
类别:编程语言 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:

在tc 3.0下调试通过,因为tc 3.0不支持bool 类型,所以程序中自定义了个枚举类型变量bool

// greedsnake.cpp
#include <bios.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "conf.h"

typedef struct node
     int x,y;
     struct node *next;

typedef struct
     Node *head,*tail;
     int length;
typedef struct                    
     int left,top,right,bottom;

typedef enum                    //四个方向
typedef enum

void InitGraphMode();                     //初始化图形驱动
void CloseGraphMode();                
void Foot(int,int);                            
void Head(int,int);
void CreateFrame();                    //完成整个游戏框架的绘制    
void CreateSnake();                    //创建一条两个节点的蛇,蛇的每一节是队列中的一个节点
bool PlayGame();                        //游戏的主体函数,
int Hit(int,int);                               //判断是否越界,或者撞到自身,两个参数分别是新的头接点的x,y坐标
bool GameOver();                        //绘制游戏结束时弹出的对话框                       
void Enqueue(Node);                    //入队函数
Node Dequeue();                        //出队函数
void ClearKeyBuf();                       //清除键盘缓冲,此函数可以消除不停的按无效键的影响

Snake snake;
Frame frame;
void main()
void InitGraphMode()
     int gdriver=DETECT,gmode;
void CloseGraphMode()
void CreateFrame()
     for(int row=1;row<RowOfFrame;row++)
     for(int column=1;column<ColumnOfFrame;column++)
void CreateSnake()
     Node *node1=new Node;
     Node *node2=new Node;

bool PlayGame()
    int speed=300,key;
    Direction CurrentDirection=right;
    Node randomNode;
    Node newNode,outNode;
    bool neednode=true;
    bool overlap=false;
    int randx,randy;

               for(Node *p=snake.head;p!=NULL;p=p->next)//hit itself

       case ESC:  return false;
       case UP:
       case DOWN:
       case LEFT:
       case RIGHT:
       case PAGEUP:speed=speed-100;
       case PAGEDOWN:speed=speed+100;
       default :break;
 int headx=snake.tail->x;
 int heady=snake.tail->y;
  case up: heady-=BlockHeight;break;
  case down: heady+=BlockHeight;break;
  case left: headx-=BlockWidth;break;
  case right: headx+=BlockWidth;break;
 if(Hit(headx,heady))    //whether the snake hit the wall or itself
  return GameOver();
 {       //eat
  else     //no eat
void ClearKeyBuf()

void Foot(int x,int y)
 outtextxy(x,y,"writer:[T]RealXL E-MAIL:[email protected]");
void Head(int x,int y)
 outtextxy(x,y,"GREEDY SNAKE");
void Enqueue(Node inNode)
 Node *p=new Node;
Node Dequeue()
 Node *p=snake.head;
 Node outNode=*p;
 delete p;
 return outNode;

int Hit(int x,int y)
 if(x<frame.left||x>=frame.right||y<frame.top||y>=frame.bottom)//hit the wall
  return 1;
 Node *p=snake.head->next;
 for(int i=snake.length-1;i>3;i--,p=p->next)//hit itself
   return 1;
 return 0;

bool GameOver()
 int x=getmaxx()/2-50;
 int y=getmaxy()/2-20;
 outtextxy(x+20,y+10,"GAGE OVER!");
 char c;
 while(true)                                        //按q或Q表示退出程序,按r或R表示重新开始游戏
   return false;
  else if(c=='r'||c=='R')
   return true;
#ifndef _conf_h
#define _conf_h
#define RowOfFrame    20         //主框架的行数
#define ColumnOfFrame 20         //主框架的列数
#define BlockWidth    15        //每个蛇节点的宽度
#define BlockHeight   15        //每个蛇节点的高度
#define UP   18432
#define DOWN  20480
#define LEFT  19200
#define RIGHT  19712
#define ESC   283
#define ENTER  7181
#define PAGEUP  18688
#define PAGEDOWN 20736
