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############  log.h #################

// HomeWork from Belgium   Not licensed software 
// 1999 - 2000      No rights reserved
// Project/Product : Iconizer DLL
//  FileName  : log.h
// Author(s)  : Bart Gysens
// Description  : Declaration of CLog class
// Classes   : CLog
// Information  :
//   Compiler(s) : Visual C++ 6.0
//   Target(s)  : Windows 95/98 and Windows NT (x86)
//   Editor  : Visual C++ 6.0 internal editor
// History
// Vers.  Date        Aut.  Type     Description
//  -----  ----------  ----  -------  -----------------------------------------
// 1.00   22 05 1999  BG    Create   Original
//  1.01   20 12 2000  hewen Add
//  1.03   24 10 2001  hewen Add
//  1.04   10 06 2003  hewen Add

#ifndef _LOG_H_INCLUDED__
#define _LOG_H_INCLUDED__

// Macros and typedefs

// Class   : CLog
// Author(s)  : Bart Gysens
// Description  : Declaration of the CLog class
// Comments  : none
// History   : 1.00  : Create
//                      1.01  : hewen Add
//                      1.03  : hewen Add
//                      1.04  : hewen Add

class CLog
 // Member functions

 static void PutLog( LPCTSTR pFmt, ... );
 static void SetFile(LPCTSTR FileName);
 static void Delete(void);
 static void PutLogBinary(VOID *pMem,DWORD Length,BOOL bTxt);
 static void MessageBox( LPCTSTR pFmt, ... );


#endif // _LOG_H_INCLUDED__


############  log.cpp #################

// HomeWork from Belgium   Not licensed software 
// 1999 - 2000      No rights reserved
// Project/Product : Iconizer DLL
//  FileName  : log.cpp
// Author(s)  : Bart Gysens
// Description  : Declaration of CLog class
// Classes   : CLog
// Information  :
//   Compiler(s) : Visual C++ 6.0
//   Target(s)  : Windows 95/98 and Windows NT (x86)
//   Editor  : Visual C++ 6.0 internal editor
// History
// Vers.  Date        Aut.  Type     Description
//  -----  ----------  ----  -------  -----------------------------------------
// 1.00   22 05 1999  BG    Create   Original
//  1.01   20 12 2000  hewen Add
//  1.03   24 10 2001  hewen Add
//  1.04   16 06 2003  hewen Add      My BirthDay

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "log.h"

// Macros and typedefs

// Class   : CLog
// Author(s)  : Bart Gysens
// Description  : Declaration of the CLog class
// Comments  : none
// History   : 1.00  : Create
//                      1.01  : hewen Add
//                      1.03  : hewen Add
//                      1.04  : hewen Add

static char gLogFileName[_MAX_PATH] = "LOG.TXT";


void CLog::PutLog( LPCTSTR pFmt, ... )
#ifdef _DEBUG_LOG

 FILE * pFile;
 pFile = fopen( gLogFileName, "ab" );
// pFile = fopen( "C:\\LOG.TXT", "a" );

 if ( pFile != NULL )
  va_list arg;
  va_start( arg, pFmt );
  vfprintf( pFile, pFmt, arg );
  va_end( arg );
  fclose( pFile );

void CLog::SetFile(LPCTSTR FileName)
#ifdef _DEBUG_LOG

void CLog::Delete(void)
#ifdef _DEBUG_LOG

void CLog::PutLogBinary(VOID *pMem,DWORD Length,BOOL bTxt)
#ifdef _DEBUG_LOG
 FILE * pFile;
 int Row, r, i, j;

 if(pMem == NULL || Length <= 0)

 pFile = fopen( gLogFileName, "ab" );

 unsigned char *P = (unsigned char *)pMem;

 unsigned char txtBuff[16];

 if ( pFile != NULL )
   Row = Length / 16;
   r   = Length % 16;

     fprintf(pFile,"%c%02X",(j == 8 ? '-' : ' '),*P);
     txtBuff[j] = isgraph(*P) ? *P : '.';
     P ++;

    fprintf(pFile," | ");

    if(i < r)
     fprintf(pFile,"%c%02X",(j == 8 ? '-' : ' '),*P);
     txtBuff[j] = isgraph(*P) ? *P : '.';
     fprintf(pFile,"   ");
     txtBuff[j] = ' ';
    P ++;

   fprintf(pFile," | ");

  fclose( pFile );


#include "windows.h"
void CLog::MessageBox( LPCTSTR pFmt, ... )
#ifdef _DEBUG_LOG
 char buff[1024];
 buff[0] = 0;
 va_list arg;
 va_start( arg, pFmt );
 vsprintf( buff, pFmt, arg );
 va_end( arg );

