cppunit 使用安装 (一)

类别:编程语言 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:


将cppunit的include拷贝到你的include目录下; 编译cppunit, cppunit_dll, 最后应该包含4个.lib, 两个.dll 将lib文件拷贝到你的lib目录下 将dll文件拷贝到你的bin目录下,这个目录应该在环境变量PATH中。 如果使用MFC进行GUI的testrunner,还需要编译testrunner项目,然后  将对应的4个lib文件拷贝到你的lib目录 将对应的4个dll文件拷贝到你的bin目录下 安装 AddingUnitTestMethod.dsm 到你的 msdev 6.0

下面是AddingUnitTestMethod.dsm 的代码,我修改了一下,添加了一个addSuiteMethod的方法。

'Made by bloodchen

'[email protected]

'add by [email protected]
sub AddTestSuiteClass()
 On Error Resume Next
 dim proj_path,ext,pos,proj_dir,MyCppFile,MyCppName,MyHFile,MyHName,ClassName,HText,CPPText
 proj_path = ActiveProject.fullname
 ext = ""
 pos = len (proj_path)

 Do While ext <> "\"
  ext = Mid(proj_path, pos, 1)
  pos = pos -1

 proj_dir = left(proj_path, pos+1)
 ClassName=InputBox("Enter the Suite name[not include Suite]:", "Suite Name")

 if ActiveProject.Type <> "Build" then
  MsgBox "This project is not valid. Ending macro."
  Exit Sub
 end if

 if (len(ClassName) <= 0) then
  MsgBox "Invalid suite name. Ending macro."
  Exit Sub
 end if

 ' ClassName="CTest"
 ActiveProject.AddFile MyCppName
 ActiveProject.AddFile MyHName
 Documents.Add "Text"
 HText= "#ifndef _"+ClassName+"_SUITE_INCLUDE_H_"+VbCrLf& _
  "#define _"+ClassName+"_SUITE_INCLUDE_H_"+VbCrLf& _
  ""+VbCrLf& _
  "#include <cppunit\testSuite.h>"+VbCrLf& _
  "#include <string>"+VbCrLf& _
  "namespace "+ClassName+"Suite"+VbCrLf& _
  "{"+VbCrLf& _
  " inline std::string name()"+VbCrLf& _
  " {"+VbCrLf& _
  "  return "+chr(34)+ClassName+chr(34)+";"+VbCrLf& _
  " }"+VbCrLf& _
  ""+VbCrLf& _
  " CppUnit::Test *suite();"+VbCrLf& _
  ""+VbCrLf& _
  "};"+VbCrLf& _

 ActiveDocument.Selection = HText
 ActiveDocument.Save MyHName

 ' WriteFile MyHName,HText
 Documents.Add "Text"
 CPPText = "#include "+chr(34)+"stdafx.h"+chr(34)+VbCrLf& _
  "#include <cppunit/extensions/TestFactoryRegistry.h>"+VbCrLf& _
  "#include "+chr(34)+ClassName+"Suite.h" +chr(34)+VbCrLf& _
  ""+VbCrLf& _
  "namespace "+ClassName+"Suite"+VbCrLf& _
  "{"+VbCrLf& _
  " CppUnit::Test* suite()"+VbCrLf& _
  " {"+VbCrLf& _
  "  CppUnit::TestFactoryRegistry &registry = "+VbCrLf& _
  "   CppUnit::TestFactoryRegistry::getRegistry(name());"+VbCrLf& _
  ""+VbCrLf& _
  "  return registry.makeTest();"+VbCrLf& _
  " }"+VbCrLf& _

 ' WriteFile MyCppName,CPPText
 ActiveDocument.Selection = CPPText
 ActiveDocument.Save MyCppName
End sub

Sub AddTestClass()
 On Error Resume Next
 dim proj_path,ext,pos,proj_dir,MyCppFile,MyCppName,MyHFile,MyHName,ClassName,HText,CPPText
 proj_path = ActiveProject.fullname
 ext = ""
 pos = len (proj_path)

 Do While ext <> "\"
  ext = Mid(proj_path, pos, 1)
  pos = pos -1

 proj_dir = left(proj_path, pos+1)
 ClassName=InputBox("Enter the class name:", "Class Name")

 if ActiveProject.Type <> "Build" then
  MsgBox "This project is not valid. Ending macro."
  Exit Sub
 end if

 if (len(ClassName) <= 0) then
  MsgBox "Invalid class name. Ending macro."
  Exit Sub
 end if

 ' ClassName="CTest"
 ActiveProject.AddFile MyCppName
 ActiveProject.AddFile MyHName
 Documents.Add "Text"
 HText= "#ifndef _"+ClassName+"_TEST_INCLUDE_H_"+VbCrLf& _
  "#define _"+ClassName+"_TEST_INCLUDE_H_"+VbCrLf& _
  ""+VbCrLf& _
  "#include <cppunit\testcase.h>"+VbCrLf& _
  "#include <cppunit\extensions\HelperMacros.h>"+VbCrLf& _
  "class "+ClassName+":public CppUnit::TestCase"+VbCrLf& _
  "{"+VbCrLf& _
  " CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( "+ClassName+" );"+VbCrLf& _
  "public:"+VbCrLf& _
  " "+ClassName+"();"+VbCrLf& _
  " virtual ~"+ClassName+"();"+VbCrLf& _
  "};"+VbCrLf& _

 ActiveDocument.Selection = HText
 ActiveDocument.Save MyHName

 ' WriteFile MyHName,HText
 Documents.Add "Text"
 CPPText = "#include "+chr(34)+"stdafx.h"+chr(34)+VbCrLf& _
  "#include "+chr(34)+ClassName+".h"+chr(34)+VbCrLf& _
  "#include "+chr(34)+"xxxSuite.h"+chr(34)+VbCrLf& _   
  ""+VbCrLf& _
  ""+VbCrLf& _
  "CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION("+ClassName+ ",  xxxSuite::name() );"+VbCrLf& _
  ""+VbCrLf& _
  ""+VbCrLf& _
  ClassName+"::"+ClassName+"()"+VbCrLf& _
  "{"+VbCrLf& _
  "}"+VbCrLf& _
  ""+VbCrLf& _
  ""+VbCrLf& _
  ClassName+"::~"+ClassName+"()"+VbCrLf& _
  "{"+VbCrLf& _

 ' WriteFile MyCppName,CPPText
 ActiveDocument.Selection = CPPText
 ActiveDocument.Save MyCppName
End Sub

Sub ToggleHandCPP()
 'DESCRIPTION: Opens the .cpp or .h file for the current document.
 'Toggles between the .cpp & .h file

 ext = ActiveDocument.FullName
 If ext = "" Then
  msgbox ("Error, not a .cpp or .h file")
  exit sub
 End If

 DocName = UCase(ext)

 If Right(DocName,4) = ".CPP" Then
  fn = left(DocName, Len(DocName)-3) & "h"
 ElseIf Right(DocName,2) = ".H" Then
  fn = Left(DocName, Len(DocName)-1) & "cpp"
  msgbox ("Error, not a .cpp or a .h file")
  exit sub
 End If

 'msgbox (fn)
 on error resume next
 Documents.Open (fn)

End Sub

Sub AddTestMethod()
 strHpt = ActiveDocument.FullName
 if right(strHpt,3) = "CPP" Or right (strHpt,3) = "cpp" Then
  strText = ActiveDocument.Selection.Text
  if (Instr(strText, "::" ) = 0) Then
   MsgBox("Line not valid !!")
   Exit Sub
  End If
  exit sub
 end if

 pos = Instr(strText, "::")
 strName = Right(strText, (Len(strText) - (pos+1)))
 pos = Instr(strName,"(")
 strName = Left(strName,pos-1)
 strClass = Left(strText,pos - 1)
 while (instr(strClass, " ") > 0)
  pos = instr(strClass, " ")
  strTyp = strTyp & Left(strClass, pos)
  strClass = Right(strClass, Len(strClass) - (pos) )

 strHead = ActiveDocument.Selection.Text
 if (instr(strHead,strClass) = 0) Then
  MsgBox(" Can't find class " & strClass & " !!")
  Exit Sub
 End If

 lineBottom = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine
 strLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.Text
 while (instr(strLine, strName) = 0 And ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine <> lineBottom)
  ActiveDocument.Selection.LineDown dsMove
  strLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.Text

 if (ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine < lineBottom) Then
  if( instr(strLine, "CPPUNIT_TEST" ) <> 0 )Then
   Exit Sub
  end if
 End If

 strLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.Text

 while (instr(strLine, "CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();" ) = 0 And ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine <> lineBottom)
  ActiveDocument.Selection.LineDown dsMove
  strLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.Text

 if (ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine < lineBottom) Then
  ActiveDocument.Selection = "CPPUNIT_TEST( "&strName&" );"
  MsgBox("CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END not found")
 end if


End Sub

