Description - true if (arguement1) is false, false otherwise.
Example - client.not(client.getBooleanValue("PassedExam")); or逻辑或

Inputs - arguement1 (Boolean), argument2 (Boolean)
Return - (Boolean)
Description - true if either or both (arguement1) and (argument2) are true, false otherwise.
Example - client.or(client.getBooleanValue("HasCollegeDegree"),
client.getBooleanValue("Has5YearsExperience")); xor逻辑异或

Inputs - arguement1 (Boolean), argument2 (Boolean)
Return - (Boolean)
Description - true if either, but not both, (arguement1) or (argument2) is true, false otherwise.
Example - client.or(client.getBooleanValue("RedLight"),

 3.2.7 Other其它 convertStringToDecimal转换字符串到数值

Inputs - arguement1 (String)
Return - (Decimal)
Description - converts (arguement1) to a Decimal.
Example - client.convertStringToDecimal(client.getWebValue("AGE")); isStringDecimal是否是数值

Inputs - arguement1 (String)
Return - (Boolean)
Description - true if (arguement1) can be converted to a Decimal, false otherwise.
Example - client.isStringDecimal(client.getWebValue("Quantity")); saveChanges保存修改

Inputs - (none)
Return - (none)
Description - saves the changes made to all selected workflows.
Example - client.saveChanges();
