
类别:编程语言 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:

  Name: bodh.c
  Author: x-bit
  Description: 十进制,二进制,八进制,十六进制的转换
  Date: 04/22/2004
  Copyright: [email protected]

/*#include <stdio.h>*/
#include <process.h>
#define M 100
void Menu();
int GetSelect();
void ios(int select);
void exchange(long n, int base);

int main()

 return 0;

void exchange(long n, int base)
 int arr[M];
 int i=0;

   case 10: printf("A"); break;
   case 11: printf("B"); break;
   case 12: printf("C"); break;
   case 13: printf("D"); break;
   case 14: printf("E"); break;
   case 15: printf("F"); break;
   default: printf("%d", arr[i]);

void Menu()
 printf("* 0. Quit;                              *\n");
 printf("* 1. Binary to oct, decimal and hex; *\n");
 printf("* 2. Oct to binary, decimal and hex; *\n");
 printf("* 3. Decmial to binary, oct and hex; *\n");
 printf("* 4. Hex to binary, oct and decimal; *\n");
 printf("*         Hex: 12AF;  Oct: 17           *\n");
int GetSelect()
 int sel;
  printf("Enter a choice(0,1,2,3,4): ");
  scanf("%d", &sel);
 }while(sel!=1 && sel!=2 && sel!=3 && sel!=4);

 return sel;
void ios(int select)
 int num, base;

 case 1:
  printf("Please do another: 2-3\n");
 case 2:
  printf("Enter a Oct number: ");
  scanf("%o", &num);
   printf("Enter the base(2,8,10,16): ");
   scanf("%d", &base);
  exchange(num, base);
 case 3:
  printf("Enter a Decimal number: ");
  scanf("%d", &num);
  printf("Enter the base(2,8,10,16): ");
  scanf("%o", &num);
   printf("Enter the base(2,8,10,16): ");
   scanf("%d", &base);
  exchange(num, base);
 case 4:
  printf("Enter a Hex number: ");
  scanf("%x", &num);
  printf("Enter the base(2,8,10,16): ");
  scanf("%o", &num);
   printf("Enter the base(2,8,10,16): ");
   scanf("%d", &base);
  exchange(num, base);

