
类别:VC语言 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:

        case 9: 'Document 节点 -- “根”节点。不需要显示,只需显示子节点

                '遍历节点的子节点就是这样写地 : ) ,so easy

                intCount = nodNode.childNodes.length

                if intCount > 0 then

                    for intNode = 0 to intCount-1

                        strNodes =strNodes &  renderChildNodes(nodNode.childNodes(intNode), intLevel + 1)


                end if

        case else:'普通节点


                strNodes=strNodes & getIndent(intLevel)& "<font color=""blue"">&lt</font>" ' 蓝色 <

                strNodes=strNodes & "<font color=""#800000"">"& nodNode.nodeName & "</font> " ' 褐色 node name


                '显示 属性

                set nodAttrList = nodNode.attributes'得到属性节点集(collection -- 我最喜欢的数据类型之一)先

                intCount = nodAttrList.length 'collection 之 length ,方便吧? :)

                if intCount > 0 then

                    for intAttr = 0 to intCount-1

                    '红色 属性名,蓝色 引号

                    strNodes  =strNodes &  "<font color=""red"">"+nodAttrList(intAttr).nodeName + "</font>=<font color=""blue"">""</font>" & nodAttrList(intAttr).nodeValue & "<font color=""blue"">""</font> "


                end if


                intCount = nodNode.childNodes.length

                if intCount > 0 then'如果有子节点

                    strNodes=strNodes & "<font color=""blue"">&gt</font><br>"  '属性显示完 ,用“ 〉“闭合 Tag先


                    ' 对每个子节点递归调用 renderChildNodes

                    for intNode = 0 to intCount-1

                        strNodes = strNodes & renderChildNodes(nodNode.childNodes(intNode), intLevel + 1)


                    '显示关闭标记  </NodeName>

                    strNodes= strNodes & getIndent(intLevel) & "<font color=""blue"">&lt/</font><font color=""#800000"">"+nodNode.nodeName & "</font><font color=""blue"">&gt</font><br>"


                    strNodes = strNodes & "<font color=""blue"">/&gt</font><br>" '没有子节点, 显示 “ /〉“

                end if                

    end select

    renderChildNodes = strNodes

end function  


function renderComment(nodNode,intLevel)

    dim strNodes,intCount,intNode

    strNodes = ""

    intCount = 0

    intNode = 0

    dim nodAttrList

    strNodes=strNodes & getIndent(intLevel)& "<font color=""gray"">&lt!--  "

    strNodes= strNodes & nodNode.nodeValue

    strNodes=strNodes &"  --&gt</font><br>"

    renderComment = strNodes

end function
