
类别:VC语言 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:



// CSmtp.cpp: implementation of the CSmtp class.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CSmtp.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW

// CMailMessage
// Formats a message compliant with RFC 822.

// Construction/Destruction

 m_sMailerName = IDS_APPNAME;


BOOL CMailMessage::AddRecipient(LPCTSTR szEmailAddress, LPCTSTR szFriendlyName)
 ASSERT(szEmailAddress != NULL);
 ASSERT(szFriendlyName != NULL);
 CRecipient to;
 to.m_sEmailAddress = szEmailAddress;
 to.m_sFriendlyName = szFriendlyName;
 return TRUE;

// sEmailAddress and sFriendlyName are OUTPUT parameters.
// If the function fails, it will return FALSE, and the OUTPUT
// parameters will not be touched.
BOOL CMailMessage::GetRecipient(CString & sEmailAddress, CString & sFriendlyName, int nIndex)
 CRecipient to;
 if(nIndex < 0 || nIndex > m_Recipients.GetUpperBound())
  return FALSE;
 to = m_Recipients[nIndex];
 sEmailAddress = to.m_sEmailAddress;
 sFriendlyName = to.m_sFriendlyName;
 return TRUE;

int CMailMessage::GetNumRecipients()
{ return m_Recipients.GetSize(); }

BOOL CMailMessage::AddMultipleRecipients(LPCTSTR szRecipients)
 TCHAR* buf;
 UINT pos;
 UINT start;
 CString sTemp;
 CString sEmail;
 CString sFriendly;
 UINT length;
 int nMark;
 int nMark2;

 ASSERT(szRecipients != NULL);

 // Add Recipients
 length = strlen(szRecipients);
 buf = new TCHAR[length + 1]; // Allocate a work area (don't touch parameter itself)
 strcpy(buf, szRecipients);
 for(pos = 0, start = 0; pos <= length; pos++) {
  if(buf[pos] == ';' || buf[pos] == 0) {
   // First, pick apart the sub-strings (separated by ';')
   //  Store it in sTemp.
   buf[pos] = 0; // Redundant when at the end of string, but who cares.
   sTemp = &buf[start];
   // Now divide the substring into friendly names and e-mail addresses.
   nMark = sTemp.Find('<');
   if(nMark >= 0) {
    sFriendly = sTemp.Left(nMark);
    nMark2 = sTemp.Find('>');
    if(nMark2 < nMark) {
     delete[] buf;
     return FALSE;
    // End of mark at closing bracket or end of string
    nMark2 > -1 ? nMark2 = nMark2 : nMark2 = sTemp.GetLength() - 1;
    sEmail = sTemp.Mid(nMark + 1, nMark2 - (nMark + 1));
   } else {
    sEmail = sTemp;
    sFriendly = _T("");
   AddRecipient(sEmail, sFriendly);
   start = pos + 1;
 delete[] buf;
 return TRUE;

void CMailMessage::FormatMessage()

void CMailMessage::SetCharsPerLine(UINT nCharsPerLine)
{ m_nCharsPerLine = nCharsPerLine; } 

UINT CMailMessage::GetCharsPerLine()
 return m_nCharsPerLine;

// Create header as per RFC 822
void CMailMessage::prepare_header()
 CString sTemp;
 sTemp = _T("");

 // From:
 sTemp = _T("From: ") + m_sFrom;
 add_header_line((LPCTSTR) sTemp);

 // To:
 sTemp = _T("To: ");
 CString sEmail = _T("");
 CString sFriendly = _T("");
 for(int i = 0; i < GetNumRecipients(); i++) {
  GetRecipient(sEmail, sFriendly, i);
  sTemp += (i > 0 ? _T(",") : _T(""));
  sTemp += sFriendly;
  sTemp += _T("<");
  sTemp += sEmail;
  sTemp += _T(">");
 add_header_line((LPCTSTR) sTemp);

 // Date:
 m_tDateTime = m_tDateTime.GetCurrentTime();

 // Format: Mon, 01 Jun 98 01:10:30 GMT
 sTemp = _T("Date: ");
 sTemp += m_tDateTime.Format("%a, %d %b %y %H:%M:%S %Z");
 add_header_line((LPCTSTR) sTemp);

 // Subject:
 sTemp = _T("Subject: ") + m_sSubject;
 add_header_line((LPCTSTR) sTemp);

 // X-Mailer
 sTemp = _T("X-Mailer: ") + m_sMailerName;
 add_header_line((LPCTSTR) sTemp);

void CMailMessage::prepare_body()
 // Append a CR/LF to body if necessary.
 if(m_sBody.Right(2) != _T("\r\n"))
  m_sBody += _T("\r\n");


void CMailMessage::start_header()
{ m_sHeader = _T(""); }

void CMailMessage::end_header()
{ m_sHeader += _T("\r\n"); }

void CMailMessage::add_header_line(LPCTSTR szHeaderLine)
 CString sTemp;
 sTemp.Format(_T("%s\r\n"), szHeaderLine);
 m_sHeader += sTemp;

// CMIMEContentAgent

CMIMEContentAgent::CMIMEContentAgent(int nMIMEType)
{ m_nMIMETypeIHandle = nMIMEType; }


BOOL CMIMEContentAgent::QueryType(int nContentType)
{ return nContentType == m_nMIMETypeIHandle ? TRUE : FALSE; }

// CMIMECode



// CBase64
// Static Member Initializers

// The 7-bit alphabet used to encode binary information
CString CBase64::m_sBase64Alphabet =
_T( "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" );

int CBase64::m_nMask[] = { 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255 };



CString CBase64::Encode(LPCTSTR szEncoding, int nSize)
 CString sOutput = _T( "" );
 int nNumBits = 6;
 UINT nDigit;
 int lp = 0;

 ASSERT( szEncoding != NULL );
 if( szEncoding == NULL )
  return sOutput;
 m_szInput = szEncoding;
 m_nInputSize = nSize;

 m_nBitsRemaining = 0;
 nDigit = read_bits( nNumBits, &nNumBits, lp );
 while( nNumBits > 0 )
  sOutput += m_sBase64Alphabet[ (int)nDigit ];
  nDigit = read_bits( nNumBits, &nNumBits, lp );
 // Pad with '=' as per RFC 1521
 while( sOutput.GetLength() % 4 != 0 )
  sOutput += '=';
 return sOutput;

// The size of the output buffer must not be less than
// 3/4 the size of the input buffer. For simplicity,
// make them the same size.
int CBase64::Decode(LPCTSTR szDecoding, LPTSTR szOutput)
 CString sInput;
    int c, lp =0;
 int nDigit;
    int nDecode[ 256 ];

 ASSERT( szDecoding != NULL );
 ASSERT( szOutput != NULL );
 if( szOutput == NULL )
  return 0;
 if( szDecoding == NULL )
  return 0;
 sInput = szDecoding;
 if( sInput.GetLength() == 0 )
  return 0;

 // Build Decode Table
 for( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
  nDecode[i] = -2; // Illegal digit
 for( i=0; i < 64; i++ )
  nDecode[ m_sBase64Alphabet[ i ] ] = i;
  nDecode[ m_sBase64Alphabet[ i ] | 0x80 ] = i; // Ignore 8th bit
  nDecode[ '=' ] = -1;
  nDecode[ '=' | 0x80 ] = -1; // Ignore MIME padding char

 // Clear the output buffer
 memset( szOutput, 0, sInput.GetLength() + 1 );

 // Decode the Input
 for( lp = 0, i = 0; lp < sInput.GetLength(); lp++ )
  c = sInput[ lp ];
  nDigit = nDecode[ c & 0x7F ];
  if( nDigit < -1 )
   return 0;
  else if( nDigit >= 0 )
   // i (index into output) is incremented by write_bits()
   write_bits( nDigit & 0x3F, 6, szOutput, i );
 return i;


UINT CBase64::read_bits(int nNumBits, int * pBitsRead, int& lp)
    ULONG lScratch;
    while( ( m_nBitsRemaining < nNumBits ) &&
     ( lp < m_nInputSize ) )
  int c = m_szInput[ lp++ ];
        m_lBitStorage <<= 8;
        m_lBitStorage |= (c & 0xff);
  m_nBitsRemaining += 8;
    if( m_nBitsRemaining < nNumBits )
  lScratch = m_lBitStorage << ( nNumBits - m_nBitsRemaining );
  *pBitsRead = m_nBitsRemaining;
  m_nBitsRemaining = 0;
  lScratch = m_lBitStorage >> ( m_nBitsRemaining - nNumBits );
  *pBitsRead = nNumBits;
  m_nBitsRemaining -= nNumBits;
    return (UINT)lScratch & m_nMask[nNumBits];

void CBase64::write_bits(UINT nBits,
       int nNumBits,
       LPTSTR szOutput,
       int& i)
 UINT nScratch;

 m_lBitStorage = (m_lBitStorage << nNumBits) | nBits;
 m_nBitsRemaining += nNumBits;
 while( m_nBitsRemaining > 7 )
  nScratch = m_lBitStorage >> (m_nBitsRemaining - 8);
  szOutput[ i++ ] = nScratch & 0xFF;
  m_nBitsRemaining -= 8;

// CAppOctetStream

// IMPORTANT: The number of bytes we read must be
//  a multiple of 3 because CBase64's Encode()
//  method will append padding characters ('=')
//  to make the output's size a multiple of 4.
//  (Base64 treats 3 8-bit bytes as 4 6-bit 'bytes').
//  MIME decoders are free to treat '=' as a signal
//  that there's no more data, so we don't want to pad
//  until we're supposed to.
// When at the end of the file, the # of bytes read
//  may not be a multiple of 3, but that's okay
//  because we DO want the padding chars then.

#define BYTES_TO_READ 54 // This number guarantess output won't
       // won't exceed line-length limit

CAppOctetStream::CAppOctetStream(int nContentType)


BOOL CAppOctetStream::AppendPart(LPCTSTR szContent,
         LPCTSTR szParameters,
         int nEncoding,
         BOOL bPath,
         CString & sDestination)
 CStdioFile fAttachment;

 ASSERT(szContent != NULL);
 // This class handles only file attachments, so
 // it ignores the bPath parameter.
 if(szContent == NULL)
  return FALSE;
 if(!fAttachment.Open(szContent, (CFile::modeRead|CFile::shareDenyWrite|CFile::typeBinary)))
  return FALSE;
 sDestination += build_sub_header(szContent,
 attach_file(&fAttachment, CMIMEMessage::BASE64, sDestination );
 return TRUE;

CString CAppOctetStream::build_sub_header(LPCTSTR szContent,
            LPCTSTR szParameters,
            int nEncoding,
            BOOL bPath)
 CString sSubHeader;
 CString sTemp;
 TCHAR szExt[ _MAX_EXT ];

 _tsplitpath( szContent, NULL, NULL, szFName, szExt );

 // This class ignores szParameters and nEncoding.
 // It controls its own parameters and only handles
 // Base64 encoding.
 if( bPath )
  sTemp.Format( "; file=%s%s", szFName, szExt );
  sTemp = _T( "" );
 sSubHeader.Format( _T( "Content-Type: %s%s\r\n" ),
      (LPCTSTR)sTemp );
 sSubHeader += _T( "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n" );
 sTemp.Format( _T( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=%s%s\r\n" ),
      szFName, szExt );
 sSubHeader += sTemp;
 // Signal end of sub-header.
 sSubHeader += _T( "\r\n" ); // Warning: numerous concatenations
        // are inefficient.
 return sSubHeader;

CString CAppOctetStream::GetContentTypeString()
 CString s;
 s = _T( "application/octet-stream" );
 return s;

// Caller is responsible for opening and closing the file
void CAppOctetStream::attach_file(CStdioFile* pFileAtt,
          int nEncoding,
          CString & sDestination)
 CMIMECode* pEncoder;
 int nBytesRead;
 TCHAR szBuffer[ BYTES_TO_READ + 1 ];

 ASSERT( pFileAtt != NULL );
 if( pFileAtt == NULL )
 switch( nEncoding )
  // This class handles only Base64 encoding, but others
  //  may be added here.
   // Fall through to...
  case CMIMEMessage::BASE64:
    pEncoder = new CBase64;
   catch( CMemoryException* e )
    delete e;
 if( pEncoder == NULL ) // Old habits are hard to break
   nBytesRead = pFileAtt->Read( szBuffer, BYTES_TO_READ );
  catch( CFileException* e )
   delete e;
  szBuffer[ nBytesRead ] = 0; // Terminate the string
  sDestination += pEncoder->Encode( szBuffer, nBytesRead );
  sDestination += _T( "\r\n" );
 } while( nBytesRead == BYTES_TO_READ );
 sDestination += _T( "\r\n" );
 delete pEncoder;

// CTextPlain

CTextPlain::CTextPlain( int nContentType, UINT nWrapPos )
 :CMIMEContentAgent( nContentType )
 m_nWrapPos = nWrapPos; 



CString CTextPlain::GetContentTypeString()
 CString s;
 s = _T( "text/html" );
 return s;

BOOL CTextPlain::AppendPart(LPCTSTR szContent,
       LPCTSTR szParameters,
       int nEncoding,
       BOOL bPath,
       CString & sDestination)
 CString sSubHeader;
 CString sWrapped;
 sSubHeader = build_sub_header( szContent,
           bPath );
 sWrapped = wrap_text( szContent );
 sDestination += (sSubHeader + sWrapped);
 return TRUE;

CString CTextPlain::build_sub_header(LPCTSTR szContent,
          LPCTSTR szParameters,
          int nEncoding,
          BOOL bPath)
 CString sSubHeader;
 sSubHeader.Format( _T( "Content-Type: %s%s\r\n" ),
        szParameters );
 sSubHeader += _T( "Content-Transfer-Encoding: " );
 switch( nEncoding )
  // This class handles only 7bit encoding, but others
  //  may be added here.
  case CMIMEMessage::_7BIT:
   sSubHeader += _T( "7Bit" );
 sSubHeader += _T( "\r\n\r\n" );
 return sSubHeader;

CString CTextPlain::wrap_text(LPCTSTR szText)
 CString sTemp;
 CString sLeft;
 CString sRight;
 int lp = 0;
 UINT nCount = 0;
 int nSpacePos = 0;

 ASSERT( szText != NULL );
 if( szText == NULL )
  return sTemp;
 sTemp = szText;
 while( lp < sTemp.GetLength() )
  if( sTemp[ lp ] == ' ' )
   nSpacePos = lp;
  // Reset counter on newline
  if( sTemp.Mid( lp, 2 ) == _T( "\r\n" ) )
   nCount = 0;
  // Wrap text at last found space
  if( nCount > m_nWrapPos )
   sLeft = sTemp.Left( nSpacePos );
   sRight = sTemp.Right( sTemp.GetLength() - nSpacePos );
   sLeft += _T( "\r\n" );
   sTemp = sLeft + sRight;
   nCount = 0;
 return sTemp;

// CMIMEMessage

// Static Member Initializers
CMIMEMessage::CMIMETypeManager CMIMEMessage::m_MIMETypeManager;

 m_sMIMEContentType = _T( "multipart/mixed");
 m_sPartBoundary = _T( "WC_MAIL_PaRt_BoUnDaRy_05151998" );
 m_sNoMIMEText = _T( "This is a multi-part message in MIME format." );

 // Register the MIME types handled by this class
 CMIMEContentAgent* pType;
 // These objects are deleted by CMIMTypeManager's destructor
 pType = new CTextPlain( TEXT_PLAIN, GetCharsPerLine() );
 register_mime_type( pType );
 pType = new CAppOctetStream( APPLICATION_OCTETSTREAM );
 register_mime_type( pType );


// This implementation adds the part to the part-list used
//  to build the body.
BOOL CMIMEMessage::AddMIMEPart(LPCTSTR szContent,
          int nContentType,
          LPCTSTR szParameters,
          int nEncoding,
          BOOL bPath )
 CMIMEPart part;
 part.m_nContentType = nContentType;
 part.m_sParameters = szParameters;
 part.m_nEncoding = nEncoding;
 part.m_bPath = bPath;
 part.m_sContent = szContent;
 if( nContentType == TEXT_PLAIN )
  m_MIMEPartList.AddHead( part );
  m_MIMEPartList.AddTail( part );
 return TRUE;

void CMIMEMessage::prepare_header()
 CString sTemp;

 // Let the base class add its headers
 add_header_line( _T( "MIME-Version: 1.0" ) );
 sTemp.Format( _T( "Content-Type: %s; boundary=%s" ),
      (LPCTSTR)m_sPartBoundary );
 add_header_line( (LPCTSTR)sTemp );

void CMIMEMessage::prepare_body()
 // Class user may have assigned body text directly.
 // Convert it to just another MIME part to be processed.
 // If this default Content-Type isn't good enough for the
 // class user, he or she should have used AddMIMEPart() instead.
 if( m_sBody != _T( "" ) )
  AddMIMEPart( (LPCTSTR)m_sBody, TEXT_PLAIN, "", _7BIT, FALSE );

 // Initialize the body (replace current contents).
 m_sBody = m_sNoMIMEText;
 m_sBody += _T( "\r\n\r\n" );
 insert_message_end( m_sBody );

 // Let the base class take me to Funky Town

void CMIMEMessage::insert_boundary( CString& sText )
 CString sTemp;
 if( sText.Right( 2 ) != _T( "\r\n" ) )
  sText += _T( "\r\n" );
 sTemp.Format( _T( "--%s\r\n" ), (LPCTSTR)m_sPartBoundary );
 sText += sTemp;

void CMIMEMessage::insert_message_end( CString& sText )
 CString sTemp;
 if( sText.Right( 2 ) != _T( "\r\n" ) )
  sText += _T( "\r\n" );
 sTemp.Format( _T( "--%s--\r\n" ), (LPCTSTR)m_sPartBoundary );
 sText += sTemp;

void CMIMEMessage::register_mime_type(CMIMEContentAgent* pMIMEType)
 if( pMIMEType == NULL )
 m_MIMETypeManager.RegisterMIMEType( pMIMEType );

void CMIMEMessage::append_mime_parts()
 POSITION part_position;
 CMIMEContentAgent* pMIMEType = NULL;

 part_position = m_MIMEPartList.GetHeadPosition();
 // Get each part from the list, retrieve a handler for it,
 //  and let the handler do its thing.
 while( part_position != NULL )
  pMIMEPart = & m_MIMEPartList.GetNext( part_position );
  pMIMEType = m_MIMETypeManager.GetHandler( pMIMEPart->m_nContentType );
  if( pMIMEType != NULL )
   insert_boundary( m_sBody );
   pMIMEType->AppendPart( pMIMEPart->m_sContent,
           m_sBody );


// CMIMETypeManager Implementation


 CMIMEContentAgent* p;
 pos = m_MIMETypeList.GetHeadPosition();
 while( pos != NULL )
  p = m_MIMETypeList.GetNext( pos );
  delete p;

void CMIMEMessage::CMIMETypeManager::RegisterMIMEType(CMIMEContentAgent *pMIMEType)
 if( pMIMEType == NULL )
 m_MIMETypeList.AddTail( pMIMEType );

CMIMEContentAgent* CMIMEMessage::CMIMETypeManager::GetHandler(int nContentType)
 CMIMEContentAgent* pType = NULL;

 pos = m_MIMETypeList.GetHeadPosition();
 while( pos != NULL )
  pType = m_MIMETypeList.GetNext( pos );
  if( pType->QueryType( nContentType ) == TRUE )
 return pType;

// Construction/Destruction

// Static member initializers

// Note: the order of the entries is important.
//       They must be synchronized with eResponse entries.
CSmtp::response_code CSmtp::response_table[] = {
 {250, _T("SMTP server error")},
 {220, _T("SMTP server not available")},
 {334, _T("SMTP server authentication error")},
 {235, _T("Error username or password")},
 {354, _T("SMTP server not ready for data")},
 {221, _T("SMTP server didn't terminate session")}

// Construction/Destruction

CSmtp::CSmtp(LPCTSTR szSMTPServerName, UINT nPort)
 ASSERT(szSMTPServerName != NULL);
 m_sSMTPServerHostName = szSMTPServerName;
 m_nPort = nPort;
 m_bConnected = FALSE;
 m_sError = _T("OK");
 response_buf = NULL;

{ Disconnect(); }

CString CSmtp::GetServerHostName()
 return m_sSMTPServerHostName;

BOOL CSmtp::Connect()
 CString sHello;
 TCHAR local_host[80]; // Warning: arbitrary size
 if(m_bConnected) return TRUE;

 try {
  // This will be deleted in Disconnect();
  response_buf = new TCHAR[RESPONSE_BUFFER_SIZE];
  // I can't count on all class users' applications
  // to have exception-throwing operator-new implementations,
  // so I'll soul-kiss the ones that don't.
  if(response_buf == NULL) {
   m_sError = _T("Not enough memory");
   return FALSE;
 } catch(CException* e) {
  response_buf = NULL;
  m_sError = _T("Not enough memory");
  delete e;
  return FALSE;

 if(!m_wsSMTPServer.Create()) {
  m_sError = _T("Unable to create the socket");
  delete response_buf;
  response_buf = NULL;
  return FALSE;
 if( !m_wsSMTPServer.Connect(GetServerHostName(), GetPort())) {
  m_sError = _T("Unable to connect to server");
  delete response_buf;
  response_buf = NULL;
  return FALSE;
 if(!get_response(CONNECT_SUCCESS)) {
  m_sError = _T( "Server didn't respond" );
  delete response_buf;
  response_buf = NULL;
  return FALSE;
 gethostname(local_host, 80);
 sHello.Format(_T( "HELO %s\r\n" ), local_host);
 m_wsSMTPServer.Send((LPCTSTR)sHello, sHello.GetLength());
 if(!get_response(GENERIC_SUCCESS)) {
  delete response_buf;
  response_buf = NULL;
  return FALSE;
 m_bConnected = TRUE;
 return TRUE;

BOOL CSmtp::Auth()
 CString sAuth;
 if(!m_bConnected) return FALSE;
 try {
  // This will be deleted in Disconnect();
  response_buf = new TCHAR[RESPONSE_BUFFER_SIZE];
  // I can't count on all class users' applications
  // to have exception-throwing operator-new implementations,
  // so I'll soul-kiss the ones that don't.
  if(response_buf == NULL) {
   m_sError = _T("Not enough memory");
   return FALSE;
 } catch(CException* e) {
  response_buf = NULL;
  m_sError = _T("Not enough memory");
  delete e;
  return FALSE;

 sAuth.Format(_T( "auth login\r\n" )); file://construct auth quest
 m_wsSMTPServer.Send((LPCTSTR)sAuth, sAuth.GetLength());
 if(!get_response(AUTHQUE_SUCCESS)) {
  m_sError="SMTP server with no auth";
  return TRUE;


 sAuth.Format(_T( "%s\r\n" ), m_sSMTPUser); file://m_sSMTPUser is an string encoded with CBASE64
 m_wsSMTPServer.Send((LPCTSTR)sAuth, sAuth.GetLength());
 if(!get_response(AUTHQUE_SUCCESS)) {
  m_sError="Unknown Error";
  delete response_buf;
  response_buf = NULL;
  return FALSE;


 sAuth.Format(_T( "%s\r\n" ), m_sSMTPPass); file://m_sSMTPPass is an string encoded with CBASE64
 m_wsSMTPServer.Send((LPCTSTR)sAuth, sAuth.GetLength());
 if(!get_response(AUTH_SUCCESS)) {
  delete response_buf;
  response_buf = NULL;
  return FALSE;

 m_bAuthed = TRUE;
 return TRUE;


BOOL CSmtp::Disconnect()
 BOOL ret;
 if(!m_bConnected) return TRUE;
 // Disconnect gracefully from the server and close the socket
 CString sQuit = _T("QUIT\r\n");
 m_wsSMTPServer.Send((LPCTSTR)sQuit, sQuit.GetLength());

 // No need to check return value here.
 // If it fails, the message is available with GetLastError
 ret = get_response(QUIT_SUCCESS);

 if(response_buf != NULL) {
  delete[] response_buf;
  response_buf = NULL;
 m_bConnected = FALSE;
 return ret;

UINT CSmtp::GetPort()
{ return m_nPort; }

CString CSmtp::GetLastError()
{ return m_sError; }

BOOL CSmtp::SendMessage(CMailMessage* msg)
 ASSERT(msg != NULL);
 if(!m_bConnected) {
  m_sError = _T("Must be connected");
  return FALSE;
 if(!m_bAuthed) {
  m_sError = _T("Must be authed");
  return FALSE;
 if(FormatMailMessage(msg) == FALSE) {
  return FALSE;
 if(transmit_message(msg) == FALSE) {
  return FALSE;
 return TRUE;

BOOL CSmtp::FormatMailMessage(CMailMessage* msg)
 ASSERT(msg != NULL);
 if(msg -> GetNumRecipients() == 0) {
  m_sError = _T("No Recipients");
  return FALSE;
 msg -> FormatMessage();
 return TRUE;

void CSmtp::SetServerProperties(LPCTSTR szSMTPServerName, UINT nPort)
 ASSERT(szSMTPServerName != NULL);
 // Needs to be safe in non-debug too
 if(szSMTPServerName == NULL) return;
 m_sSMTPServerHostName = szSMTPServerName;
 m_nPort = nPort;

CString CSmtp::cook_body(CMailMessage* msg)
 ASSERT(msg != NULL);
 CString sTemp;
 CString sCooked = _T("");
 LPTSTR szBad = _T("\r\n.\r\n");
 LPTSTR szGood = _T("\r\n..\r\n");
 int nPos;
 int nStart = 0;
 int nBadLength = strlen(szBad);
 sTemp = msg -> m_sBody;
 if(sTemp.Left(3) == _T(".\r\n"))
  sTemp = _T(".") + sTemp;
 // This is a little inefficient because it beings a search
 // at the beginning of the string each time. This was
 // the only thing I could think of that handled ALL variations.
 // In particular, the sequence "\r\n.\r\n.\r\n" is troublesome.
 // (Even CStringEx's FindReplace wouldn't handle that situation
 // with the global flag set.)
 while((nPos = sTemp.Find(szBad)) > -1) {
  sCooked = sTemp.Mid(nStart, nPos);
  sCooked += szGood;
  sTemp = sCooked + sTemp.Right(sTemp.GetLength() - (nPos + nBadLength));
 return sTemp;

BOOL CSmtp::transmit_message(CMailMessage* msg)
 CString sFrom;
 CString sTo;
 CString sTemp;
 CString sEmail;

 ASSERT(msg != NULL);
 if(!m_bConnected) {
  m_sError = _T("Must be connected");
  return FALSE;

 if(!m_bAuthed) {
  m_sError = _T("Must be authed");
  return FALSE;

 // Send the MAIL command
 sFrom.Format(_T( "MAIL From: <%s>\r\n" ), (LPCTSTR)msg->m_sFrom);
 m_wsSMTPServer.Send((LPCTSTR)sFrom, sFrom.GetLength());
 if(!get_response(GENERIC_SUCCESS)) return FALSE;

 // Send RCPT commands (one for each recipient)
 for(int i = 0; i < msg->GetNumRecipients(); i++) {
  msg->GetRecipient(sEmail, sTemp, i);
  sTo.Format(_T("RCPT TO: <%s>\r\n"), (LPCTSTR)sEmail);
  m_wsSMTPServer.Send((LPCTSTR)sTo, sTo.GetLength());

 // Send the DATA command
 sTemp = _T("DATA\r\n");
 m_wsSMTPServer.Send((LPCTSTR)sTemp, sTemp.GetLength());
 if( !get_response(DATA_SUCCESS)) {
  return FALSE;

 // Send the header
 m_wsSMTPServer.Send((LPCTSTR)msg -> m_sHeader, msg -> m_sHeader.GetLength());

 // Send the body
 sTemp = cook_body(msg);
 m_wsSMTPServer.Send((LPCTSTR)sTemp, sTemp.GetLength());

 // Signal end of data
 sTemp = _T("\r\n.\r\n");
 m_wsSMTPServer.Send((LPCTSTR)sTemp, sTemp.GetLength());
 if( !get_response(GENERIC_SUCCESS)) {
  return FALSE;
 return TRUE;

BOOL CSmtp::get_response(UINT response_expected)
 ASSERT(response_expected >= GENERIC_SUCCESS);
 ASSERT(response_expected < LAST_RESPONSE);

 CString sResponse;
 UINT response;
 response_code* pResp; // Shorthand

 if(m_wsSMTPServer.Receive(response_buf, RESPONSE_BUFFER_SIZE) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
  m_sError = _T("Socket Error");
  return FALSE;
 sResponse = response_buf;
 sscanf((LPCTSTR)sResponse.Left(3), _T("%d"), &response);
 pResp = &response_table[response_expected];
 if(response != pResp -> nResponse) {
  m_sError.Format( _T("%d:%s"), response, (LPCTSTR)pResp -> sMessage);
  return FALSE;
 return TRUE;

// CSmtp.h: interface for the CSmtp class.

#if !defined(AFX_CSMTP_H__A0D4A072_65DE_11D2_9816_9523BDBAF506__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_CSMTP_H__A0D4A072_65DE_11D2_9816_9523BDBAF506__INCLUDED_

#if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000

// CMailMessage
// Formats a message compliant with RFC 822
#include <afxtempl.h>

class CMailMessage 
 virtual ~CMailMessage();

 void FormatMessage();
 int GetNumRecipients();
 BOOL GetRecipient(CString& sEmailAddress, CString& sFriendlyName, int nIndex = 0);
 BOOL AddRecipient(LPCTSTR szEmailAddress, LPCTSTR szFriendlyName = "");
 BOOL AddMultipleRecipients(LPCTSTR szRecipients = NULL);
 UINT GetCharsPerLine();
 void SetCharsPerLine(UINT nCharsPerLine);

 CString m_sFrom;
 CString m_sSubject;
 CString m_sEnvelope;
 CString m_sMailerName;
 CString m_sHeader;
 CTime m_tDateTime; 
 CString m_sBody;
 CString m_sUser;
 CString m_sPass;
 UINT m_nCharsPerLine;
 class CRecipient
  CString m_sEmailAddress;
  CString m_sFriendlyName;
 CArray <CRecipient, CRecipient&> m_Recipients;
 // When overriding prepare_header(), call base class
 // version first, then add specialized
 // add_header_line calls.
 // This ensures that the base class has a chance to
 // create the header lines it needs.
 virtual void prepare_header();
 virtual void prepare_body();
 virtual void end_header();
 virtual void start_header();

 // This rarely needs overwriting, but is virtual just in case.
 // Do not include the trailing CR/LF in parameter.
 virtual void add_header_line(LPCTSTR szHeaderLine);

// CMIMEContentAgent
// Abstract base class. Content agents support MIME
// content types on behalf of CMIMEMessage
class CMIMEContentAgent 
 CMIMEContentAgent(int nMIMEType);
 virtual ~CMIMEContentAgent();
 BOOL QueryType(int nContentType);
 virtual BOOL AppendPart(LPCTSTR szContent,
        LPCTSTR szParameters,
        int nEncoding,
        BOOL bPath,
        CString& sDestination) = 0;
 virtual CString GetContentTypeString() = 0;

 virtual CString build_sub_header(LPCTSTR szContent,
           LPCTSTR szParameters,
           int nEncoding,
           BOOL bPath) = 0;

 int m_nMIMETypeIHandle;

// CMIMECode

class CMIMECode
 virtual ~CMIMECode();

 virtual int Decode( LPCTSTR szDecoding, LPTSTR szOutput ) = 0;
 virtual CString Encode( LPCTSTR szEncoding, int nSize ) = 0;

// CBase64
// An encoding agent that handles Base64
class CBase64 : public CMIMECode 
 virtual ~CBase64();

// Override the base class mandatory functions
 virtual int Decode( LPCTSTR szDecoding, LPTSTR szOutput );
 virtual CString Encode( LPCTSTR szEncoding, int nSize );

 void write_bits( UINT nBits, int nNumBts, LPTSTR szOutput, int& lp );
 UINT read_bits( int nNumBits, int* pBitsRead, int& lp );

 int m_nInputSize;
 int m_nBitsRemaining;
 ULONG m_lBitStorage;
 LPCTSTR m_szInput;

 static int m_nMask[];
 static CString m_sBase64Alphabet;

// CAppOctetStream

class CAppOctetStream : public CMIMEContentAgent
 virtual CString GetContentTypeString();
 CAppOctetStream( int nContentType );
 virtual ~CAppOctetStream();

 virtual BOOL AppendPart( LPCTSTR szContent,
        LPCTSTR szParameters,
        int nEncoding,
        BOOL bPath,
        CString& sDestination );

 virtual void attach_file( CStdioFile* pFileAtt, int nEncoding, CString& sDestination );
 virtual CString build_sub_header( LPCTSTR szContent,
           LPCTSTR szParameters,
           int nEncoding,
           BOOL bPath );

// CTextPlain
// A MIME content agent that handles the "text/plain"
// content type
class CTextPlain : public CMIMEContentAgent 
 CTextPlain(int nContentType, UINT nWrapPos = 72);
 virtual ~CTextPlain();
 virtual BOOL AppendPart(LPCTSTR szContent, LPCTSTR szParameters, int nEncoding, BOOL bPath, CString& sDestination);
 virtual CString GetContentTypeString();

 UINT m_nWrapPos;
 CString wrap_text(LPCTSTR szText);
 virtual CString build_sub_header(LPCTSTR szContent, LPCTSTR szParameters, int nEncoding, BOOL bPath);

#include <afxmt.h>

// CMIMEMessage
// Formats a message using the MIME specification.

class CMIMEMessage : public CMailMessage 
 virtual ~CMIMEMessage();
 // MIME Type Codes
 enum eMIMETypeCode {
 enum eMIMEEncodingCode {
  _7BIT = 0,
 BOOL AddMIMEPart(LPCTSTR szContent,
       int nContentType = APPLICATION_OCTETSTREAM,
       LPCTSTR szParameters = _T(""),
       int nEncoding = BASE64,
       BOOL bPath = TRUE);
    void insert_message_end(CString& sText);
 void register_mime_type(CMIMEContentAgent* pMIMEType);
 void insert_boundary(CString& sText);

 virtual void append_mime_parts();
 virtual void prepare_header();
 virtual void prepare_body();

 CString m_sNoMIMEText;
 CString m_sPartBoundary;
 CString m_sMIMEContentType;
 class CMIMEPart
  int m_nEncoding;
  int m_nContentType;
  CString m_sParameters;
  BOOL m_bPath;
  CString m_sContent;
 CList <CMIMEPart, CMIMEPart&> m_MIMEPartList;

 class CMIMETypeManager
  CMIMEContentAgent* GetHandler(int nContentType);
  void RegisterMIMEType(CMIMEContentAgent* pMIMEType);
  virtual  ~CMIMETypeManager();
  CCriticalSection m_csAccess;
  CList <CMIMEContentAgent*, CMIMEContentAgent*> m_MIMETypeList;

 static CMIMETypeManager m_MIMETypeManager;

// CSmtp
// Main class for SMTP

#include <afxsock.h>

#define SMTP_PORT 25  // Standard port for SMTP servers

class CSmtp 
 CSmtp(LPCTSTR szSMTPServerName, UINT nPort = SMTP_PORT);
 virtual ~CSmtp();

 void SetServerProperties(LPCTSTR szSMTPServerName, UINT nPort = SMTP_PORT);
 CString GetLastError();
 UINT GetPort();
 BOOL Disconnect();
 BOOL Connect();
 virtual BOOL FormatMailMessage(CMailMessage* msg);
 BOOL SendMessage(CMailMessage* msg);
 CString GetServerHostName();

 BOOL get_response(UINT response_expected);
 CString cook_body(CMailMessage* msg);

 CString m_sError;
 BOOL m_bConnected;
 BOOL m_bAuthed;
 UINT m_nPort;
 CString m_sSMTPServerHostName;
 CSocket m_wsSMTPServer;

 virtual BOOL transmit_message(CMailMessage* msg);

// Helper Code
 struct response_code {
  UINT nResponse;  // Response we're looking for
  TCHAR* sMessage; // Error message if we don't get it

 enum eResponse {
  // Include any others here
  LAST_RESPONSE // Do not add entries past this one
 TCHAR* response_buf;
 static response_code response_table[];

#endif // !defined(AFX_CSMTP_H__A0D4A072_65DE_11D2_9816_9523BDBAF506__INCLUDED_)
