
类别:编程语言 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:

// HttpClient.h: HTTP协议客户端的实现类

#if !defined(_HTTPCLIENT_H__)
#define _HTTPCLIENT_H__

#include "../comm/tcp.h"

#pragma warning(disable : 4786)

#include <map>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

#define  BUFFER_SIZE 8192
#define  HEADS_BUFFER_SIZE 2048
#define  PEEK_SIZE 500
#define  TCP_TIMEOUT 5

class CHttpClient
 void Cancel();
 const char* GetStatusString();
 virtual ~CHttpClient();

 bool Download(char* url,char* fname);                  //直接下载到文件
 bool Download(char* url,HWND hParent,long msg = WM_USER+1);  //消息方式下载数据流

 inline long Instr(char* from,char* find);
 virtual void OnDataRecived(char* data,long datasize,int first = false );
 long GetHostName(char *url, char *buf);
 int GetStatus();
 long GetHeader(char* headname,char* buf);
 long GetHeader(char* from,char* searchfor,char* buf);
 bool Reset();
 long m_Message;
 HWND m_hParent;
 bool m_noCancel;
 char m_fname[BUFFER_SIZE];
 int m_status;
 char m_heads_buffer[HEADS_BUFFER_SIZE];
 char m_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE+1];
 CTcp tcp;

 map<const int,string> m_map;


// HttpClient.cpp: implementation of the CHttpClient class.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "HttpClient.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW

// Construction/Destruction

 m_map[100]= "Continue";
 m_map[101]= "Switching Protocols";
 m_map[200]= "OK";
 m_map[201]= "Created";
 m_map[202]= "Accepted";
 m_map[203]= "Non-Authoritative Information";
 m_map[204]= "No Content";
 m_map[205]= "Reset Content";
 m_map[206]= "Partial Content";
 m_map[300]= "Multiple Choices";
 m_map[301]= "Moved Permanently";
 m_map[302]= "Found";
 m_map[303]= "See Other";
 m_map[304]= "Not Modified";
 m_map[305]= "Use Proxy";
 m_map[307]= "Temporary Redirect";
 m_map[400]= "Bad Request";
 m_map[401]= "Unauthorized";
 m_map[402]= "Payment Required";
 m_map[403]= "Forbidden";
 m_map[404]= "Not Found";
 m_map[405]= "Method Not Allowed";
 m_map[406]= "Not Acceptable";
 m_map[407]= "Proxy Authentication Required";
 m_map[408]= "Request Time-out";
 m_map[409]= "Conflict";
 m_map[410]= "Gone ";
 m_map[411]= "Length Required";
 m_map[412]= "Precondition Failed";
 m_map[413]= "Request Entity Too Large";
 m_map[414]= "Request-URI Too Large";
 m_map[415]= "Unsupported Media Type";
 m_map[416]= "Requested range not satisfiabl";
 m_map[417]= "Expectation Failed";
 m_map[500]= "Internal Server Error";
 m_map[501]= "Not Implemented";
 m_map[502]= "Bad Gateway";
 m_map[503]= "Service Unavailable";
 m_map[504]= "Gateway Time-out";
 m_map[505]= "HTTP Version not supported";



bool CHttpClient::Reset()
 return 1;

bool CHttpClient::Download(char *url, HWND hParent,long msg)


 char hostname[256];

 long AllSize=0;
 long ReadSize=0;
 bool headFinished=false;

 int s;
  return false;

 sprintf(m_buffer,"GET %s HTTP/1.0 \r\nHost:%s\r\nAccept:*/*\r\nUser-Agent: AutoUpdate/1.0 \r\n\r\n",url,hostname);

  return false;


 int m,n;
 m=Instr(m_buffer," ");
 n=Instr(m_buffer+m+1," ");

 if(m_status!=200)return false;

  return false;


 int i;

 while(ReadSize<AllSize && m_noCancel)
  int nSize;
    return false;

    return false;

 return true;

int CHttpClient::GetStatus()
 return m_status;

long CHttpClient::GetHostName(char *url, char *buf)
 int i,j;
 char* lpsz = _tcsstr(url, "//");
 if(!lpsz)return -1;

 lpsz= _tcsstr(url+i, "/");
 if(!lpsz)return -1;
 return j-i;

long CHttpClient::GetHeader(char *headname, char *buf)
 return GetHeader(m_heads_buffer,headname,buf);

long CHttpClient::GetHeader(char *from, char *headname, char *buf)
 char *p;
 char* lpsz = _tcsstr(from, headname);
 if(!lpsz)return -1;

 lpsz = _tcsstr(p, "\r\n");

 if(!lpsz)return -1;


 return strlen(buf);

void CHttpClient::OnDataRecived(char* data,long datasize ,int first)

  ::SendMessage(m_hParent,m_Message,(unsigned int)data,datasize);
  FILE* f=fopen(m_fname,"ab");

inline long CHttpClient::Instr(char *from, char *find)
 char* lpsz = _tcsstr(from, find);
 return (!lpsz)?-1:lpsz-from;

bool CHttpClient::Download(char *url, char *fname)
 return Download(url,NULL,NULL);

const char* CHttpClient::GetStatusString()
 return m_map[m_status].c_str();

void CHttpClient::Cancel()
