处理完HTML里面回车符 的问题

类别:Java 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:
目的:按用户的“本来面目”显示录入的数据 --有回车的话显示处理就得换行。。。。

  String text = text1.replaceAll("\n","<br>").trim();

在detail页面上:<bean:write name = "BoardItemForm" property="text" filter="flase"/> 

   <html:textarea property="text" cols="50" rows="10" value="<bean:write name = "BoardItemForm" property="text" filter="flase"/>">

In Ted's answer above, it is given: value="<bean:write name="employeeBean" property="name"/>" value should be enclosed in single quotes and not double quotes. value='<bean:write name="employeeBean" property="name"/>' It will work. Courtesy: Ted's own Struts book.

Failed too!

So i chose define tag,but it doesn't have filter value

For about half of hour's thinking,at last I chose:

 <!--replace <br> with \n-->
 <bean:define id="text" name="BoardItemForm" property="text" type="String"/>
  String realText = text.replaceAll("<br>","\n");
 <bean:message key="common.text"/>:
   <html:textarea property="text" cols="50" rows="10" value="<%=realText%>">

ok,done although not so perfect!

It's time to go to bed!

Good night!
