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// fivestarDlg.cpp : implementation file
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#include "stdafx.h"
#include "fivestar.h"
#include "fivestarDlg.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

// CAboutDlg dialog used for App About

class CAboutDlg : public CDialog

// Dialog Data
 enum { IDD = IDD_ABOUTBOX };

 // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
 virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX);    // DDX/DDV support

// Implementation

CAboutDlg::CAboutDlg() : CDialog(CAboutDlg::IDD)

void CAboutDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)


// CFivestarDlg dialog

CFivestarDlg::CFivestarDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
 : CDialog(CFivestarDlg::IDD, pParent)
 // Note that LoadIcon does not require a subsequent DestroyIcon in Win32
 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME);

void CFivestarDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CFivestarDlg, CDialog)

// CFivestarDlg message handlers

BOOL CFivestarDlg::OnInitDialog()

 // Add "About..." menu item to system menu.

 // IDM_ABOUTBOX must be in the system command range.

 CMenu* pSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(FALSE);
 if (pSysMenu != NULL)
  CString strAboutMenu;
  if (!strAboutMenu.IsEmpty())
   pSysMenu->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, IDM_ABOUTBOX, strAboutMenu);

 // Set the icon for this dialog.  The framework does this automatically
 //  when the application's main window is not a dialog
 SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE);   // Set big icon
 SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE);  // Set small icon
 // TODO: Add extra initialization here
 return TRUE;  // return TRUE  unless you set the focus to a control

void CFivestarDlg::OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam)
 if ((nID & 0xFFF0) == IDM_ABOUTBOX)
  CAboutDlg dlgAbout;
  CDialog::OnSysCommand(nID, lParam);

// If you add a minimize button to your dialog, you will need the code below
//  to draw the icon.  For MFC applications using the document/view model,
//  this is automatically done for you by the framework.

void CFivestarDlg::OnPaint()
 CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting
 CRect clientrect;
 int i=0;
 CBrush brush;
 CBrush *hOldBrush;
 for(i=0;i<30;i++){//draw h_line
 for(i=0;i<30;i++){//draw v_line

// The system calls this to obtain the cursor to display while the user drags
//  the minimized window.
HCURSOR CFivestarDlg::OnQueryDragIcon()
 return (HCURSOR) m_hIcon;

void CFivestarDlg::OnAbout()
 // TODO: Add your command handler code here
 CAboutDlg dlg;

void CFivestarDlg::GetMaxValuePoint(int* i,int* j,int t)
 int max=0;
 for(int m=0;m<30;m++){
  for(int n=0;n<30;n++){
void CFivestarDlg::AddValue()
/*              i-1,j-1  i-1,j  i-1,j+1
    i,j-1  i,j   i,j+1
    i+1,j-1  i+1,j  i+1,j+1
 int count,m,n;
 for(int i=0;i<30;i++)
  for(int j=0;j<30;j++){
   int t;
    if(Matrix[i][j-1].type!=Matrix[i][j+1].type)goto next1;

next1:   for(t=Matrix[i+1][j].type,m=i+1,n=j,count=0;t&&Matrix[m][n].type==t&&m>=0&&n>=0&&m<30&&n<30;count++,m++);
    if(Matrix[i-1][j].type!=Matrix[i+1][j].type)goto next2;
next2:   for(t=Matrix[i-1][j-1].type,m=i-1,n=j-1,count=0;t&&Matrix[m][n].type==t&&m>=0&&n>=0&&m<30&&n<30;count++,m--,n--);
    if(Matrix[i+1][j+1].type!=Matrix[i-1][j-1].type)goto next3;
next3:   for(t=Matrix[i-1][j+1].type,m=i-1,n=j+1,count=0;t&&Matrix[m][n].type==t&&m>=0&&n>=0&&m<30&&n<30;count++,m--,n++);


void CFivestarDlg::SetPointValueNull()
 for(int i=0;i<30;i++)
  for(int j=0;j<30;j++){
void CFivestarDlg::SetPointTypeNull()
 for(int i=0;i<30;i++)
  for(int j=0;j<30;j++){
bool CFivestarDlg::AssertWin(int t)
 for(int i=0;i<30;i++)
  for(int j=0;j<30;j++)
    for(int m=i+1,n=j+1,count=1;Matrix[m][n].type==t&&m>=0&&n>=0&&m<30&&n<30;m++,n++,count++);
     if(count>=5)return true;
     if(count>=5)return true;
     if(count>=5)return true;
     if(count>=5)return true;
return false;
bool CFivestarDlg::BlackGoStep(CPoint point)
 bool Result=false;
 CRect Rect(0,0,30*lenX,30*lenY);
  CClientDC dc(this);
  CPen NullPen;
  CPen* pOldPen;
  int x,y;
  CPoint tempPoint1,tempPoint2,validPoint;
void CFivestarDlg::RedGoStep()
 int i,j;
 CClientDC dc(this);
 CBrush RedBrush(RGB(255,0,0));
 HBRUSH pOldBrush=(HBRUSH)dc.SelectObject(&RedBrush);

void CFivestarDlg::EndGame()
{ Invalidate();  

void CFivestarDlg::OnStart()
 // TODO: Add your command handler code here

void CFivestarDlg::OnEnd()
 // TODO: Add your command handler code here

void CFivestarDlg::Serialize(CArchive& ar)
 if (ar.IsStoring())
 { // storing code
  for(int i=0;i<30;i++){
   for(int j=0;j<30;j++){
 { // loading code
  for(int i=0;i<30;i++){
   for(int j=0;j<30;j++){

void CFivestarDlg::OnLoad()
 // TODO: Add your command handler code here
 CFile file("save.res",CFile::modeRead);
 CArchive ar(&file,CArchive::load);

void CFivestarDlg::OnSave()
 // TODO: Add your command handler code here
 CFile file("save.res",CFile::modeReadWrite);
 CArchive ar(&file,CArchive::store);
void CFivestarDlg::init()
 CBrush RedBrush(RGB(255,0,0));
 CBrush* pOldBrush;
 CClientDC dc(this);
 for(int i=0;i<30;i++)
  for(int j=0;j<30;j++)
   else if(Matrix[i][j].type==1){


void CFivestarDlg::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
 // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default
  MessageBox("You Win!!",AfxGetAppName()); 
  MessageBox("You Lost!!",AfxGetAppName()); 
 CDialog::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point);

void CFivestarDlg::OnUpdateStart(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
 // TODO: Add your command update UI handler code here

void CFivestarDlg::OnBnstart()
 // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here

void CFivestarDlg::OnBnsave()
 // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here

void CFivestarDlg::OnBnload()
 // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here

void CFivestarDlg::OnBnrestart()
 // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here

void CFivestarDlg::OnExit()
 // TODO: Add your command handler code here
void CFivestarDlg::GiveScort(int n,int i,int j,int t)
   case 1:
   case 2:
   case 3:
   case 4:
  case 1:
  case 2:
  case 3:
  case 4:


