#include <iostream> //Header file for I/O
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
int main() //Begin Main Function
char border; //Declare "border" var
char filler; //Declare "filler" var
int rowMax; //Declare "rowMax" var
int colMax; //Declare "colMax" var
int col; //Declare "col"var
int row; //Declare "row"var
cout << "Please enter the number of rows you want to use: ";
cin >> rowMax; //Input value for "rowMax"
cout << "Please enter the number of columns you want to use: ";
cin >> colMax; //Input value for "colMax"
cout << "Please enter the symbol you want to use as the border: ";
cin >> border; //Input "border" symbol
cout << "Please enter the symbol you want to use as the filler: ";
cin >> filler; //Input "filler" symbol
cout << "\n" << endl; //Make some space...
//Start for loop: row = 0 - rowMax
for (row = 0; row < rowMax; row++)
if (row == 0) //If it's the first row
for (col = 0; col < colMax; col++)
cout << border; //Draw only border symbols
cout << endl; //Start a new line
else if (row == rowMax-1) //If it's the last row
for (col = 0; col < colMax; col++)
cout << border; //Draw only border symbols
cout << endl; //Start a new line
else //If it's any middle row
cout << border; //Start with the border
for (col = 0; col < colMax - 2; col++)
cout << filler; //Then draw the filler
cout << border; //End with the border
cout << endl; //Start a new line
//End for loop: row = 0 - rowMax
return 0; //End the program