组织软件过程财富库(Org Software Process assets),是CMM L3 OPD KPA中的一个重要概念,它要求组织要建立一个可用的,累计并长期受益于组织的基础,来改进组织的软件过程活动。(is to develop and maintain a usable set of software process assets that improve process performance across the projects and provide a basis for cumulative, long-term benefits to the organization.)
1.组织标准软件过程(the organization's standard software process)(OSSP)
2.OSSP的裁减指南和使用准则(guidelines and criteria for the projects' tailoring of the organization's standard software process)
3.软件开发生命周期的定义(descriptions of software life cycles approved for use)
4.组织软件过程数据库(the organization's software process database)
5.过程相关文挡库(a library of software process-related documentation previously developed and available for reuse)