主要功能:把文件猜成4k大小的包 在包头+上包的长度 接受了1个包判断长度是否和接受的长度相符如果
Option Explicit
'作者: 影子
Dim FileNumber As Integer '用来存文件的句柄
Dim LenFile As Long '文件的长度
Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Winsock0.LocalPort = 5698
End Sub
Private Sub Winsock0_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim FileByte() As Byte
Winsock0.GetData FileByte, vbArray + vbByte '接收类型为:字节数组
Dim mendByte() As Byte, i As Long, j As Long
Dim temp As String, temp1 As String
j = UBound(FileByte)
For i = 0 To 7 Step 2
temp = temp & Chr(FileByte(i))
If Val(temp) = j Then
ReDim mendByte(j - 8)
' 提出包头
For i = 0 To j - 8
mendByte(i) = FileByte(i + 7)
' 写文件
Put #FileNumber, , mendByte
' 发送继续发送的请求
frmmain.Winsock0.SendData "ok"
frmmain.Winsock0.SendData "no"
End If
End Sub
Public Sub beginfile()
FileNumber = FreeFile '取得未使用的文件号
Open "c:\aaa.exe" For Binary As #FileNumber '打开文件
End Sub
Public Sub closefile() '关闭文件句柄
Close #FileNumber
End Sub
Option Explicit
Dim GetFileNum As Integer
Dim LenFile As Long
Dim Sendbaye() As Byte '发送的包
'作者: 影子
Private Sub Command1_Click()
GetFileNum = FreeFile '取得未使用的文件号
LenFile = FileLen("d:\aa.rar") '获得需传送的文件的长度
Open "d:\aa.rar" For Binary As #GetFileNum '打开需传送的文件
Command1.Enabled = False
' 传送文件
Call TCPSendFile(frmmain.Winsock0, GetFileNum, SplitFile)
Text1.Text = Now
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
frmmain.Winsock0.RemoteHost = "" '服务器ip
frmmain.Winsock0.RemotePort = 5698
End Sub
Private Function SplitFile() As Long '拆包
On Error Resume Next
Dim GetCount As Long
If LenFile >= 4000 Then
GetCount = 4000
LenFile = LenFile - GetCount
GetCount = LenFile
LenFile = LenFile - GetCount
End If
SplitFile = GetCount
End Function
Private Sub TCPSendFile(objWinSock As Winsock, FileNumber As Integer, SendLen As Long)
Dim FileByte() As Byte, i As Long, j As Long
Dim temp As String
ReDim Sendbaye(0)
Dim tempa As String * 4
ReDim FileByte(SendLen - 1)
tempa = SendLen + 7
Sendbaye = tempa ' 把长度负值给包头
Get #FileNumber, , FileByte '读取文件
ReDim Preserve Sendbaye(SendLen + 7) '把包头+到文件头
For i = 0 To UBound(FileByte)
Sendbaye(i + 7) = FileByte(i)
frmmain.Winsock0.SendData Sendbaye
End Sub
Private Sub Winsock0_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim str As String
frmmain.Winsock0.GetData str
Select Case str
Case "ok"
If LenFile = 0 Then '发送完成
MsgBox "成功"
Exit Sub
End If
Call TCPSendFile(frmmain.Winsock0, GetFileNum, SplitFile)
Case "no"
frmmain.Winsock0.SendData Sendbaye
End Select
End Sub