To develop
their automated traders in an external machine, you need to install the UNP
communication library provided by Richard Stevens' Unix Network Programming
book. The source code can be found at:
We assume you saved the file in a directory that we refer to as UNPV_DIR. After that, the user can use the command (to unzip and untar in the current directory):
The next step is to compile the network library without errors. Here is Stevens' original compilation notes together with other comments added to ease up the compilation process.
QUICK AND DIRTY (Originally by Richard Stevens, edited by PLAT Team)Once you are inside UNPV_DIR,
cd unpv12eThe following are the particular changes we needed to make for the UNP installation on crux (UNPV_DIR=/usr/local):
Commented out a structure because it was a redefinition of a structure which was in the system's include libraries, with one extra field: (UNPV_DIR/unpv12e/lib/unp.h本文地址: