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获取快捷方式(.lnk)的目标和参数 我看了Michael Taupitz关于建立快捷方式的方法,我认为有很多时候当我 们在命令行模式中偶然发现一个快捷方式的时候,我们不知道这个.lnk文件指 向什么地方。 我写了一个函数,它以CString的形式返回了.lnk文件的目标和参数。 CString GetShortcutTarget(const CString LinkFileName) { HRESULT hres; CString Link, Temp = LinkFileName; Temp.MakeLower(); if (Temp.Find(".lnk")==-1) //Check if the name ends with .lnk Link = LinkFileName + ".lnk"; //if not, append it else Link = LinkFileName; CString Info; Info.Empty(); IShellLink* psl; //Create the ShellLink object hres = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellLink, (LPVOID*) &psl); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { IPersistFile* ppf; //Bind the ShellLink object to the Persistent File hres = psl->QueryInterface( IID_IPersistFile, (LPVOID *) &ppf); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { WORD wsz[MAX_PATH]; //Get a UNICODE wide string wsz from the Link path MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, Link, -1, wsz, MAX_PATH); //Read the link into the persistent file hres = ppf->Load(wsz, 0); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { //Read the target information from the link object //UNC paths are supported (SLGP_UNCPRIORITY) psl->GetPath(Temp.GetBuffer(1024), 1024, NULL, SLGP_UNCPRIORITY); Temp.ReleaseBuffer(); Info = Temp; //Read the arguments from the link object psl->GetArguments(Temp.GetBuffer(1024), 1024); Temp.ReleaseBuffer(); Info += " " + Temp; } } } psl->Release(); //Return the Target and the Argument as a CString return Info; }
