
类别:软件工程 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:



admgmt.msc: Active Directory Management
azman.msc: Authorization Manager
certmgr.msc: Certificates
certsrv.msc: Certification Authority
certtmpl.msc: Certificate Templates
ciadv.msc: Indexing Service
compmgmt.msc: Computer Management
devmgmt.msc: Device Manager
dfrg.msc: Disk Defragmenter
dfsgui.msc: Distributed File System
dhcpmgmt.msc: DHCP
diskmgmt.msc: Disk Management
dnsmgmt.msc: DNS
domain.msc: Active Directory Domains and Trusts
dsa.msc: Active Directory Users and Computers
dssite.msc: Active Directory Sites and Services
eventvwr.msc: Event Viewer
fsmgmt.msc: Shared Folders
gpedit.msc: Group Policy
ipaddrmgmt.msc: IP Address Management
lusrmgr.msc: Local Users and Groups
ntmsmgr.msc: Removable Storage
ntmsoprq.msc: Removable Storage Operator Requests
perfmon.msc: Performance
pkmgmt.msc: Public Key Management
rsadmin.msc: Remote Storage
rsop.msc: Resultant Set of Policy
schmmgmt.msc: Active Direcotry Schema
secpol.msc: Local Security Settings
services.msc: Services
tapimgmt.msc: Telephony
tsmmc.msc: Remote Desktops
uddi.msc: UDDI Services Console
winsmgmt.msc: WINS
wmimgmt.msc: Windows Management Infrastructure (WMI)



目录: %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\Com
文件名: comexp.msc
管理工具名称: Componet Service
从命令行执行方式: mmc %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\Com\comexp.msc

目录: %SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322
管理工具名称: .NET Framework 1.1 Configuration
从命令行执行方式: mmc %SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\mscorcfg.msc
