JDK 1.5 特性使用实例1--Generics

类别:Java 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:

 特别说明:虽然Sun 把新版本的JDK按中国人的习惯取名为5.0,尽管新版本的新特性是如此之多,不过我还是要把新版本称为JDK 1.5。


Generics 是JDK 1.5 一个最重要的特性,主要用来处理Collection。

详细的 Generics 教程: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5/pdf/generics-tutorial.pdf 。

以下代码在JDK 1.5 调试通过。

代码实例1。 Demo.java

package maoxiang.examples.jdk15.generics;


import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Collection;

import java.util.HashMap;

import java.util.LinkedList;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Map;



* @author 毛翔


* 演示如何使用Generics 特性。代码来自于 Generics 教程:

* http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5/pdf/generics-tutorial.pdf


* Generics类似于C++中的模板。

* 区别:

* 1.

* 2.


public class Demo {


public static void main(String[] args) {





* 最简单的用法


public void Test1() {


// 以前的用法

//List myIntList = new LinkedList(); // 1

//myIntList.add(new Integer(0)); // 2

//Integer x = (Integer) myIntList.iterator().next(); // 3 需要强制转换

// 1.5 的用法

List<Integer> myIntList = new LinkedList<Integer>(); // 1’

myIntList.add(new Integer(0)); //2’

Integer x = myIntList.iterator().next(); // 3’





* 匿名字符的用法


public void Test2() {

List<Circle> list = new ArrayList<Circle>();








* 如果 Wildcards2 定义为Wildcards2(List <Shape> shapes)

* 以下调用错误






public void Wildcards(Collection< ? > c) {

//  以前的用法

//Iterator i = c.iterator();

//for (int k = 0; k < c.size(); k++) {




//1.5 的用法

//Collection<?> c 表示

for (Object e : c) {





public void Wildcards1() {


//Collection<?> c = new ArrayList<String>();

//c.add(new Object()); // compile time error

//以上为错误的用法,因为不能确定 c 的类型 ,不能使用add ,但get可以 。正确的用法如下:

ArrayList<String> c = new ArrayList<String>();


List< ? > list = c;




public void Wildcards2(List< ? extends Shape> shapes) {

//List<Shape> shapes 定义只能接受List<Shape> shapes,也不能接受 List<Circle>

for (Shape s : shapes) {



//以下写法错误,因为为参数申明为 extends Shpape,无法确定Rectangle 为Shape子类,属于不安全调用

//shapes.add(0, new Rectangle());


Map<String, Driver> allDrivers = new HashMap<String, Driver>();



List<Driver> drivers = new ArrayList<Driver>();






* Generic Methods 的用法



public void Test3() {



Object[] oa = new Object[100];

Collection<Object> co = new ArrayList<Object>();

fromArrayToCollection(oa, co);// T inferred to be Object

String[] sa = new String[100];

Collection<String> cs = new ArrayList<String>();

fromArrayToCollection(sa, cs);// T inferred to be String

fromArrayToCollection(sa, co);// T inferred to be Object

Integer[] ia = new Integer[100];

Float[] fa = new Float[100];

Number[] na = new Number[100];

Collection<Number> cn = new ArrayList<Number>();

fromArrayToCollection(ia, cn);// T inferred to be Number

fromArrayToCollection(fa, cn);// T inferred to be Number

fromArrayToCollection(na, cn);// T inferred to be Number

fromArrayToCollection(na, co);// T inferred to be Object

//test.fromArrayToCollection(na, cs);// 错误用法




public <T> void fromArrayToCollection(T[] a, Collection<T> c) {

for (T o : a) {

//如果参数定义为 Collection< ? > c 以下写法错误

c.add(o); // compile time error





* generics 嵌套用法

* @param shapes


public void drawAll(List< ? extends Shape> shapes) {

List<List< ? extends Shape>> history = new ArrayList<List< ? extends Shape>>();


for (Shape s : shapes) {









public void Test4() {

List<String> l1 = new ArrayList<String>();

List<Integer> l2 = new ArrayList<Integer>();

System.out.print(l1.getClass() == l2.getClass());

//打印为 true,




* 错误用法


public void Test5() {

Collection cs = new ArrayList<String>();


//if (cs instanceof Collection<String>) { } // illegal



//Collection<String> cstr = (Collection<String>) cs; // unchecked

// warning




public void Test6() {


//List<String>[] lsa = new List<String>[10]; // not really allowed


List< ? >[] lsa = new List< ? >[10]; // ok, array of unbounded wildcard

// type

Object o = lsa;

Object[] oa = (Object[]) o;


List<Integer> li = new ArrayList<Integer>();

li.add(new Integer(3));

oa[1] = li; // correct

//String s = lsa[1].get(0); // run-time error - ClassCastException

//String s = lsa[1].get(0); // run time error, but we were warned

String s = (String) lsa[1].get(0); // run time error, but cast is

// explicit



public void Test7() {

Sink<Object> s = null;

Sink<String> s1 = null;

Collection<String> cs = null;


String str = writeAll(cs, s1);


//String str = writeAll(cs, s); // 无效调用

Object obj = writeAll1(cs, s); // 正确的调用


str = writeAll2(cs, s1); // 正确的调用




public <T> T writeAll(Collection<T> coll, Sink<T> snk) {

T last = null;

for (T t : coll) {

last = t;



return last;



public <T> T writeAll1(Collection< ? extends T> coll, Sink<T> snk) {

T last = null;

for (T t : coll) {

last = t;



return last;



public <T> T writeAll2(Collection<T> coll, Sink< ? super T> snk) {

T last = null;

for (T t : coll) {

last = t;



return last;



// 打印

private void log(Object ob) {







abstract class Shape {

public abstract void draw();



class Circle extends Shape {

private int x, y, radius;


public void draw() {




class Rectangle extends Shape {

private int x, y, width, height;


public void draw() {




class Person {




class Driver extends Person {




class Census {

public static void addRegistry(Map<String, ? extends Person> registry) {



public static void add(List< ? extends Person> persons) {





class Collections {

public static <T, S extends T> void copy(List<T> dest, List<S> src) {





package maoxiang.examples.jdk15.generics;




* @author 毛翔


* 定义一个接口模板,简化了接口的定义


interface Sink<E> {

public void flush(E t);




* 如果是以前的定义,则要定义要各种类型的接口,显然更麻烦

* interface Sink {


* public void flush(String str);

* public void flush(Object obj);

* public void flush(Integer test);

* ......

*  }


