.NET WS客户端与Axis服务端的互操作问题

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用Java Axis作Web Service的提供者,客户端用C#。

调用一切顺利,就是得不到返回值。返回值是bool型,但得到的总是false. 用Axis的Tcpmon监视soap消息,并无不妥,故判断是客户端在解析Soap响应的时候有问题。

后来尝试用MS Soap SDK里面的Soap Trace Utility监视Soap消息,发现无法显示soap消息:

The XML page cannot be displayed

Cannot view XML input using style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.

Invalid at the top level of the document. Error processing resource 'file:///C:/Documents and Settings/zzephyr/Local Settings/Temp/MSSOAPT.0/M69.xml'. Line 1, Position 1

1a7 ^

用“View Source”发现开头多了”1a7”:

