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Doxygen有两种机制进行归组。第一种是全局级,为每个group创建一个新的page。这些groups在注释中被称作“modules”。另一种机制使用于一些compound entity中的member list,称为“member group”。











/** \addtogroup <label> */





注意compound entities(例如classes,files和namespaces)可以放在多个groups中,但是members(例如variables,functions,typedefs和enmus)只可以归于一个group(这个限制是为了避免链接目标的ambiguous)。


Doxygen将members放在有最高优先级的gourp之中:f.i. \ingroup高于任何使用@{@}的自动归组。和同等的优先级group定义冲突将触发一个警告,除非one definition was for a member without any explicit documentation。下面的例子将VarInA放在group A中,并默认将IntegerVariable放入group IntVariables解决和IntegerVariable的冲突,因为IntegerVariable的第二个instance是未作注释的:



 * \ingroup A


extern int VarInA;



 * \defgroup IntVariables Global integer variables




/** an integer variable */

extern int IntegerVariable;







 * \defgroup Variables Global variables




/** a variable in group A */

int VarInA;


int IntegerVariable;



Group定义命令的优先级(从高到低):\ingroup,\defgroup,\addtogroup,\weakgroup。而\weakgroup很像一个有低优先级的\addtogroup。它被设计为实现一个“lazy”的group定义方法:可以在.h文件中使用高优先级来定义结构,在.cpp文件中使用\weakgroup这样不会重复.h文件中的层次结构。(译注:是否就是说,还可以这样的话还可以在.cpp文件中再作一次group动作?例如,在.cpp文件中又定义了几个nonmember functions,这时可以将使用nonmember function和以前尽管在.h已经做了group的member functions放在一起。)


/** @defgroup group1 The First Group

 *  This is the first group

 *  @{



/** @brief class C1 in group 1 */

class C1 {};


/** @brief class C2 in group 1 */

class C2 {};


/** function in group 1 */

void func() {}


/** @} */ // end of group1




 *  @defgroup group2 The Second Group

 *  This is the second group



/** @defgroup group3 The Third Group

 *  This is the third group



/** @defgroup group4 The Fourth Group

 *  @ingroup group3

 *  Group 4 is a subgroup of group 3




 *  @ingroup group2

 *  @brief class C3 in group 2


class C3 {};


/** @ingroup group2

 *  @brief class C4 in group 2


class C4 {};


/** @ingroup group3

 *  @brief class C5 in @link group3 the third group@endlink.


class C5 {};


/** @ingroup group1 group2 group3 group4

 *  namespace N1 is in four groups

 *  @sa @link group1 The first group@endlink, group2, group3, group4


 *  Also see @ref mypage2


namespace N1 {};


/** @file

 *  @ingroup group3

 *  @brief this file in group 3



/** @defgroup group5 The Fifth Group

 *  This is the fifth group

 *  @{



/** @page mypage1 This is a section in group 5

 *  Text of the first section



/** @page mypage2 This is another section in group 5

 *  Text of the second section



/** @} */ // end of group5


/** @addtogroup group1


 *  More documentation for the first group.

 *  @{



/** another function in group 1 */

void func2() {}


/** yet another function in group 1 */

void func3() {}


/** @} */ // end of group1


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Member Groups


这样定义一个member group:








块如果你更喜欢C style注释。需要注意的是所有的members必须写在其中。




Member groups不允许使用嵌套。

如果一个类中的某个member group中所有的members有相同的type和protection level(例如都是static public members),那么这整个都会作为该type/protection level group的subgroup显式出来(例如,这个group作为“static public members”section的subsection)。如果两个或更多成员有不同的类型,那么这个group会和自动产生的groups放在同一个level。如果你希望一个类中所有的member-groups都在top level,可以在类的注释块中使用\nosubgrouping命令。


/** A class. Details */

class Test




    /** Same documentation for both members. Details */

    void func1InGroup1();

    void func2InGroup1();



    /** Function without group. Details. */

    void ungroupedFunction();

    void func1InGroup2();


    void func2InGroup2();



void Test::func1InGroup1() {}

void Test::func2InGroup1() {}


/** @name Group2

 *  Description of group 2.



/** Function 2 in group 2. Details. */

void Test::func2InGroup2() {}

/** Function 1 in group 2. Details. */

void Test::func1InGroup2() {}



/*! \file

 *  docs for this file




//! one description for all members of this group

//! (because DISTRIBUTE_GROUP_DOC is YES in the config file)

#define A 1

#define B 2

void glob_func();


Click here for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by Doxygen.

Here Group1 is displayed as a subsection of the "Public Members". And Group2 is a separate section because it contains members with different protection levels (i.e. public and protected).
