[Linux专题_MailServer]RedHatLinux AS3中APACHE2+SendMail+OpenWebMail整合

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 [Linux专题_MailServer]RedHatLinux AS3APACHE+SendMail+OpenWebMail整合


1.      Openwebmail是一个webmail程序,不同与微软的owa及imail的web方式,它不包含服务器端服务(本例中邮件服务器为sendmail);因此在运行Openwebmail的机器上需要安装Apache和Sendmail.

>>1. [Linux专题_SendMail]RedHatLinux AS3中SendMail的配置,请参阅以下连接


>>2. [Linux专题_APACHE]RedHatLinux AS3中APACHE的配置,请参阅以下连接



2.      Openwebmail多数程序是由Perl语句编写的,所以必须安装Perl及Perl相关包

3.下载所需软件包:在RedHatLinux AS3中安装openwebmail需要以下软件包

   >>1.  perl-CGI-2.81-88.4.i386.rpm    


>>2. perl-Compress-Zlib-1.21-RH9.i386.rpm 


>>3. perl-Text-Iconv-1.2-RH80.i386.rpm      


 >>4. perl-suidperl-5.8.0-88.i386.rpm    


>>5.  openwebmail-2.41-20041126.i386.rpm



Step 1:安装下载包

[root@AS3 software]#rpm –ivh perl-CGI-2.81-88.4.i386.rpm

[root@AS3 software]#rpm –ivh perl-Compress-Zlib-1.21-RH9.i386.rpm

[root@AS3 software]#rpm –ivh perl-Text-Iconv-1.2-RH80.i386.rpm

[root@AS3 software]#rpm –ivh perl-suidperl-5.8.0-88.i386.rpm


Step 2:初始化openwebmail

[root@AS3 software]#cd /var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail

[root@AS3 openwebmail]# ls -l

total 1192

drwxr-xr-x    2 root     mail         4096 Nov 27 14:44 auth

drwxr-xr-x   12 root     mail         4096 Nov 27 21:17 etc

drwxr-xr-x    6 root     mail         4096 Nov 27 14:44 misc

drwxr-xr-x    2 root     mail         4096 Nov 27 14:44 modules

-rwsr-xr-x    1 root     mail       260341 Nov 26 12:16 openwebmail-abook.pl

-rwsr-xr-x    1 root     mail        23817 Nov 26 12:16 openwebmail-advsearch.pl

-rwsr-xr-x    1 root     mail       114322 Nov 26 12:16 openwebmail-cal.pl

-rwsr-xr-x    1 root     mail        23855 Nov 26 12:16 openwebmail-folder.pl

-rwsr-xr-x    1 root     mail        68418 Nov 26 12:16 openwebmail-main.pl

-rwsr-xr-x    1 root     mail        34984 Nov 26 12:16 openwebmail.pl

-rwsr-xr-x    1 root     mail       139830 Nov 26 12:16 openwebmail-prefs.pl

-rwsr-xr-x    1 root     mail        66851 Nov 26 12:16 openwebmail-read.pl

-rwsr-xr-x    1 root     mail       110724 Nov 26 12:16 openwebmail-send.pl

-rwsr-xr-x    1 root     mail        24813 Nov 26 12:16 openwebmail-spell.pl

-rwsr-xr-x    1 root     mail        52749 Nov 26 12:16 openwebmail-tool.pl

-rwsr-xr-x    1 root     mail        48796 Nov 26 12:16 openwebmail-vdomain.pl

-rwsr-xr-x    1 root     mail        18457 Nov 26 12:16 openwebmail-viewatt.pl

-rwsr-xr-x    1 root     mail       112975 Nov 26 12:16 openwebmail-webdisk.pl

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     mail         4859 Aug 12 13:06 preload.pl

drwxr-xr-x    2 root     mail         4096 Nov 27 14:44 quota

drwxr-xr-x    2 root     mail         4096 Nov 27 14:44 shares

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     mail         4117 Sep  4 15:04 userstat.pl

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     mail        19305 Nov 16 22:42 vacation.pl


[root@AS3 openwebmail]#./openwebmail-tool.pl --init //这步骤很关键

会出现如下的提示:change the following 3 options in openwebmail.conf


                      dbm_ext           .db

                       dbmopen_ext       none

                       dbmopen_haslock   no


                       dbm_ext           .db

                       dbmopen_ext       %dbm_ext%

                       dbmopen_haslock   no


1./var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail /etc/openwebmail.conf


>>1./var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc/openwebmail.conf[只需修改1处domainnames  supermaster.com //默认是auto],完整的内容如下:


# Open WebMail configuration file


# This file contains just the overrides from defaults/openwebmail.conf

# please make all changes to this file.


# This file sets options for all domains and all users.

# To set options on per domain basis, please put them in sites.conf/domainname

# To set options on per user basis, please put them in users.conf/username


releasedate                     20041126

domainnames                     supermaster.com //默认是auto

auth_module                     auth_unix.pl

mailspooldir                    /var/spool/mail

ow_cgidir                       /var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail

ow_cgiurl                       /cgi-bin/openwebmail

ow_htmldir                      /var/www/data/openwebmail

ow_htmlurl                      /data/openwebmail

logfile                         /var/log/openwebmail.log


# To SysAdmin,

# Please install ClamAV RPM package from http://clamav.net/ in order to

# enable viruscheck with Open WebMail. Otherwise set it to no.

# See http://openwebmail.org/openwebmail/download/redhat/howto/virus/ClamAV/

# for a step-by-step instruction.

enable_viruscheck               yes

viruscheck_pipe                 /usr/bin/clamdscan --mbox --disable-summary --stdout -

viruscheck_source_allowed       all

enable_spamcheck                no

enable_learnspam                no



<a href="%ow_htmlurl%/openwebmail.html" target="_blank">%name%</a>

version %version%


<a accesskey="H" href="%help_url%" target="_help">%help_text%?</a>



logo_url                        %ow_htmlurl%/images/openwebmail.gif

logo_link                       http://openwebmail.org

help_url                        @@@HELP_URL@@@

help_text                       @@@HELP_TEXT@@@


spellcheck                      /usr/bin/aspell -a -S -w "-" -d @@@DICTIONARY@@@ -p @@@PDICNAME@@@

spellcheck_pdicname             .aspell.@@@DICTIONARY@@@.pws

spellcheck_dictionaries         english, american


auto_createrc                   yes



# Buttons :

# EditFroms | EditStationary | POP3Setup | ChangePassword | History | Info

enable_editfrombook            yes

enable_stationery              yes

enable_pop3                    yes

enable_changepwd               yes

enable_history                 yes

enable_about                   yes



# Personal Information

default_language                en

default_timeoffset              auto

default_daylightsaving          auto

default_realname                auto

default_fromemails              auto

default_autoreplysubject        This is an autoreply...[Re: $SUBJECT]





I will not be reading my mail for a while.

Your mail regarding '$SUBJECT' will be read when I return.





Open WebMail Project (http://openwebmail.org)





# Display Preference

default_style                   Default

default_iconset         Cool3D.English

default_bgurl                   %ow_htmlurl%/images/backgrounds/Globe.gif

default_bgrepeat                yes

default_fontsize                10pt

default_dateformat              mm/dd/yyyy

default_hourformat              12



# Folder Browsing

default_ctrlposition_folderview   bottom

default_msgsperpage               20

default_fieldorder                date from subject size

default_sort                      date

default_useminisearchicon         yes



# Message Operation

default_confirmmsgmovecopy        no

default_defaultdestination        saved-messages

default_smartdestination          yes

default_viewnextaftermsgmovecopy  yes

default_autopop3                  yes

default_autopop3wait              0

default_bgfilterwait              10

default_moveoldmsgfrominbox       no



# Message Reading Options

default_ctrlposition_msgread      bottom

default_headers                   simple

default_usefixedfont              no

default_usesmileicon              no

default_showhtmlastext            yes

default_showimgaslink             yes

default_disablejs                 yes

default_disableembcode            yes

default_disableemblink            cgionly

default_sendreceipt               ask



# Message Replying Options

default_msgformat                 text

default_editcolumns               88

default_editrows                  28

default_sendbuttonposition        before

default_reparagraphorigmsg        yes

default_replywithorigmsg          at_beginning

default_backupsentmsg             yes

default_sendcharset               sameascomposing



# Virus Check

default_viruscheck_source         all

default_viruscheck_maxsize        10000

default_viruscheck_minbodysize    1



# Message Filtering Options

default_filter_repeatlimit          10

default_filter_badaddrformat        no

default_filter_fakedsmtp            no

default_filter_fakedfrom            no

default_filter_fakedexecontenttype  no



# AddressBook Options

default_abook_width                600

default_abook_height               max

default_abook_buttonposition       after

default_abook_defaultfilter        no

default_abook_defaultsearchtype    name

default_abook_addrperpage          24

default_abook_collapse             1

default_abook_sort                 fullname

default_abook_listviewfieldorder   fullname, email, note



# Calendar Options

default_calendar_defaultview        calmonth

default_calendar_holidaydef         auto

default_calendar_monthviewnumitems  5

default_calendar_weekstart          0

default_calendar_starthour          0600         

default_calendar_endhour            2300

default_calendar_interval           30

default_calendar_showemptyhours     yes

default_calendar_reminderdays       7

default_calendar_reminderforglobal  yes



# WebDisk Options

default_webdisk_dirnumitems        10

default_webdisk_confirmmovecopy    yes

default_webdisk_confirmdel         yes

default_webdisk_confirmcompress    yes

default_webdisk_fileeditcolumns    96

default_webdisk_fileeditrows       24



# Misc Options

default_uselightbar                yes

default_regexmatch                 yes

default_hideinternal               yes

default_newmailsound               NONE

default_newmailwindowtime          3

default_mailsentwindowtime         0

default_dictionary                 english

default_trashreserveddays          0

default_spamvirusreserveddays      3

default_refreshinterval            5

default_sessiontimeout             24



# Security Settings

webdisk_rootpath                  /webdisk

webdisk_lsmailfolder              no

webdisk_lshidden                  no

webdisk_lsunixspec                no

webdisk_lssymlink                 yes

webdisk_allow_symlinkout          yes

webdisk_symlinkout_display        @

enable_sshterm                    no

# ps: To completely disable the SSH terminal support, you have to remove

# the file data/openwebmail/applet/mindterm/mindtermfull.jar



# Quota System (limit in KB and threshold in %)

#            1 MB =     1,024 KB

#           10 MB =    10,240 KB

#          100 MB =   102,400 KB

# 1 GB = 1,024 MB = 1,048,576 KB

# uncomment following lines if you wish to enable Quota System for 10 Mb

#quota_module            quota_du.pl

#spool_limit             10240

#quota_limit             10240

#quota_threshold         0

#delmail_ifquotahit      no

#delfile_ifquotahit      no


>>2./var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc/defaults/openwebmail.conf [只需修改2处,把smtpserver和authpop3_server改为相应的IP],完整的内容如下:


# Open WebMail configuration file DEFAULT


# This is openwebmail.conf.default - a file full of useful variables that

# you can set for the openwebmail system. You should not edit this file!

# Put any overrides into openwebmail.conf instead. The openwebmail.conf

# should only contain values which override values set in this file.

# This eases the upgrade when defaults are changed or new features are added.


# Please refer to openwebmail.conf.help for description of each option


# ps: This file will be loaded only once if Open WebMail is running in

#     persistent mode. To force Open WebMail reread this file, please do


#     touch openwebmail*pl



name                           Open WebMail

version                        2.41

releasedate               20041126



# host dependent configuration


domainnames          auto


smtpport            25

smtpauth           no

virtusertable               /etc/mail/virtusertable

auth_module             auth_unix.pl

auth_withdomain               no

auth_domain             auto

quota_module           none


mailspooldir                        /var/mail

use_hashedmailspools            no

use_syshomedir                         yes

create_syshomedir           no

use_homedirspools                   no

homedirspoolname          Mailbox

homedirfolderdirname               mail

homedirdotdirname          .openwebmail

use_syshomedir_for_dotdir     yes


deliver_use_GMT               no



# openwebmail system configuration


ow_cgidir          /usr/local/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail

ow_cgiurl          /cgi-bin/openwebmail

ow_htmldir                 /usr/local/www/data/openwebmail

ow_htmlurl                 /openwebmail

ow_etcdir          %ow_cgidir%/etc

ow_stylesdir              %ow_etcdir%/styles

ow_langdir                 %ow_etcdir%/lang

ow_templatesdir                %ow_etcdir%/templates

ow_holidaysdir                   %ow_etcdir%/holidays

ow_mapsdir              %ow_etcdir%/maps

ow_sitesconfdir                  %ow_etcdir%/sites.conf

ow_usersconfdir                %ow_etcdir%/users.conf

ow_usersdir              %ow_etcdir%/users

ow_sessionsdir                 %ow_etcdir%/sessions


start_url             %ow_cgiurl%/openwebmail.pl

ico_url                         %ow_htmlurl%/images/openwebmail.ico

logo_url             %ow_htmlurl%/images/openwebmail.gif

logo_link           http://openwebmail.org/

help_url             @@@HELP_URL@@@

help_text            @@@HELP_TEXT@@@


logfile                          /var/log/openwebmail.log

global_addressbook         %ow_etcdir%/address.book

global_filterbook       %ow_etcdir%/filter.book

global_calendarbook        %ow_etcdir%/calendar.book

g2b_map                    %ow_mapsdir%/g2b.map

b2g_map                    %ow_mapsdir%/b2g.map

lunar_map                 %ow_mapsdir%/lunar.map


header_pluginfile                        none

header_pluginfile_charset                 none

footer_pluginfile                           none

footer_pluginfile_charset           none

webmail_middle_pluginfile                none

webmail_middle_pluginfile_charset         none


spellcheck                  /usr/local/bin/ispell -a -S -w "-" -d @@@DICTIONARY@@@ -p @@@PDICNAME@@@

spellcheck_pdicname      .ispell_words

spellcheck_dictionaries   english, american

vacationinit                 %ow_cgidir%/vacation.pl -i

vacationpipe              %ow_cgidir%/vacation.pl -t60s





error_with_debuginfo        no

allowed_serverdomain     all

allowed_clientdomain      all

allowed_clientip        all

allowed_receiverdomain  all

allowed_autologinip          all

allowed_rootloginip none

case_insensitive_login    no

forced_ssl_login       no

stay_ssl_afterlogin   yes

enable_domainselectmenu no

domainselmenu_list         auto

enable_strictvirtuser          no

enable_changepwd yes

enable_strictpwd     yes

passwd_minlen                 6

session_multilogin  yes

session_checkcookie       yes

session_checksameip     no

session_count_display    yes

cache_userinfo                  yes


auto_createrc            no

domainnames_override   no

symboliclink_mbox  yes


enable_webmail                yes

enable_userfolders yes

enable_spellcheck   yes

enable_advsearch   yes

enable_addressbook       yes

enable_calendar                yes

enable_webdisk                yes

enable_sshterm                yes

enable_vdomain                no

enable_preference            yes


enable_history                    yes

enable_about                     yes

about_info_software                   yes

about_info_scriptfilename        no

about_info_protocol          yes

about_info_server              yes

about_info_client               yes



X-Mailer: %name% %version% %releasedate%

X-OriginatingIP: @@@CLIENTIP@@@ (@@@USERID@@@)



enable_loadfrombook                yes

enable_editfrombook                 yes

frombook_for_realname_only  no

enable_autoreply               yes

enable_setforward            yes

enable_strictforward                   no

enable_stationery              yes

enable_savedraft               yes

enable_backupsent          yes


enable_globalfilter             yes

enable_userfilter                yes

enable_smartfilter             yes

smartfilter_bypass_goodmessage  yes

log_filter_detail                   no


enable_viruscheck            no

viruscheck_pipe                          /usr/local/bin/clamdscan --disable-summary --stdout -

viruscheck_source_allowed     pop3

viruscheck_maxsize_allowed   50000

virus_destination               virus-mail

has_virusfolder_by_default       yes


enable_spamcheck          no

spamcheck_pipe                        /usr/local/bin/spamc -c -x -t60 -u @@@USERNAME@@@

spamcheck_source_allowed   pop3

spamcheck_maxsize_allowed 1000

spam_destination             spam-mail

has_spamfolder_by_default     yes


enable_learnspam  no

learnspam_pipe                /usr/local/bin/sa-learn --spam

learnham_pipe                   /usr/local/bin/sa-learn --ham

learnspam_destination    spam-mail

learnham_destination      INBOX


enable_pop3             yes

pop3_disallowed_servers        your_server, your_server.domain

pop3_delmail_by_default          yes

pop3_delmail_hidden      no

pop3_usessl_by_default no



authpop3_port           110

authpop3_getmail    no

authpop3_delmail    yes

authpop3_usessl              no


loginerrordelay                   10

fetchpop3interval                15

calendar_email_notifyinterval   120


enable_strictfoldername  no

foldername_maxlen 32

maxbooksize             32

attlimit                50000


abook_maxsizeallbooks  100

abook_globaleditable       yes

abook_importlimit    250

abook_attlimit            25


webdisk_rootpath     /

webdisk_readonly    no

webdisk_uploadlimit         50000

webdisk_lsmailfolder       yes

webdisk_lshidden    yes

webdisk_lsunixspec         yes

webdisk_lssymlink  yes

webdisk_allow_symlinkcreate yes

webdisk_allow_symlinkout       yes

webdisk_symlinkout_display   path

webdisk_allow_thumbnail        yes

webdisk_allow_untar        yes

webdisk_allow_unzip       yes

webdisk_allow_unrar       yes

webdisk_allow_unarj        yes

webdisk_allow_unlzh       yes


spool_limit                 0

quota_limit                 0

quota_threshold                 75

delmail_ifquotahit     no

delfile_ifquotahit       no


vdomain_admlist                        sysadm

vdomain_maxuser                      100

vdomain_maxalias            100

vdomain_vmpop3_pwdpath               /etc/virtual

vdomain_vmpop3_pwdname            passwd

vdomain_vmpop3_mailpath              /var/spool/virtual

vdomain_postfix_aliases          /etc/postfix/aliases

vdomain_postfix_virtual             /etc/postfix/virtual

vdomain_postfix_postalias       /usr/sbin/postalias

vdomain_postfix_postmap                 /usr/sbin/postmap

vdomain_mailbox_command            none

localusers                           none






<a href="%ow_htmlurl%/openwebmail.html" target="_blank">%name%</a>

version %version%


<a accesskey="H" href="%help_url%" target="_help">%help_text%?</a>




# default setting for new user's preference


default_language               auto

default_charset                            auto

default_timeoffset              auto

default_daylightsaving               auto

default_realname              auto

default_fromemails           auto

default_autoreplysubject  This is an autoreply...[Re: $SUBJECT]





I will not be reading my mail for a while.

Your mail regarding '$SUBJECT' will be read when I return.





Open WebMail Project (http://openwebmail.org)



default_style                        Default

default_iconset                            Default

default_bgurl                       %ow_htmlurl%/images/backgrounds/Globe.gif

default_bgrepeat                yes

default_fontsize                  10pt

default_dateformat            mm/dd/yyyy

default_hourformat            12


default_ctrlposition_folderview top

default_msgsperpage               10

default_fieldorder               date from subject size

default_sort                         date          

default_useminisearchicon      yes

default_confirmmsgmovecopy yes

default_defaultdestination         saved-messages

default_smartdestination yes

default_viewnextaftermsgmovecopy yes

default_autopop3               yes

default_autopop3wait                 0

default_bgfilterwait            10

default_moveoldmsgfrominbox         no

forced_moveoldmsgfrominbox          no


default_ctrlposition_msgread  top

default_headers                          simple

default_showhtmlastext             no

default_showimgaslink             no

default_usefixedfont          no

default_usesmileicon                yes

default_disablejs               yes

default_disableembcode          yes

default_disableemblink             cgionly

default_sendreceipt          ask


default_msgformat            auto

default_editcolumns                   78

default_editrows                24

default_sendbuttonposition      before

default_reparagraphorigmsg   yes

default_replywithorigmsg at_beginning

default_backupsentmsg            yes  

default_sendcharset                  sameascomposing


default_fscharset               none

default_uselightbar           yes

default_regexmatch           yes

default_hideinternal          yes

default_refreshinterval               20

min_refreshinterval           3

default_newmailsound              YouGotMail.English.wav

default_newmailwindowtime    7

default_mailsentwindowtime   5

default_dictionary               english

default_trashreserveddays       7

default_spamvirusreserveddays       3

default_sessiontimeout             60


default_viruscheck_source       pop3

default_viruscheck_maxsize     10000

default_viruscheck_minbodysize      1

default_spamcheck_source     pop3

default_spamcheck_maxsize   250

default_spamcheck_threshold          10


default_filter_repeatlimit   10

default_filter_badaddrformat    no

default_filter_fakedsmtp   no

default_filter_fakedfrom    no

default_filter_fakedexecontenttype    no


default_abook_width                  600

default_abook_height                400

default_abook_buttonposition  after

default_abook_defaultfilter        no

default_abook_defaultsearchtype     none

default_abook_defaultkeyword          none

default_abook_addrperpage    10

default_abook_collapse            1

default_abook_sort                     fullname

default_abook_listviewfieldorder      fullname,email,phone,note


default_calendar_defaultview            calmonth

default_calendar_holidaydef              auto

default_calendar_monthviewnumitems   5

default_calendar_weekstart               0

default_calendar_starthour                0800

default_calendar_endhour                 1700

default_calendar_interval          30

default_calendar_showemptyhours          yes

default_calendar_reminderdays                7

default_calendar_reminderforglobal         yes


default_webdisk_dirnumitems                   10

default_webdisk_confirmmovecopy          yes

default_webdisk_confirmdel              yes

default_webdisk_confirmcompress          yes

default_webdisk_fileeditcolumns              96

default_webdisk_fileeditrows            24




# config file for dbm.pl



# dbm_ext

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------

# This is the extension name for the dbm file on your system


# ps: You can run 'perl openwebmail/misc/test/dbmtest.pl' to get value for this


# dbmopen_ext

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------

# This is the db extension passed to the dbmopen() call.

# It should be set to 'none' in most case. You need to set it to %dbm_ext%

# only if you use any DB File module in script explicitly


# ps: It is said this option needs to be set to '%dbm_ext%' on the Sun

#     Cobal server or Slackware 8.x.

#     You can run 'perl openwebmail/misc/test/dbmtest.pl' to get value for this


# dbmopen_haslock

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------

# If your perl dbm system will do filelock in dbmopen() by itself,

# set this option to 'yes' so openwebmail won't do unnecessary filelock

# before dbmopen. On most systems, this option should be set to 'no'.


# ps: If your openwebmail hangs after login or saving preference,

#     you probablely need to set this option to 'yes'


dbm_ext                      .db

dbmopen_ext            .db

dbmopen_haslock            yes

smtpserver    //添加SMTP服务器的IP地址


ok,上面的文件修改完后,再运行./openwebmail-tool.pl –init执行初始化脚本

[root@AS3 openwebmail]#./openwebmail-tool.pl --init



Step 3.修改APACHE的配置文件(httpd.conf)

[root@AS3 openwebmail]#vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf


#===the start===

ScriptAlias /openwebmail "/var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/openwebmail.pl"


<Directory "/var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/openwebmail.pl">

    AllowOverride None

    Options ExecCGI -Indexes

    Order allow,deny

    Allow from all



Alias /data "/var/www/data"

#===the end====


[root@AS3 openwebmail]#service httpd restart //重启apache



Step 4.进行OWM测试
