
类别:Java 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:


101.方法中throw RuntimeException或error不必在方法中声明

       这和throw checked Exception不一样

102.Catch(X x)can catch subclass of X

103.RuntimeException is the immediate superclass of NullPointException

104.rethrow 异常时,方法中也要声明抛出异常。


106.Assert抛出的异常Exception in thread “main” java.lang.AssertionError:true

       其中true是expression2 的值

107.Catch(Exception e){}  try中不抛出异常,仍然可以编译通过

108.两个break不可以连着,因为有一个break reach不到,所以compile error

109.Class A{

       Void A(){}

}    这不是错误,只是一个普通的方法罢了。

110.Int[] score={3,4,5,}   (right)

       Int [] aa=new int[3]{1,2,3} (wrong)


112.Condition compilation is used to allow tested class to run at full speed.

113.the default constructor has the same access as its class

114. do not use assertions to validate arguments to a public method and command-line

       Do not use assert expressions that can cause side effect

       Do use assertions to check for cases that you know are never even supposed to happen

115.abstract class have constructors and those constructors are always called when a concrete subclass is initiated.

116.An interface has no constructor, because it is not part of an objects inheritance tree.

117.private的构造函数只是不能被继承而已,不会因此compile error

118.boolean b=Boolean.TRUE   (wrong)

119.public synchronized void run(){}   (right,并且也覆盖run方法)

120.String s=”abc”; Object o=(Object)o;

       s.equals(o) =true  o.equals(s)=true  因为自动绑定

       String s=new String(“true”);

       Boolean b=new Boolean(true)

       s.equals(b) =false
