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Development Notes:
Greedy Snake Game Testing Version
Based on LinkList Structure

Direction Control Keys are: w a s d

import javax.swing.*;   // the Java eXtensions "Swing" graphics kit
import java.awt.*;      // the Java  Abstract Windowing Toolkit
import java.awt.image.*;// the AWT image  package
import java.awt.geom.*; // AWT geometry
import*;       // I/O package
import java.awt.event.*;

public class snake extends JFrame implements KeyListener
 public static final int DISPLAY_WIDTH = 640;
 public static final int DISPLAY_HEIGHT = 640;
 public static final int BLOCKNUM = 80;

 public int currDir = 1;
 public CanvasArea ca = new CanvasArea(DISPLAY_WIDTH/8,DISPLAY_HEIGHT/8);

 public Container con = null;
 public int flag = 0, foodNum = 4, speed = 80;
 public CellItem temp = new CellItem();

 public static void main(String[] args)
  new snake();
 public snake() {
  super("Greedy Snake Program Testing");
  con = getContentPane();
  addKeyListener( this ); // make this object be the one to listen to keyboard
//Matrix of the canvas



  DisplayArea da =
     new DisplayArea( new Rectangle( 0, 0, DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT ) );

  con.add ( da );


    Thread.sleep( speed );
   }catch( InterruptedException ie ){}
    if ( currDir == 1 ) ca.moveUp();
    if ( currDir == 2 ) ca.moveDown();
    if ( currDir == 3 ) ca.moveLeft();
    if ( currDir == 4 ) ca.moveRight();
    if ( foodNum == 0 ) ca.actFood();

//KeyBoard Listener
 public void keyPressed( KeyEvent kev ){}
    public void keyReleased( KeyEvent kev ){}

    public void keyTyped( KeyEvent kev ){  // useful only for "normal" characters
  if( kev.getKeyChar() == 'q' || kev.getKeyChar() == 'Q' ){  // q or Q for "quit"
  }else if( kev.getKeyChar() == 'w' || kev.getKeyChar() == 'W' ){
   currDir = 1;
   System.out.println("Key w pressed, snake goes up");
  }else if( kev.getKeyChar() == 's' || kev.getKeyChar() == 'S' ){
      currDir = 2;
   System.out.println("Key s pressed, snake goes down");
  }else if( kev.getKeyChar() == 'a' || kev.getKeyChar() == 'A' ){
   currDir = 3;
   System.out.println("Key a pressed, snake goes left");
  }else if( kev.getKeyChar() == 'd' || kev.getKeyChar() == 'D' ){
   currDir = 4;
   System.out.println("Key d pressed, snake goes right");


 public void resizeToInternalSize( int internalWidth, int internalHeight ){
 Insets insets = getInsets();
 final int newWidth  = internalWidth  + insets.left + insets.right;
 final int newHeight = internalHeight +  + insets.bottom;
 Runnable resize = new Runnable(){ // an anonymous inner class
  public void run(){
      setSize( newWidth, newHeight);
 if(!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread() ){
  SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait( resize );
     }catch( Exception e ) { }
//CanvasArea Class
 public class CanvasArea
  public int width, height, row, col, cellNum;
  public CellItem caStr[][], fList, fTail, fsearch, fcurrent;
  public CellItem sList, search, current, sTail;

  public CanvasArea(int w, int h){
   width = w;
   height = h;
   sList = null;
   search = null;
   cellNum = BLOCKNUM;
   fList = null;fTail = null;fsearch = null; fcurrent = null;
   caStr = new CellItem[w][h];
  public void canvasInit() {
   for (col = 0; col < height; col++ )
    for (row = 0; row < width; row++ )
     caStr[row][col] = new CellItem();
     caStr[row][col].x = row;
     caStr[row][col].y = col;
     caStr[row][col].type = 0;
   for (col = 0; col < height; col++ )
    for (row = 0; row < width; row++ )
     if ((row == 0) && (col == 0))
       caStr[row][col].up = caStr[row][cellNum-1];
       caStr[row][col].down = caStr[row][col+1];
       caStr[row][col].left = caStr[cellNum-1][col];
       caStr[row][col].right = caStr[1][col];
     if ((row == 0) && (col == (cellNum - 1)) )
      caStr[row][col].up = caStr[row][col-1];
      caStr[row][col].down = caStr[row][0];
      caStr[row][col].left = caStr[cellNum-1][col];
      caStr[row][col].right = caStr[1][col];
     if ((row == (cellNum - 1)) && (col == 0))
      caStr[row][col].up = caStr[row][cellNum-1];
      caStr[row][col].down = caStr[row][1];
      caStr[row][col].left = caStr[row-1][col];
      caStr[row][col].right = caStr[0][col];
     if ((row == (cellNum - 1)) && (col == (cellNum - 1)))
      caStr[row][col].up = caStr[row-1][col-1];
      caStr[row][col].down = caStr[row][0];
      caStr[row][col].left = caStr[row-1][col];
      caStr[row][col].right = caStr[0][col];
     //Cells on each edge
     // On the top edge
     if ((col == 0) && (0 < row) && (row < cellNum - 1))
      caStr[row][col].up = caStr[row][cellNum-1];
      caStr[row][col].down = caStr[row][col+1];
      caStr[row][col].left = caStr[row-1][col];
      caStr[row][col].right = caStr[row+1][col];

     //On the bottom edge
     if ((col == cellNum - 1) && (0 < row) && (row < cellNum - 1))
      caStr[row][col].up = caStr[row][col-1];
      caStr[row][col].down = caStr[row][0];
      caStr[row][col].left = caStr[row-1][col];
      caStr[row][col].right = caStr[row+1][col];

     //On the left edge
     if ((row == 0) && (0 < col) && (col < cellNum - 1))
      caStr[row][col].up = caStr[row][col-1];
      caStr[row][col].down = caStr[row][col+1];
      caStr[row][col].left = caStr[cellNum-1][col];
      caStr[row][col].right = caStr[row+1][col];

     //On the right edge
     if ((row == cellNum - 1) && (0 < col) && (col < cellNum - 1))
      caStr[row][col].up = caStr[row][col-1];
      caStr[row][col].down = caStr[row][col+1];
      caStr[row][col].left = caStr[row-1][col];
      caStr[row][col].right = caStr[0][col];
     //Cells sitting in the middle area
     if ((0 < row) && (row < cellNum-1) && (0 < col) && (col < cellNum-1))
      caStr[row][col].up = caStr[row][col-1];
      caStr[row][col].down = caStr[row][col+1];
      caStr[row][col].left = caStr[row-1][col];
      caStr[row][col].right = caStr[row+1][col];
//Active all food
  public void actFood(){
   double outValue;
   int x, y;
   fsearch = fList;
    if (fsearch.down == null) break;
    fsearch.type = 2;

    fsearch = fsearch.down;
   while (fsearch != null);
   fsearch.type = 2;
   foodNum = 4;

  public void displaySnake() {
   search = sList;
    if (search == null) break;
    System.out.print(search.x + " ");
    search = search.down;
   while (search != null);
   search = sTail;
    if (search == null) break;
    System.out.print(search.x + " ");
    search = search.up;
   while (search != null);


  public void displayMatrix() {
   for (col = 0; col < height; col++ )
    for (row = 0; row < width; row++ )
     System.out.print(caStr[row][col].x + " ");

  public void addCell(CellItem s, int t) {
   CellItem temp;
   if (sList == null)
    temp = new CellItem();
    //sList = new CellItem();
    sList = temp;
    sList.x = s.x;
    sList.y = s.y;
    sList.type = t;
    sTail = sList;
    search = sList;
    //current = sList;
     if (search.down == null) break;
     current = search;
     search = search.down;
    while (search != null);
    //search.down = null;
    search.down = new CellItem();
    search.down.x = s.x;
    search.down.y = s.y;
    search.down.type = t;
    search.down.up = search;
    sTail = search.down;

//Snake eats food
  public void addToTop(CellItem s){
   CellItem temp = new CellItem();
   temp.x = s.x;
   temp.y = s.y;
   temp.type = 1;
   temp.down = sList;
   sList.up = temp;
   sList = temp;
//Food match
  public boolean fMatch(int valueX, int valueY, CellItem s) {
   fsearch = fList;
    if (fsearch.down == null) break;
    if ((fsearch.x == valueX) && (fsearch.y == valueY)) {
     s.x = valueX;
     s.y = valueY;
     fsearch.type = 0;
     //s.type = 1;
     return true;
    fsearch = fsearch.down;
   while (fsearch != null);
   if ((fsearch.x == valueX) && (fsearch.y == valueY)) {
     s.x = valueX;
     s.y = valueY;
     fsearch.type = 0;
     //s.type = 1;
     return true;
   return false;
//Add food
  public void addFood(CellItem s, int t) {
   CellItem temp;
   if (fList == null)
    temp = new CellItem();
    //sList = new CellItem();
    fList = temp;
    fList.x = s.x;
    fList.y = s.y;
    fList.type = t;
    fTail = fList;
    fsearch = fList;
    //current = sList;
     if (fsearch.down == null) break;
     fcurrent = fsearch;
     fsearch = fsearch.down;
    while (fsearch != null);
    //search.down = null;
    fsearch.down = new CellItem();
    fsearch.down.x = s.x;
    fsearch.down.y = s.y;
    fsearch.down.type = t;
    fsearch.down.up = fsearch;
    fTail = fsearch.down;


//Move Up
  public void moveUp(){
   int topX,topY;
   CellItem tempCell = new CellItem();
   topX = sList.x;
   topY = sList.y;
   search = sTail;
   //if ((caStr[topX][topY].up.x == fList.x) && (caStr[topX][topY].up.y == fList.y))
   if (fMatch(caStr[topX][topY].up.x, caStr[topX][topY].up.y, tempCell))
    //fList = null;
    if(search.up == null) break;
     search.x = search.up.x;
     search.y = search.up.y;
     search = search.up;
   while (search != null);
   sList.x = caStr[topX][topY].up.x;
   sList.y = caStr[topX][topY].up.y;
//Move Down
  public void moveDown(){
   int topX,topY;
   CellItem tempCell = new CellItem();
   topX = sList.x;
   topY = sList.y;
   search = sTail;

   //if ((caStr[topX][topY].down.x == fList.x) && (caStr[topX][topY].down.y == fList.y))
   if (fMatch(caStr[topX][topY].down.x, caStr[topX][topY].down.y, tempCell))
    //fList = null;

    if(search.up == null) break;
     search.x = search.up.x;
     search.y = search.up.y;
     search = search.up;
   while (search != null);
   sList.x = caStr[topX][topY].down.x;
   sList.y = caStr[topX][topY].down.y;

//Move Left
  public void moveLeft(){
   int topX,topY;
   CellItem tempCell = new CellItem();
   topX = sList.x;
   topY = sList.y;
   search = sTail;

   //if ((caStr[topX][topY].left.x == fList.x) && (caStr[topX][topY].left.y == fList.y))
   if (fMatch(caStr[topX][topY].left.x, caStr[topX][topY].left.y, tempCell))
    //fList = null;

    if(search.up == null) break;
     search.x = search.up.x;
     search.y = search.up.y;
     search = search.up;
   while (search != null);
   sList.x = caStr[topX][topY].left.x;
   sList.y = caStr[topX][topY].left.y;

//Move Right
  public void moveRight(){
   int topX,topY;
   CellItem tempCell = new CellItem();
   topX = sList.x;
   topY = sList.y;
   search = sTail;

   //if ((caStr[topX][topY].right.x == fList.x) && (caStr[topX][topY].right.y == fList.y))
   if (fMatch(caStr[topX][topY].right.x, caStr[topX][topY].right.y, tempCell))
    //fList = null;

    if(search.up == null) break;
     search.x = search.up.x;
     search.y = search.up.y;
     search = search.up;
   while (search != null);
   sList.x = caStr[topX][topY].right.x;
   sList.y = caStr[topX][topY].right.y;
  public void set(CellItem cList){
   current = cList;

  public void getAndMove(CellItem s, CellItem cList) {
   if (current != null)
    s.x = current.x;
    s.y = current.y;
    s.type = current.type;
    current = current.down;

    current = cList;
    s.x = -1;
    s.y = -1;
    s.type = -1;


//Cell Class
 public class CellItem{
  public int x,y;
  public int type; //0 means canvas,1 means snake, 2 means food
  public CellItem up,down,left,right;

  public CellItem() {
   x = -1; y = -1;
   type = -1;
   up = null;
   down = null;
   left = null;
   right = null;


//DisplayArea Class
 public class DisplayArea extends JPanel
  int col,row;
  int rowNum, colNum, rowLen, colLen;
  int i;

  public DisplayArea( Rectangle bounds ){  // default constructor
     setBounds( bounds);
     setPreferredSize( new Dimension (bounds.width, bounds.height )  );

  public void paintComponent( Graphics g ){
   Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
   Graphics2D g3 = (Graphics2D)g;

   g2.setColor( Color.white );

   rowNum = DISPLAY_WIDTH/8;
   colNum = DISPLAY_HEIGHT/8;
   rowLen = 8;
   colLen = 8;
   if (flag == 0)
    g2.setColor( Color.lightGray);
    for (col = 0; col < colNum; col++ )
     for (row = 0; row < rowNum; row++ )
      //g2.drawRect(row * rowLen, col * colLen, rowLen, colLen);
    //flag = 1;
   g2.setColor( Color.lightGray);
   if (flag == 0)
    for (col = 0; col < colNum; col++ )
     g2.drawLine(0, col * colLen, DISPLAY_HEIGHT, col * colLen);
    for (row = 0; row < rowNum; row++ )
     g2.drawLine(row * rowLen, 0, row * rowLen, DISPLAY_WIDTH);
//Print out food

   g3.setColor( );
   ca.getAndMove(temp, ca.fList);
   while (temp.x != -1)
    if (temp.type == 2){
     g3.fillRect(temp.x * rowLen + 1, temp.y * colLen + 1, 7 ,7);
    ca.getAndMove(temp, ca.fList);
    if (temp.x == -1) break;

//Print out the snake
   ca.getAndMove(temp, ca.sList);
   while (temp.x != -1)
    g3.fillRect(temp.x * rowLen + 1, temp.y  * colLen + 1,7,7);
    ca.getAndMove(temp, ca.sList);
    if (temp.x == -1) break;


//End of Program
