用template实现的可扩展的平台无关的 log Class

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在一个项目的开发中,经常会需要写一些运行的log啊,debug信息啊.正好我正在学习GP 相关的东西,就写了这个东西,希望能抛砖引玉了.

* File Name        : MjLog.h
*   COPYRIGHT Chen Mingjie 2001   bloodchen@hotmail.com
#ifndef _MjTools_CMjLog_
#define _MjTools_CMjLog_
namespace MjTools  //Namespace defination for my tools
 class GeneralLogControl //Base class of any specific log control class,providing basic controls
  bool m_bEnabled;
  GeneralLogControl(const std::string ControlStr):m_bEnabled(true){};//log is enabled by default
  virtual ~GeneralLogControl(){};
  virtual void Pause(){m_bEnabled=false;}
  virtual void Resume(){m_bEnabled=true;}
  virtual bool CanAdd(std::string& LogStr){return m_bEnabled;}
#ifdef WIN32 //RegistryLogControl only valid in Windows system
 class RegistryLogControl:public GeneralLogControl
  std::string m_ControlReg;
  bool CheckReg(const std::string& reg);
  RegistryLogControl(const std::string ControlStr)
  void Resume(){m_bEnabled=CheckReg(m_ControlReg);}
  virtual ~RegistryLogControl(){};
 class FileLogImpl //class that implements file logging ability
  std::string m_LogFileName;
  FileLogImpl(const std::string FileName):m_LogFileName(FileName)
   if(m_LogFileName=="")m_LogFileName="log.txt"; //default file name
  virtual void AddTimeStamp(std::string& LogStr);  //you may want to override this method to provide your time stamp style
  virtual ~FileLogImpl(){};
  virtual bool AddLog(std::string& LogStr);   //you may want to override this method to provide your log style
  virtual void Clear();        //clear log file content
 template<class ImplT, class ControlT>
 class CMjLog
  ControlT m_Control;   //log control class
  ImplT  m_Impl;   //log implementation class
  CMjLog(const std::string ImplStr="",const std::string ControlStr="")
  virtual ~CMjLog(){};
  bool AddLog(const std::string& LogStr) //Add one piece of log message
   return AddLog(LogStr.c_str());
  bool AddLog(const char* pLogStr) //Add one piece of log message
   std::string log=pLogStr;
    return m_Impl.AddLog(log);
   else return false;
  void Pause()   //Pause log process
  void Resume() //Resume log process
  void Clear()  //Clear log content

 /*--------------CFileLog definition------------------*/
 typedef CMjLog<FileLogImpl,GeneralLogControl> CFileLog;
 /*------------CFileLog Usage-------------------------
  MjTools::CFileLog log("C:\\test.log"); //Construct a new logfile or open a existing log file
  log.Clear();    //Delete previous logs.
  log.AddLog("This is a test line"); //Add one log message

 #ifdef WIN32 //RegistryLogControl only valid in Windows system
 /*--------------CRegFileLog definition------------------*/
 typedef CMjLog<FileLogImpl,RegistryLogControl> CRegFileLog;
 /*------------CRegFileLog Usage-------------------------
  MjTools::CRegFileLog log("C:\\test.log","HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\YourLogControlKey"); //Construct a new logfile or open a existing log file
  log.Clear();    //Delete previous logs.
  log.AddLog("This is a test line"); //Add one log message

* File Name        : MjLog.cpp
*   COPYRIGHT Chen Mingjie 2001   bloodchen@hotmail.com

#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "MjLog.h"
#include "time.h"
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <Winreg.h>
namespace MjTools
 void FileLogImpl::AddTimeStamp(std::string& LogStr)
  time_t long_time;
  time( &long_time );               
  struct tm *pt = localtime( &long_time );
   std::ostringstream stream;
 bool FileLogImpl::AddLog(std::string& LogStr)
  std::ofstream os(m_LogFileName.c_str(),std::ios::app);
  return true;
 void FileLogImpl::Clear()    //clear file content
  std::ofstream os(m_LogFileName.c_str(),std::ios::out);
#ifdef WIN32 //RegistryLogControl only valid in Windows system
 bool RegistryLogControl::CheckReg(const std::string& reg) //Check if required reg key exists
  HKEY hKey;
  HKEY hKeyRoot;
  bool ret=true;
  if(m_ControlReg!="") //if no control_reg_key provided,it means "no reg_key control"
   int nPos=m_ControlReg.find('\\');
    std::string root=m_ControlReg.substr(0,nPos);
    std::string rest=m_ControlReg.substr(nPos+1);
    if(root=="HKEY_DYN_DATA")hKeyRoot=HKEY_DYN_DATA ;
    ret=(::RegOpenKey (hKeyRoot,rest.c_str(),&hKey)==ERROR_SUCCESS);
 return ret;
#ifdef _TEST_
int main()
 MjTools::CFileLog m_Log("test.log");
 std::string a="aaa";
 MjTools::CFileLog m_Log1=m_Log;
 m_Log1.AddLog("From Log1");
#ifdef WIN32  //RegistryLogControl only valid in Windows system
 //construct a registry key controled log object. If the specified registry key is found,the log is enabled
 MjTools::CRegFileLog m_regLog("reglog.log","HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\YourLogControlKey");
 return 0;


VC++: cl /D"_TEST_" MjLog.cpp /用命令行link会有个错,我也不知为什么,建一个空win32 console project再加入这两个文件就没有错了(别忘了predefine _TEST_)

BC++: BCC32 /D_TEST_ MjLog.cpp

g++: g++ /D_TEST MjLog.cpp


只要建立(或者继承)自己的control class 或者 impl class就可以用于各种用途,但对用户的接口是不变的
