build mips develop system without hardware on PC

类别:软件工程 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:
1. build the toolchain and gdb mips simulator TARGET=mips-tx39-elf # Target processor GNUTOOLS=$HOME/newlib/gnutools # Directory for final tools SRC=$HOME/newlib # Directory for source BUILD=$HOME/newlib/build # Directory for intermediate build files BINUTILS=binutils-2.15 GCC=gcc-3.4.1 NEWLIB=newlib-1.12.0 GDB=gdb-6.0 export PATH="$GNUTOOLS/bin:$PATH" GNUCONFIG="--target=$TARGET --prefix=$GNUTOOLS" GCCFLAGS="--with-newlib --with-gnu-as --with-gnu-ld" mkdir -p $SRC $BUILD/binutils $BUILD/gcc $BUILD/newlib $GNUTOOLS build mips tx39 toolchain as below: cd $SRC tar jxvf $BINUTILS.tar.bz2 tar jxvf $GCC.tar.bz2 tar xvfz $NEWLIB.tar.gz tar zxvf $GDB.tar.gz cd $BUILD/binutils && rm -rf * $SRC/$BINUTILS/configure $GNUCONFIG make all install cd $BUILD/gcc && rm -rf * $SRC/$GCC/configure $GNUCONFIG $GCCFLAGS --without-headers --enable-languages=c make all install cd $BUILD/newlib && rm -rf * $SRC/$NEWLIB/configure $GNUCONFIG make all install cd $BUILD/gcc && rm -rf * $SRC/$GCC/configure $GNUCONFIG $GCCFLAGS --with-headers=$GNUTOOLS/$TARGET/include --enable-languages=c,c++ make all install cd $BUILD/gdb && rm -rf * $SRC/$GDB/configure --target=mipstx39-rtems --prefix=$GNUTOOLS make all install 2.edit test.c and build mips-tx39-elf-gcc -o testmips test.c -T./jmr3904app.ld 3./home/acer/newlib/gnutools_mips_rtems/bin/mipstx39-rtems-gdb testmips target sim --board=jmr3904 load run
