Programming MS Office 2000 Web Components第三章第一节

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图表组件是一个COM控件,它就是由开发Microsoft Excel2000中的图表生成功能的小组开发的。它以位于界面的COM控件形式,以及位于内存中的GIF生成引擎形式来提供基本的商业图表生成功能。在现在这个第一个版本中,图表控件支持所有能在Excel中找到的二维图表类型(等高线图类型除外),另外还支持 极坐标图,堆积饼图,以及填充散布图表类型。当前这个版本不包括任何三维图表类型或效果。




























u       各类别没有内在的顺序。

u       没有最小和最大的类别。

u       一个数据点仅分配给一个特定的类别。


















34      柱形图中的类别和数值轴。














       和趋势线一样,误差线是和系列相关的。系列中的每个数据点都会显示一个误差线,而这个系列的误差线的集合可以用来显示一个正的误差总量,一个负的误差总量,或者同时显示这两个。误差总量可以以百分比的形式(例如+10%, -10%, +/-10%),相对值的形式(例如 +2, -2, +/-2),或者自定义误差的形式(例如, 对于数据点10来说,上届是12,下届是8)来表示。误差线也可以进行数据绑定,如果进行了数据绑定,则图表控件将各结果列中的值看作是每个数据点的自定义误差值。虽然Excel图表也为误差总量提供了标准误差和标准偏差选项,但图表控件本身并不支持这些功能。当然,您可以自己计算这些数值,并在图表中使用自定义的误差总量来显示它们。








37      柱形图中的数据标签。







       当我在介绍图表组件时,通常我从一个开发者的口中听到的第一个问题就是:“它支持那些图表类型?”图表类型是图表生成功能的基础,因此多多益善。在我的书架上有一本包含各种图表类型,图表元素和信息图形学技巧的参考书,它几乎有450页!(这本书是:《信息图形:全面图解指南[操作图形,1997]》,和其它任何Edward Tufte的书一样,对任何从事信息图形学的人来说,它都是一个极好的资源。)









38      柱形图(上面)和条形图。







       39 一个堆积柱形图。








































您可以尝试一下随书光盘中一个相当有创造性的填充散布图的演示例子。打开文件夹Chap03夏的DrawWithChart.htm文件,点击图表界面,以创建一个填充多边形的各点。然后双击鼠标完成这个多边形。这个演示例子是由Jeff Couckuyt编写的,他是一位极为优秀的图表组件开发者,这个例子仅仅使用了图表控件和一个填充散布图表类型。




































       您已经了解了各种图表元素的名称,以及图表控件能够显示那些图表类型,现在您需要学习如何将数据装载到图表中。和大多数Offic Web组件一样,图表控件可以从多种数据源中装载数据,并且装载的过程可以在设计环境中使用图表向导来完成,或通过编写代码来完成。图表组件可以绑定到所有其它的Office Web组件上――电子表格组件,透视表组件,以及数据源组件――还有所有实现了IDataSource接口(这个一个微软IEVB中的数据源控件所具有的标准接口,在微软开发者网络图书馆和OLE DB SDK中有关于它的文档)的其它控件,ADORecordset对象,甚至是文本数据的数组或使用分隔符分隔的一系列数据组成的字符串。

       将数据装载到图表控件中的常用方法是:告诉图表应该从哪里获得数据,以及数据源的哪部分应该用于当前图表类型所需要的系列,类别和值。在编程模型中,图表控件将这些可以绑定到数据源的某部分的图表元素称为dimensions。当绑定到一个电子表格时,您指定的数据源的“部分”就是一个range的引用,例如A1:C1。如果绑定到一个OLE DB数据源时,您就应指定使用结果集中的哪一个列名或者列的下标。而对于透视控件,您应指定使用哪一个透视轴。(我们将在第4章中进一步讨论这个问题),而对于文本数据来说,只有一种“部分”存在:数组或具有分隔符的字符串本身。

       图表向导通过为您提供一个简单的指定这种绑定信息的用户界面,帮您完成了大部分的绑定工作。但实际上图表向导只是调用了图表控件的公共编程模型,因此如果通过编写代码,您能够完成任何图表向导的功能,并能完成图表向导所不具备的功能。图表向导的使用是相当明白的,它的在线帮助也包含了大部分的使用方法。因为本书主要着眼于使用Office Web组件开发定制的解决方案,所以我不会在这里详细介绍如何使用图表向导。而会深入到那些当通过编程将数据装载到图表中时您必须编写的代码中去。





' LoadChartWithLiteral()

' 目的: 将文本数据装载到图表中

' In:      cspace        ChartSpace对象的引用

'          vSeries       变量数组或以tab分割的字符串,代表各系列名。

'          vCategories   变量数组或以tab分割的字符串,代表各类别名。

'          avValues      变量二维数组或以tab分割的字符串,代表各数值;

'                        外围数组中的一项代表一个系列。


Sub LoadChartWithLiteral(cspace, vSeries, vCategories, avValues)

    ' 局部变量

    Dim cht    ' 我们将在图表空间中创建的Chart对象。

    Dim ser    ' 临时系列


' 获得常量对象以便我们可以在脚本中使用常量名称。注意:只是在VBScript中需要这样做,

' 而在VBA中并不需要。

    Set c = cspace.Constants


' 清除图表空间中。



    ' 在图表空间中创建一个图表。

    Set cht = cspace.Charts.Add()

    cht.HasLegend = True


    ' 现在调用SetData函数来绑定各个dimensions

' 第二个参数是c.chDataLiteral, 说明最后一个参数是一个变量数组或是一个

    ' 以tab分隔的字符串。

    cht.SetData c.chDimSeriesNames, c.chDataLiteral, vSeries

    cht.SetData c.chDimCategories, c.chDataLiteral, vCategories


    ' 当使用文本数据装载图表时,您必须使用数值分别装载每个系列。

    For each ser In cht.SeriesCollection

        ser.SetData c.chDimValues, c.chDataLiteral, avValues(ser.Index)

    Next 'ser


End Sub 'LoadChartWithLiteral()









' BindChartToSpreadsheet()


' 目的: 将一个图表绑定到源电子表格中的指定区域上。

' 传入参数:cspace           ChartSpace对象的引用

'          sheet            Spreadsheet对象的引用

'          srngSeries       字符串区域的引用,其中定义了系列的名称

'          srngCategories   字符串区域的引用,其中定义了类别的名称

'          srngValues       字符串区域的引用,其中包括了各个数值


Sub BindChartToSpreadsheet(cspace, sheet, srngSeries, srngCategories, _

                           srngValues, fSeriesInCols)

    ' 局部变量

    Dim cht          ' 将在图表空间中创建的Chart对象

    Dim ser          ' 临时系列

    Dim rngValues    ' 存储各数值的Range对象


    Set c = cspace.Constants




    ' 首先告诉图表它的数据来自于电子表格

    Set cspace.DataSource = sheet


    ' 在图表空间中创建一个图表。

    Set cht = cspace.Charts.Add()

    cht.HasLegend = True


    ' 现在调用SetData方法来绑定各个dimensions

    ' 第二个参数是0,说明如果有多个数据源,应该使用第一个数据源。

    cht.SetData c.chDimSeriesNames, 0, srngSeries

    cht.SetData c.chDimCategories, 0, srngCategories


    ' 电子表格子只能绑定到一维区域上,

    ' 因此遍历系列集合,并单独为每个系列设置数值。

    Set rngValues = sheet.Range(srngValues)


    For Each ser In cht.SeriesCollection

        If fSeriesInCols Then

            ser.SetData c.chDimValues, 0, _

                rngValues.Columns(ser.Index + 1).Address


            ser.SetData c.chDimValues, 0, _

                rngValues.Rows(ser.Index + 1).Address

        End If

    Next 'ser


End Sub 'BindChartToSpreadsheet()










' BindChartToDSC()


' 目的: 将图表绑定到数据源组件的一个记录集上。(这个例子创建一个饼图。)

' 输入参数:cspace        ChartSpace对象的引用

'          dsc           数据源控件的引用

'          sRSName       绑定到的数据源控件中记录集的名字

'          sCategories   包含类别的结果列的名称

'          sValues       包含数值的结果列的名称


Sub BindChartToDSC(cspace, dsc, sRSName, sCategories, sValues)

    ' 局部变量

    Dim cht    ' 将在图标空间中创建的Chart对象

    Dim ser    ' 临时系列


    Set c = cspace.Constants




    ' 首先告诉图表它的数据来自数据源控件。

    Set cspace.DataSource = dsc


    ' 接着告诉它数据源控件中它将会被绑定到的记录集

    cspace.DataMember = sRSName


    ' 在图表空间中创建一个饼图。

    Set cht = cspace.Charts.Add()

    cht.HasLegend = True

    cht.Type = c.chChartTypePie


    ' 现在调用SetData函数绑定各维,第二个参数为0,说明如果有多个数据源,应该使用第一个


    ' 在这个饼图的例子中,我们将手工添加一个系列,并使用这个系列的SetData方法

    Set ser = cht.SeriesCollection.Add()

    ser.SetData c.chDimCategories, 0, sCategories

    ser.SetData c.chDimValues, 0, sValues


    ' 最后,为这个例子添加一些数据标签,因为它是一个饼图。

    Set dls = ser.DataLabelsCollection.Add()

    dls.HasPercentage = True

    dls.HasValue = False


End Sub 'BindChartToDSC()


       DSC既可以从图标组件和透视组件中提取数据,也可以为二者提供数据。它也实现了Visual BasicIE的数据源控件所实现的相同的数据源COM接口(IDataSource),因此,这段代码可以被这些环境中的任何其它有效的数据源控件所使用。

       ChartSpace对象的DataSourceDataMember属性是这个例子的基础。因为他们是由Visual BasicIE所建立起的数据绑定标准的一部分,所以你常会在这些环境中的其它数据绑定控件中看到它们。DataSource属性被设置为只想提供数据的控件(在这个例子中是DSC),而DataMember属性被设置为命名所需要的特定数据集的字符串。因为一个DSC可以同时暴露多个数据集,所以DataMember属性被用来告诉图表控件应该请求那个数据集。如果您不设置DataMember属性。图标控件会请求缺省的数据集,具体哪个是缺省数据集,是由DSC决定的。









' BindChartToRecordset()


' 目的: 将一个图表绑定到一个记录集上(本例中创建的是一个散布图。)

' 传入参数:cspace        ChartSpace对象的引用

'          rst           要绑定到的Recordset对象的引用

'          sfldSeries    系列的字段名

'          sfldXValues   包含X数值的字段名

'          sfldYValues   包含Y数值的字段名


Sub BindChartToRecordset(cspace, rst, sfldSeries, sfldXValues, _


    ' Local variables

    Dim cht    ' Chart object that we'll create in the chart space

    Dim ser    ' Temporary series pointer

    Dim ax     ' Temporary axis pointer


    ' Grab the Constants object so that we can use constant names in

    ' the script. Note: This is needed only in VBScript -- do not include

    ' this in VBA code.

    Set c = cspace.Constants


    ' Clear out anything that is in the chart space



    ' First tell the chart that its data is coming from the Recordset

    Set cspace.DataSource = rst


    ' Create a Scatter chart in the chart space

    Set cht = cspace.Charts.Add()

    cht.HasLegend = True

    cht.Type = c.chChartTypeScatterMarkers


    ' Now call SetData to bind the various dimensions

    ' Second parameter is zero, meaning the first data source should be

    ' used if there are multiple data sources


    ' In this example of a Scatter chart, we will bind

    ' two value dimensions: X and Y

    cht.SetData c.chDimSeriesNames, 0, sfldSeries

    cht.SetData c.chDimXValues, 0, sfldXValues

    cht.SetData c.chDimYValues, 0, sfldYValues


    ' Finally, let's add some axis labels using

    ' the column names as the axis captions

    Set ax = cht.Axes(c.chAxisPositionBottom)

    ax.HasTitle = True

    ax.Title.Caption = sfldXValues

    ax.Title.Font.Name = "Tahoma"

    ax.Title.Font.Size = 8

    ax.Title.Font.Bold = True

    ax.NumberFormat = "#,##0"


    Set ax = cht.Axes(c.chAxisPositionLeft)

    ax.HasTitle = True

    ax.Title.Caption = sfldYValues

    ax.Title.Font.Name = "Tahoma"

    ax.Title.Font.Size = 8

    ax.Title.Font.Bold = True

    ax.NumberFormat = "$#,##0"


    ' Let's also set the marker size a bit smaller than normal

    For Each ser In cht.SeriesCollection

        ser.Marker.Size = 5

    Next 'ser


End Sub 'BindChartToRecordset()


       毫无疑问,您会立刻注意到这个例子除了使用的是散布图之外,它和前面包括DSC的例子很相似,这是因为在Visual BasicIEADO的记录集对象本身就是一个有效的数据源。它也实现了与DSC相同的数据源接口。这使得可以采用和使用DSC时设置图表控件的DataSource属性一样的方式将控件的DataSource属性指向记录集对象。但是,记录集对象被定义为只能暴露一个数据集,因此在绑定到记录集上时不需要设置DataMember属性。




将记录集装载到图表组件中能够正常工作的原因是良好架构造成的一次意外。当Visual BasicIE开发小组选择了标准的数据源接口(IDataSource)时,ADO小组认为让Recordset对象实现这个接口是很有意义的,因为这样它就能从GetDataMember方法中方便的返回底层的IRowset接口。因为图表控件在从DSC中装载数据时使用IDataSource接口,所以Recordset对象正好能够很好的工作。对于图表控件来说,记录集对象和其它数据源控件是完全一样。

       当绑定到记录集对象时,您必须确定记录集正在使用微软Windows游标引擎(WCE)或者能够被浏览和游历。WCE是一个ADO组件,它能够在任何OLE DB 记录集上提供了浏览、排序、过滤和其它功能,而不必考虑记录集的来源或原始功能。为了使用这个引擎,需将您的ADO连接或记录集的CursorLocation属性设置为adUseClient,如果您所使用的环境不能识别这个常量,可以使用它的值――3来代替。为了保证图表控件能够在记录集中进行游历,您可以使用adOpenStatic游标类型,它的值也是3。在记录集的Open方法的CursorType参数中,或Recordset对象的CursotType属性中使用adOpenStatic或者3(第4章中会详细讨论WCE)。






' BindChartToPivot()


' Purpose: Binds a chart to a PivotTable component

' In:      cspace          reference to the ChartSpace object

'          ptable          reference to the PivotTable object

'          fSeriesInCols   Boolean flag indicating whether the series

'                          of the chart should come from the column

'                          axis or the row axis of the PivotTable control


Sub BindChartToPivot(cspace, ptable, fSeriesInCols)

    ' Local variables

    Dim cht    ' Chart object that we'll create in the chart space

    Dim ax     ' Temporary axis reference

    Dim fnt    ' Temporary font reference


    ' Grab the Constants object so that we can use constant names in

    ' the script. Note: This is needed only in VBScript -- do not include

    ' this in VBA code.

    Set c = cspace.Constants


    ' Clear out anything that is in the chart space



    ' First tell the chart that its data is coming from the

    ' PivotTable component

    Set cspace.DataSource = ptable


    ' Create a chart in the chart space

    Set cht = cspace.Charts.Add()

    cht.HasLegend = True

    cht.Type = c.chChartTypeBarClustered


    ' Now call SetData to bind the various dimensions

    ' Second parameter is zero, meaning the first data source should be

    ' used if there are multiple data sources

    If fSeriesInCols Then

        cht.SetData c.chDimSeriesNames, 0, c.chPivotColumns

        cht.SetData c.chDimCategories, 0, c.chPivotRows


        cht.SetData c.chDimSeriesNames, 0, c.chPivotRows

        cht.SetData c.chDimCategories, 0, c.chPivotColumns

    End If 'fSeriesInCols


    ' Set the values dimension. The value

    ' you pass for the data reference (the last parameter)

    ' is the index of the total you want to use.

    ' Since there is only one total in this example,

    ' we pass zero, indicating the first one.

    cht.SetData c.chDimValues, 0, 0


    ' Finally, let's add an axis title to the value

    ' axis, using the label on the pivot total

    ' as the caption, and set the number format

    Set ax = cht.Axes(c.chAxisPositionBottom)

    ax.HasTitle = True

    ax.Title.Caption = ptable.ActiveView.DataAxis.Totals(0).Caption

    Set fnt = ax.Title.Font

    fnt.Name = "Tahoma"

    fnt.Size = 8

    fnt.Bold = True


    ax.NumberFormat = ptable.ActiveView.DataAxis.Totals(0).NumberFormat


End Sub 'BindChartToPivot()





       但透视表控件确实实现了一个数据源控件所需要的标准COM接口,它只是不知道如何返回ADO记录集和OLE DB行集合。图表控件中包含了专门的代码,以实现读取透视表控件中显示的交叉数据,并恰当地忽略了子总计和外部总计,如果使用这些总计,将会扭曲图表的刻度,并不是所有的数据绑定控件都能将透视表控件用作它们的数据源。







cht.SetData c.chDimXValues, 0, 0    ' First total

cht.SetData c.chDimYValues, 0, 1    ' Second total


cht.SetData c.chDimCategories, 0, c.chPivotRowAggregates



cht.SetData c.chDimSeriesNames, 0, c.chPivotColAggregates






' SetChartTitle()


' Purpose: Sets the chart's title

' In:      cht      reference to a chart

'          sTitle   new title caption


Sub SetChartTitle(cht, sTitle)

    Dim fnt    ' Temporary font reference


    ' If the title is nonblank

    If Len(sTitle) > 0 Then

        ' Add a title if necessary

        cht.HasTitle = True


        ' Set the caption and its font formatting

        cht.Title.Caption = sTitle

        Set fnt = cht.Title.Font

        fnt.Name = "Tahoma"

        fnt.Size = 10

        fnt.Bold = True


        ' Title is blank. Remove it.

        cht.HasTitle = False   

    End if

End Sub 'SetChartTitle()








       对于值轴和类别轴,您都可以选择丢弃一些标签――例如,每五个标签中只显示第五个。这对于那些包含太多标签的轴来说很有用,可以使轴上的标签不至于重叠,还有对于那些可以从保留的标签中推导出那些被丢弃的标签的图表来说,这也很有用,例如,一系列的日期。 类别轴缺省是不取消标签的。但是假设您在类别轴上包含一大组的时间。您可以通过设置相应WCAxis对象的TickLabelSpacing属性来选择取消一部分标签,即可以采用在设计阶段选择标签并使用属性工具箱的方式来完成,也可以通过运行阶段的代码来完成。这个属性的设置决定了在显示的标签之间要跳过多少标签。注意这个属性只影响标签,这意味着轴仍然会在标签应该显示的地方显示标记符号。不过,您也可以通过将TickMarkSpacing属性调整为TickLabelSpacing属性相同的值来减少一些标记符号。









Chapter 3

The Chart Component

Now that you have an understanding of the Spreadsheet component, let's examine the functionality and programming model of the Chart component. As in the previous chapter, after describing a given feature, I will present a few interesting uses for it. In Part II of the book, you will see many of these ideas actually implemented.

This chapter will also show you some clever ways to add functionality to the Chart component using your own code. The Chart component might seem a bit less complex than the Spreadsheet or PivotTable components at first, but it has some powerful features that you can use in your solutions. Plus, it offers many "knobs" that you can adjust to customize a chart to your liking.

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The Basics of the Chart Component

The Chart component is a COM control that was built by the same team that developed charting in Microsoft Excel 2000. It provides basic business charting both as an onscreen COM control and as an in-memory, GIF-generating engine. In this first version, the Chart control supports all the two-dimensional chart types found in Excel (except for the Contour type) with the addition of the Polar, Stacked Pie, and Filled Scatter chart types. This version does not contain any three-dimensional chart types or effects.

One new feature that I will discuss in this chapter is the Chart control's ability to display more than one chart within the overall chart space of the component. The Chart control is actually composed of an entire chart space containing one or more charts that all share the same set of categories. (I will explain the term "categories" in more detail later in this section.) Normally, you will have only one chart in the control at a time; however, having multiple charts in the same chart space makes it easier to compare similar information at a glance. I will describe chart spaces in more detail toward the end of the chapter.

Like the Spreadsheet component, the Chart component has a number of basic features and some distinct terminology that you should become familiar with before we move on to more advanced topics.

The Nomenclature of Charting

During the development of a new feature in Excel 2000 charting, the OWC team conducted a number of usability tests to determine whether our design was easy to use. For those who have never heard of such tests, we take real customers from companies and homes throughout the Seattle area and put them in front of a prototype for a new feature. We ask the people to perform a number of tasks and watch to see how they approach them and whether the design was effective in helping them accomplish the assignment. Often, we find that our expectations were far from reality—meaning we have to go back and redesign the feature.

In one particular test, we showed people various charts we created in Excel with certain parts circled. We asked them to tell us what they thought the name of the circled part should be. Logically, you would expect us to find some commonality and discover the "name" that most people already associate with a particular element. We could then use that name in our documentation, programming models, onscreen user interface, and so on. Much to our dismay, we discovered absolutely no standard names for elements within a chart. You might expect that people would know which is the X axis and which is the Y axis, but many people don't remember much from their math classes and commonly mix them up.


For those whose minds are now racing to remember which is which, the X axis is horizontal and the Y axis is vertical. Of course, most charts have what's called a category axis and a value axis, and their orientation depends on the particular chart type. Scatter and Bubble charts have X and Y axes since they compare two (or three) values against each other. In chart types such as Radar or Polar, the axes actually extend from the center of the chart, so X and Y are meaningless.

Since no common language seems to exist for describing elements of a chart, it is quite hard to talk about creating and manipulating charts. To gain any understanding of the Chart component's features and programming model, we must first define a number of key terms used in the component and look at what elements they represent. Many of the terms have specific connotations in different chart types, so if you see a chart type in the following discussion that you are not familiar with, refer to the "Supported Chart Types" for a screen shot and a description.


A series is one of the most important constructs of the Chart component. In fact, most of the internal structures in this component are oriented around the series. Figure 31 points out the series in a Column chart. Notice that each series correlates to an entry in the chart's legend.

Figure 3-1. A Column chart containing two series.

A series represents a sequence of data points that you want to display in a certain manner. People commonly think that a chart has a particular type (such as a Line chart, Bar chart, or Pie chart). But in the Chart control, it's the series that has a particular type—which means you can create a combination chart by setting one series as a Line type and another as a Column type. All the data points in a series commonly have the same color (though you can override this, as we will see later). Plus, elements such as trendlines and error bars are attached to particular series.

By default, an entry in the legend exists for each series, but you can hide specific entries in the legend if you want. (I will explain how to do that later.)


Categories are a little harder to explain than series. Figure 3-2 points out the category labels contained in a Column chart.

Figure 3-2. Categories in a Column chart.

All charts have a notion of categories, but not all charts have a category axis. In Figure 3-2, the sales representatives' names are the categories, and each series contains a single data point in each category. In most charts, the intersection of a category and a series creates a data point. Note, however, that a particular series might not have a data point for a given category although the other series do. When this is the case, the Chart control merges all categories from all series and simply does not plot a data point at that series-category intersection.

Category axes differ from value axes in three important ways:

  • There is no inherent ordering of categories.
  • There is no minimum and no maximum category.
  • Data points are neatly assigned to a specific category.

If Salesperson is your category axis, specific sale amounts are naturally attributed to specific salespeople, and no data points sit between salespeople. A value axis has a defined minimum and maximum, and the space along the axis is evenly divided into units that increase as you move from the minimum to the maximum. Each data point is therefore plotted wherever it lies along the axis.

A Scatter or Bubble chart does not have a category axis because its data points are defined by X and Y coordinates as well as a bubble size for Bubble charts. Although these chart types do not have category axes, the data points can still belong to specific categories and you can retrieve the category name for a given data point. This mechanism is useful for encoding extra information into the data points of a Scatter or Bubble chart, allowing you to display that information when the user's mouse hovers over a data point.


Of course, in the real world, sales often can be attributed to more than one sales representative. However, most sales information systems perform an allocation and store each representative's contribution to the sale as a specific value that is then plotted on the chart. The point about data fitting neatly into a category is made to contrast discrete categories from continuous values. For example, a value of 1.4567454 can be plotted along a value axis between 0 and 2, but it does not fit into a discrete "bucket" on the axis the way data in categories do.

Values, Values, Values

In most of the simpler chart types, you have only one set of values to worry about. Figure 3-3 shows the sales values plotted by year by salesperson. This chart contains only one value per data point—which holds true for most of the simple chart types.

Figure 3-3. Values in a Column chart.

Scatter and Bubble charts, on the other hand, introduce the necessity for having two or three values for every data point. In a Scatter chart, each data point has an X value and a Y value, the combination of which defines an (X,Y) point in two-dimensional, Cartesian space. A Bubble chart adds a third value: a bubble size value that determines the radius of the bubble centered at the (X,Y) point. Optionally, the bubble size value can be set to represent the area of the bubble instead of the radius.

Things get a little more complicated when using a High-Low-Close (HLC) chart because again three values make up each data point, except that they are now called the high value, low value, and close value. An Open-High-Low-Close (OHLC) chart has four values associated with each data point, and the extra value is called, not surprisingly, the open value. (These types of charts are often called Stock charts because they are most commonly used to display such data.)

When dealing with a Polar chart, you need to provide another set of values: R values and Theta values. The R value defines the distance of the data point from the center of the chart, and the Theta value represents the angle away from a horizontal line passing through origin.


The term "axes" is probably more familiar to you. In the Chart component, axes have essentially the same meaning that they do in the world of geometry. However, the Chart control adds another layer of meaning to an axis by referring to it either as a category axis or a value axis. In Figure 3-4, the category and value axes are labeled.

Figure 3-4. Category and value axes in a Column chart.

A category axis is subdivided into equal segments—one for each distinct category, and data points are plotted in the middle of each category. No notion of a minimum or maximum exists for a category axis. A value axis, on the other hand, is a continuous axis that has a minimum and a maximum. Along a value axis, data points are plotted where they would fall between the minimum and maximum points.

Since the placement of the category and value axes depends on the chart type, "category" and "value" are logical names that do not directly map to X and Y. For example, a Column chart has the category axis extending horizontally along the bottom (X) and the value axis rising vertically on the left (Y). But in a Bar chart, the placements are reversed, with the category axis on the left and the value axis along the bottom. For more on the various chart types, see "Supported Chart Types."


Although you have certainly heard the term "axis," you might not have heard the term "scaling" before. Every axis has a scaling, though you commonly use a scaling with a value axis. A scaling defines a measurement scale for its axis, determining the minimum and maximum values for the axis. The scaling also determines whether the intervals along the axis are linear or logarithmic. A linear scale subdivides the axis into even segments that increase linearly from the minimum value to the maximum value (for instance, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100). A logarithmic scale also divides the axis into even segments; however, the increment from one segment to the next is logarithmic instead of linear (for example, 1, 10, 100).

We will discuss axis scaling in more detail later in the chapter when we talk about split axes, as well as in Chapter 6, where we will see how to "zoom in" to show a portion of your data in more detail.


The Chart component supports the creation of one trendline for each series in your chart. As in Excel, a trendline is used to show the trend of data in a series. Trendlines are commonly used in trend analysis and forecasting when you want to predict what a certain value will be in the future if it keeps increasing or decreasing at the historical rate. Like Excel, the Chart control offers a few different trendline calculations, including linear, logarithmic, polynomial, exponential, and power. However, the Chart control does not offer the moving average trendline type found in Excel. Figure 3-5 shows an example of a trendline.

Error Bars

Error bars, shown in Figure 3-6, are short line segments extending from the data points that indicate some uncertainty about your data, known as the error amount. Each data point can display an error bar, which indicates that the data point's true value can be anywhere within the error range.

Why a Separate Scaling Object?

You might be wondering why the concept of scaling is not just part of an axis. After all, it seems that the scaling determines the minimum and maximum values of an axis. However, the scaling's minimum and maximum values determine the dimensions of the viewable region called the plot area. An axis displays tick marks and labels, but it is the scaling that determines the exact pixel/value ratio for that dimension of the plot area. By separating the scaling from the axis, the Chart control can support charts that have no visible axes.

Figure 3-5. A trendline in a Scatter chart.

Figure 3-6. Error bars in a Column chart.

Like trendlines, error bars are attached to a series. An error bar is displayed for each data point in the series, and the collection of error bars for that series can be set to show a positive error amount, a negative error amount, or both. The error amount can be expressed as a percentage (such as +10%, -10%, or +/-10%), a relative value (such as +2, -2, or +/-2), or a custom amount (for example, an upper bound of 12 and a lower bound of 8 for a data point of 10). Error bars can also be data-bound, in which case the Chart control treats the values in the result columns as custom error values for each data point. Although Excel charting also provides Standard Error and Standard Deviation options for the error amounts, the Chart control does not yet natively support these. Of course, you could calculate these values yourself and use custom error amounts to display them in the chart.

Data Labels

A data label is a small piece of text placed next to a data point that you can set to display the data point's value, percentage in the series, category name, series name, or bubble size. (See Figure 3-7 for an example.) You can display any combinations of these pieces of information in a data label. Plus, you can control the font, color, and border formatting attributes—even which separator character string to use between each piece of information.

Figure 3-7. Data labels in a Column chart.

Data labels are obviously useful when you want to show numbers next to your data points, especially for comparing data points that might be very close to each other. The percentage contribution is of course useful any time you want to show the percent a data point contributes to the overall series, such as in a Pie chart. Showing the category name is a nice way to display extra categorical information in chart types that do not have category axes, such as Scatter and Bubble charts.

Like trendlines and error bars, data labels are attached to a series. You cannot format, hide, or show a data label for an individual data point. All manipulations to data labels affect all data points in the series.

Supported Chart Types

The first question I usually hear from a developer's mouth when I speak about the Chart component is, "What chart types are supported?" Chart types are the bread and butter of charting, so the more types the merrier. I have a reference book on my shelf that contains almost 450 pages of different chart types, chart elements, and information graphics techniques! (This book, Information Graphics: A Comprehensive Illustrated Reference [Management Graphics, 1997], is an excellent resource for anyone involved in information graphics, as are any of Edward Tufte's books.)

The first version of the Chart component includes the full set of two-dimensional chart types found in Excel 2000 (except for the Contour type), with the addition of Polar, Stacked Pie, and Filled Scatter chart types. The Chart control does not have any three-dimensional chart types or effects in this version, nor does it support the fancy fill effects offered in Excel.

Let's look at several examples of the supported chart types and discuss what kind of data they are useful for displaying.

Column and Bar Charts

The most typical chart types used in business, Column and Bar charts, show a filled bar for each data point, extending from the zero point on the value axis to the data point.

Most people don't make much of a distinction between Column and Bar charts—after all, they are essentially the same, they just extend in different directions. The Chart component uses the term "Column" to refer to a vertical column that extends up and down the screen and the term "Bar" for a horizontal bar that extends across the screen. Figure 3-8 shows an example of a Column chart and a Bar chart.

Figure 3-8. A Column chart (top) and a Bar chart.

These chart types typically are useful for data containing categories that do not need to appear in any particular order. Unlike Line charts, Column and Bar charts don't portray a sense of order or progression.

As with many of the chart types, there are a few Column and Bar chart subtypes. The default subtype, called Clustered Column or Bar, plots bars from different series adjacent to each other within each category. (Figure 3-8 shows a Clustered Column chart and a Clustered Bar chart.) The Clustered subtype is the most useful subtype when the different series are fairly unrelated or when they should not be aggregated visually. For example, if you plot a budget in one series and the actual amount spent in the other, you do not want to aggregate those values. Instead, you would want to compare the bars or columns side by side.

Stacked Column and Bar charts display the different series as stacked upon one another. In such charts, the length of the column or the bar represents the sum of the data points for the category. Figure 3-9 shows an example of a Stacked Column chart.

Figure 3-9. A Stacked Column chart.

Stacked Column and Bar charts are useful for displaying data in which the series' values can and should be aggregated to depict a visual total for each category. For example, if you plot sales information by country and by product, you might want to use a Stacked Column chart to show the total sales for each country (the category) across all products. The bar is still segmented by the exact value each product contributes—meaning top-selling products will have longer segments, while products that do not sell well will have shorter segments. Stacked charts are useful when it is not as necessary to assess the relative contribution as it is to assess the total for each category.

Finally, the 100% Stacked subtype is a bit like a Pie chart: it draws a bar or column all the way across the plot area and then subdivides the bar or column into segments representing the percent contribution of each series' data point. The key difference between this subtype and the Stacked subtype is that the length of each segment is the percentage of the data point's contribution to the total of the data points in that category, not the literal value. Since all the bars are the same length (100%), such a chart is not useful for comparing one category's total to another. However, this type of chart is useful for viewing the same type of information a pie chart shows, but for many categories and series at once.

Most of the other chart types described here have the same set of subtypes—Clustered, Stacked, and 100% Stacked. I will not redefine each of these three subtypes in the descriptions that follow, but I will indicate when they are available. Refer back to this section for a description of the subtypes and which types of data are appropriate to display using them.

Pie, Stacked Pie, and Doughnut Charts

Pie charts are also common in business charting, which is almost a shame since they provide the least dense (and the least efficient) display of information available. However, their simplicity also makes them very understandable, and often, very persuasive. For example, when showing a breakdown of market share information, the effect of an extremely large or small slice is indeed powerful. Figure 3-10 shows a typical Pie chart.

Figure 3-10. A Pie chart.

The important quirk of Pie charts is that the legend shows the category values instead of the series values. Most charts show the various series in the legend, but since a Pie chart shows only one series, the legend is used to show the category labels that correspond to the colored pie "slices."

A Pie chart is obviously useful for showing the percentage contribution or breakdown of a total. A Pie chart shows only one dimension of data because, as stated a moment ago, it can display only one series of data points.

The Stacked Pie and Doughnut chart types, however, can show multiple series at once, much like the 100% Stacked Column chart can display data for many series and categories at once. The only real difference between the Stacked Pie chart and the Doughnut chart is that the Doughnut chart has a hole in the middle (the "doughnut hole" if you will). Figure 3-11 depicts the same information in first a Stacked Pie chart and then a Doughnut chart.

Figure 3-11. A Stacked Pie chart and a Doughnut chart.

I admit that these are somewhat bizarre chart types; in fact, I recommend using them only in those unique circumstances under which no other chart type will suffice (for example, displaying the percentage chemical makeup of soil in concentric rings around a bomb explosion site). The concentric circles can be misleading for abstract data because their relative size and order are not based on any numeric value.

Line, Smooth Line, and Area Charts

Line charts and Area charts fall within the group of simpler chart types but unfortunately are not used as often as they should be. Figure 3-12 shows what a typical Line chart and Area chart look like.

Line and Area charts are useful for displaying data in which the categories actually have a meaningful order, such as a series of dates or times. For example, plotting sales over a series of dates or plotting stock prices over a series of hours is more effectively displayed in a Line chart than in a Column chart. This is because it is easier to tell whether there's a trend up or down when lines are drawn between the data points in a chart.

The only real difference between a Line chart and an Area chart is that in the Area chart, the section between the category axis and the line is filled with the series color. The occlusion that occurs when one series' values are higher than another's can make Area charts somewhat difficult to work with—unless you are using the Stacked subtype we discussed earlier. Since the series are drawn over each other in order, the last series drawn will cover any series previously drawn. Use nonstacked Area charts only when you know that a series has consistently higher values than all the series that follow it.

Figure 3-12. A Line chart and an Area chart.

As in the Column and Bar chart cases, Line charts and Area charts have the Clustered, Stacked, and 100% Stacked subtypes. However, the term "Clustered" is not commonly used to describe the default subtypes, and these defaults are simply called Line chart and Area chart without any special distinction.

Line charts have one other subtype that Column and Bar charts do not. Lines in a chart can be drawn either "straight" or "smoothed." It should come as no surprise that charts drawn with smoothed lines are called Smooth Line charts. Instead of drawing the line straight from one data point to another, the Chart component draws the line on a curve so that there are no jagged peaks or valleys.

Scatter and Bubble Charts

Scatter charts are used less often in business presentations, which is unfortunate considering that they can be a more powerful analysis tool than the simpler chart types described earlier. Although a Scatter chart has series and categories, it also has two values (rather than one) that determine the location of a data point. Each data point in a Scatter chart has an X value and a Y value, and the combination of the two determines its placement on the plot area.

The key difference between a Scatter chart and a Bubble chart is that the data points in a Bubble chart are circles that have dynamic size. A data point in a Bubble chart contains a third value called bubble size, which determines either the radius or the area of the bubble. Figure 3-13 shows typical Scatter and Bubble charts.

Figure 3-13. A Scatter chart and a Bubble chart.

Scatter charts and Bubble charts are useful for comparing two different values to discover a correlation or distribution pattern. For example, using a Scatter chart to plot a department's morale budget allocation against its revenue might reveal a strong correlation, showing that a high morale budget commonly increases revenue. (At least, most employees would like to think this is true!)

Scatter charts have a few unique subtypes. The default subtype is simply called Scatter Markers and uses markers (small geometric shapes such as diamonds or squares) to indicate the data points. Different shapes are used to indicate the different series. You can choose to connect the markers of each series with a smoothed or straight line. Furthermore, you can choose to have lines without any markers at all. The Chart component includes a final subtype that is not included in Excel. It allows you to fill in the polygon made from the data points and connecting lines, creating a Filled Scatter chart.

Fun with Filled Scatter Charts

You can try a rather creative Filled Scatter chart demo on the companion CD. Open the DrawWithChart.htm file in the Chap03 folder, and click the chart surface to create points of a filled polygon. Double-click the mouse to end the shape. This demo was written by Jeff Couckuyt, one of the extremely talented Chart component developers, and was created using only the Chart control and a Filled Scatter chart type.

Keep in mind that Bubble charts have the same problem of occlusion as Area charts. A large bubble will hide any data points underneath it, so only use Bubble charts when you know the chance of occlusion is low; otherwise, consider setting the bubble fill to transparent.

Radar Charts

Radar charts do not seem to be typically used in the United States, but I understand that they are much more common in Asian countries for portraying data such as nutritional information about food products. Figure 3-14 shows what this interesting and useful chart type looks like.

Figure 3-14. A Radar chart.

A Radar chart has categories, series, and values like the other simple chart types; however, Radar charts plot the category labels in a circle surrounding the chart and contain spokes extending from the center of the chart out to each category label. Each spoke is a value axis. The data points for each category are plotted on the corresponding spoke's scale at the appropriate point and in the appropriate series color. The chart then joins the data points of each series with a line and optionally fills the series color from the line toward the origin. Filled Radar charts have the same old problem of occlusion that Area and Bubble charts have, so beware of using the Filled subtype unless you know that your data will not cause occlusion (or unless you are not concerned about it).

Radar charts also support the Smooth Line subtype we discussed earlier. Plus, you have the option of plotting data point markers in both the Smooth Line and Straight Line subtypes.

High-Low-Close and Open-High-Low-Close Charts

Anyone displaying information about stocks or financial securities will be interested in these two chart types. The High-Low-Close chart type (or HLC chart) displays a line segment for each category. Each line segment extends from the low to the high value and features a small tick mark that denotes the close value. Figure 3-15 shows an example of an HLC chart.

Figure 3-15. A High-Low-Close chart.

You should consider using this chart type any time you have data containing a range of values for a given period and a special value that needs to be marked within the range. For example, you could use an HLC chart to display temperature readings over an extended period of time.

An Open-High-Low-Close chart (or OHLC chart) adds one extra piece of information to the data of an HLC chart: the open value. The chart indicates the open value by displaying a filled rectangle between the open value and the close value, as Figure 3-16 shows.

The filled rectangle either will be the series color or it will be black, depending on whether the difference between the close value and the open value is positive or negative. Positive differences get the normal series color, while negative differences are shown as black. This shows the viewer whether the values increased or decreased during the specified period so that he or she can ascertain whether the value improved or worsened and by how much.

Figure 3-16. An Open-High-Low-Close chart.

Both the HLC and the OHLC chart types still maintain the notion of series. However, in an HLC chart type, the Chart component places different series in the same horizontal position. In other words, the control will draw multiple series over one another. Generally, this chart type is most useful with only one series of data points. OHLC charts, on the other hand, can manage multiple series and draw the bars of multiple series next to one another.

Polar Charts

The Polar chart type is the one new chart type that appears in the Chart component but not in Excel charting. Polar charts, which Microsoft Office users have been requesting for some time, are useful for displaying relationships between angles and distances. Polar charts are commonly used in the audio and radio fields, for example, to show the power and direction of a microphone's pickup. Figure 3-17 depicts a typical Polar chart.

Figure 3-17. A Polar chart.

The Polar chart includes the Smooth Line subtype, and you can choose whether to display data point markers with the lines.

Combination Charts

As mentioned at the beginning of the chapter, one of the great secrets of charting is that a chart does not really have a chart type. Instead, each individual series has a type, and if all series in a chart happen to have the same type, the Chart object's Type property returns that type. However, you can use this distinction to create more complex combination charts, in which you plot some series as columns or bars while plotting others as lines.

Not all chart types can be combined, and in this version of Office the Chart component allows you to combine only the Column, Line, and Area chart types. The most common combination chart used for business data is a mixture of the Column and Line chart types.

Loading Data

Now that you know what the various chart elements are called and what chart types the Chart control can display, you need to learn how to load a chart with data. Like most of the Office Web Components, the Chart control can load data from a variety of sources, and the loading can be performed by using the Chart Wizard in a design environment or by writing code. The Chart component binds to all the other Office Web Components—the Spreadsheet, PivotTable, and Data Source components—as well as to all other controls that implement the IDataSource interface (the standard interface for a data source control in Microsoft Internet Explorer or Microsoft Visual Basic, documented in the Microsoft Developer Network Libraries and the OLE DB SDK), ADO Recordset objects, and even literal arrays or delimited strings of data.

The general approach to loading data into the Chart control is to tell the chart where it should retrieve data from and what "parts" of the data source should be used for the series, categories, and values the current chart type requires. In the programming model, the Chart control refers to these chart elements as dimensions that you can bind to some part of the data source. When binding to a spreadsheet, the "part" of the data source you specify is a range reference, such as A1:C1. For an OLE DB data source, you specify what column name or ordinal index of the resultset to use. For the PivotTable control, you specify which pivot axis to use. (We will discuss this further in Chapter 4.) In literal data, only one "part" exists: the array or delimited string itself.

The Chart Wizard performs much of the binding for you, presenting you with a simple user interface for specifying this information. However, the Chart Wizard merely calls the public programming model of the Chart control, so by writing your own code you can do anything the Chart Wizard does—and more. The Chart Wizard is fairly self-explanatory, and its online help covers much of its use. Since this book focuses on developing custom solutions with the Office Web Components, I will not detail using the Chart Wizard here. Instead, I'll dive into the code you need to write when programmatically filling the chart with data.

Loading the Chart with Literal Data

The following subroutine, taken from the LoadFromLiteral.htm file in the Chap03 folder on your companion CD, shows how to load the Chart control with literal data:


' LoadChartWithLiteral()

' Purpose: Loads the chart with literal data

' In:      cspace        reference to the ChartSpace object

'          vSeries       variant array or

'                        tab-delimited string of series names

'          vCategories   variant array or

'                        tab-delimited string of category names

'          avValues      array of variant array or

'                        tab-delimited string of values;

'                        one entry in the outer array per series


Sub LoadChartWithLiteral(cspace, vSeries, vCategories, avValues)

    ' Local variables

    Dim cht    ' Chart object we'll create in the chart space

    Dim ser    ' Temporary series


    ' Grab the Constants object so that we can use constant names in

    ' the script. Note: This is needed only in VBScript -- do not include

    ' this in VBA code.

    Set c = cspace.Constants


    ' Clear out anything that is in the chart space



    ' Create a chart in the chart space

    Set cht = cspace.Charts.Add()

    cht.HasLegend = True


    ' Now call SetData to bind the various dimensions

    ' Second parameter is c.chDataLiteral, meaning the last parameter

    ' is a variant array or a tab-delimited string

    cht.SetData c.chDimSeriesNames, c.chDataLiteral, vSeries

    cht.SetData c.chDimCategories, c.chDataLiteral, vCategories


    ' When loading the chart with literal data, you must

    ' load each series with values individually

    For each ser In cht.SeriesCollection

        ser.SetData c.chDimValues, c.chDataLiteral, avValues(ser.Index)

    Next 'ser


End Sub 'LoadChartWithLiteral()

When loading the chart with literal data, the data can be contained either in an array of variants or in a tab-delimited string, each element or token representing a different value. In the file on your companion CD, I pass the literal data as an array using the Array function that is supported in Microsoft VBScript as well as in Microsoft VBA.

The SetData method is used to pass the literal data, but note that the second argument (normally the data source index) is the constant chDataLiteral. This constant, which is equal to -1, tells the chart that the next argument is literal data and not part of a data source.

Also note that you must use the SetData method of the WCSeries object (the object representing a series) when passing literal values to the chart. Since the Chart control itself can accept only a one-dimensional array of values, if it allowed you to pass literal values to the SetData method of the WCChart object (the object representing a chart), it would have no way of knowing which values belong to which series. The previous procedure handles this by simply looping through the series collection and passing the appropriate array of values to the current series' SetData method.

Binding to the Spreadsheet Component

The following subroutine, taken from the LoadFromSpreadsheet.htm file in the Chap03 folder on your companion CD, shows how to bind a Chart component to ranges in the Spreadsheet component:


' BindChartToSpreadsheet()


' Purpose: Binds a chart to specified ranges in the source spreadsheet

' In:      cspace           reference to the ChartSpace object

'          sheet            reference to the Spreadsheet object

'          srngSeries       string-based range reference to where the

'                           series names come from

'          srngCategories   string-based range reference to where the

'                           category names come from

'          srngValues       string-based range reference to where the

'                           values are


Sub BindChartToSpreadsheet(cspace, sheet, srngSeries, srngCategories, _

                           srngValues, fSeriesInCols)

    ' Local variables

    Dim cht          ' Chart object that we'll create in the chart space

    Dim ser          ' Temporary series

    Dim rngValues    ' Range object of values


    ' Grab the Constants object so that we can use constant names in

    ' the script. Note: This is needed only in VBScript -- do not include

    ' this in VBA code.   

    Set c = cspace.Constants


    ' Clear out anything that is in the chart space



    ' First tell the chart that its data is coming from the spreadsheet

    Set cspace.DataSource = sheet


    ' Create a chart in the chart space

    Set cht = cspace.Charts.Add()

    cht.HasLegend = True


    ' Now call SetData to bind the various dimensions

    ' Second parameter is zero, meaning the first data source should be

    ' used if there are multiple data sources

    cht.SetData c.chDimSeriesNames, 0, srngSeries

    cht.SetData c.chDimCategories, 0, srngCategories


    ' The spreadsheet can bind to one-dimensional ranges only,

    ' so loop through the series collection and set the values

    ' for each series individually

    Set rngValues = sheet.Range(srngValues)


    For Each ser In cht.SeriesCollection

        If fSeriesInCols Then

            ser.SetData c.chDimValues, 0, _

                rngValues.Columns(ser.Index + 1).Address


            ser.SetData c.chDimValues, 0, _

                rngValues.Rows(ser.Index + 1).Address

        End If

    Next 'ser


End Sub 'BindChartToSpreadsheet()

I would like to point out a few things about this example. First, to bind the Chart and Spreadsheet controls, I set the Chart control's DataSource property to the instance of the Spreadsheet control. By receiving the pointer to the Spreadsheet control instance, the Chart control can now ask the Spreadsheet control for cell values in the specified ranges.

Second, the SetData method is used to bind first the Series Names dimension and then the Categories dimension. You must bind the chart dimensions in this order: series names first, then categories, then values. In the rare case in which you have only one series of information, you can skip the Series Names dimension and just bind categories and values. Doing so will create one series for you with the default name Series, which you can change by setting the Name or Caption property of the WCSeries object.

My last point is that when binding to the Spreadsheet component, the Chart component needs to receive explicit range references for the values in each series. Unfortunately, you cannot just hand the chart a two-dimensional range of values and let it automatically figure out which series and categories the values belong to. Instead, you must pass a one-dimensional range reference to the last parameter in the SetData method for each WCSeries object. The previous example does this in a generic fashion by using the Spreadsheet component's Range object to yield a range reference for each column or row in the two-dimensional range, which in turn gets passed to the series' SetData method. The fSeriesInCols flag indicates whether the values for a given series are arranged down a column or across a row in the spreadsheet. If the flag is True, the Columns collection is used; if False, the Rows collection is used.

Also note that this example adds 1 to the series' index value. This is because the Columns and Rows collections are 1-based for compatibility with Excel's programming model, while the Chart component's series index is 0-based. Adding 1 to the series index yields the corresponding column or row in the range.

Binding to the Data Source Component

The following method, taken from the LoadFromDSC.htm file in the Chap03 folder on the companion CD, shows how to bind a Chart component to a Recordset returned from the Data Source component (DSC). (We'll discuss the DSC more thoroughly in Chapter 5.)


' BindChartToDSC()


' Purpose: Binds a chart to a Recordset in the Data Source component.

'          (This example creates a Pie chart.)

' In:      cspace        reference to the ChartSpace object

'          dsc           reference to the Data Source control

'          sRSName       name of Recordset to bind to in the

'                        Data Source control

'          sCategories   name of the result column containing categories

'          sValues       name of the result column containing values


Sub BindChartToDSC(cspace, dsc, sRSName, sCategories, sValues)

    ' Local variables

    Dim cht    ' Chart object that we'll create in the chart space

    Dim ser    ' Temporary series


    ' Grab the Constants object so that we can use constant names in

    ' the script. Note: This is needed only in VBScript -- do not include

    ' this in VBA code.

    Set c = cspace.Constants


    ' Clear out anything that is in the chart space



    ' First tell the chart that its data is coming from

    ' the Data Source control

    Set cspace.DataSource = dsc


    ' Next tell it what Recordset within the Data Source control

    ' it will bind to

    cspace.DataMember = sRSName


    ' Create a Pie chart in the chart space

    Set cht = cspace.Charts.Add()

    cht.HasLegend = True

    cht.Type = c.chChartTypePie


    ' Now call SetData to bind the various dimensions

    ' Second parameter is zero, meaning the first data source should be

    ' used if there are multiple data sources


    ' In this example of a Pie chart, we will add one

    ' series manually and use the SetData method there

    Set ser = cht.SeriesCollection.Add()

    ser.SetData c.chDimCategories, 0, sCategories

    ser.SetData c.chDimValues, 0, sValues


    ' Finally, for this example, add some

    ' data labels since it's a Pie chart

    Set dls = ser.DataLabelsCollection.Add()

    dls.HasPercentage = True

    dls.HasValue = False


End Sub 'BindChartToDSC()

The DSC can retrieve data from and provide data to both the Chart component and the PivotTable component. It also implements the same data source COM interface (IDataSource) that Visual Basic and Internet Explorer data source controls implement, so this code can be used for any other valid data source control used in those environments.

The DataSource and DataMember properties of the ChartSpace object are fundamental to this example. Since they are part of the data-binding standards established by Visual Basic and Internet Explorer, you will commonly see them on other data-bound controls in those environments. The DataSource property is set to point at the control providing the data (in this case the DSC), and the DataMember property is set to a string value naming the specific data set desired. Because a DSC can expose many data sets at once, the DataMember property is used to tell the Chart control which data set to request. If you leave the DataMember property blank, the Chart control will ask for the default data set, the identity of which is determined by the DSC.

The SetData method is used in this example much the same way it was used in the BindChartToSpreadsheet method, except that the "data part" (the last parameter to SetData) is now the name of a column in the Recordset returned from the DSC. Alternatively, this data part can be the ordinal index of the column (0, 1, 2, and so on). The Chart control will pass this to the ADO Fields collection object's Item method, so any value that is valid for that method can be used as the last parameter to the SetData method. Typically, you use column names if you don't expect them to change over time but do expect the ordinal positions to change; you use ordinal indexes if you don't expect them to change but do expect the column names to change.

As stated earlier, an interesting twist of Pie charts is that the entries in the legend are categories, not series. Therefore, when binding a Pie chart, you should bind the column you want to appear in the legend to the Categories dimension rather than the Series dimension. This also applies to Stacked Pie charts and Doughnut charts.

The last code block in this example creates some data labels (which we just discussed) to show the percentage each data point contributes to the whole. The Chart control can show a number of values for each data point, and by default the actual number value is displayed. Since I wanted to show only the percentage contribution of each slice, I set the HasPercentage property to True and HasValue to False.

Although this particular example creates a Pie chart, you can use any of the supported chart types when binding to the DSC. I chose to create a Pie chart in this example only to show how binding is performed using the Pie chart type.

Binding to a Recordset

The following function, taken from the LoadFromRecordset.htm file in the Chap03 folder on the companion CD, shows how to bind a Chart control to an ADO Recordset object:


' BindChartToRecordset()


' Purpose: Binds a chart to a Recordset. (This example creates a

'          Scatter chart.)

' In:      cspace        reference to the ChartSpace object

'          rst           reference to Recordset object to bind to

'          sfldSeries    name of the series field

'          sfldXValues   name of the field containing the X values

'          sfldYValues   name of the field containing the Y values


Sub BindChartToRecordset(cspace, rst, sfldSeries, sfldXValues, _


    ' Local variables

    Dim cht    ' Chart object that we'll create in the chart space

    Dim ser    ' Temporary series pointer

    Dim ax     ' Temporary axis pointer


    ' Grab the Constants object so that we can use constant names in

    ' the script. Note: This is needed only in VBScript -- do not include

    ' this in VBA code.

    Set c = cspace.Constants


    ' Clear out anything that is in the chart space



    ' First tell the chart that its data is coming from the Recordset

    Set cspace.DataSource = rst


    ' Create a Scatter chart in the chart space

    Set cht = cspace.Charts.Add()

    cht.HasLegend = True

    cht.Type = c.chChartTypeScatterMarkers


    ' Now call SetData to bind the various dimensions

    ' Second parameter is zero, meaning the first data source should be

    ' used if there are multiple data sources


    ' In this example of a Scatter chart, we will bind

    ' two value dimensions: X and Y

    cht.SetData c.chDimSeriesNames, 0, sfldSeries

    cht.SetData c.chDimXValues, 0, sfldXValues

    cht.SetData c.chDimYValues, 0, sfldYValues


    ' Finally, let's add some axis labels using

    ' the column names as the axis captions

    Set ax = cht.Axes(c.chAxisPositionBottom)

    ax.HasTitle = True

    ax.Title.Caption = sfldXValues

    ax.Title.Font.Name = "Tahoma"

    ax.Title.Font.Size = 8

    ax.Title.Font.Bold = True

    ax.NumberFormat = "#,##0"


    Set ax = cht.Axes(c.chAxisPositionLeft)

    ax.HasTitle = True

    ax.Title.Caption = sfldYValues

    ax.Title.Font.Name = "Tahoma"

    ax.Title.Font.Size = 8

    ax.Title.Font.Bold = True

    ax.NumberFormat = "$#,##0"


    ' Let's also set the marker size a bit smaller than normal

    For Each ser In cht.SeriesCollection

        ser.Marker.Size = 5

    Next 'ser


End Sub 'BindChartToRecordset()

You will no doubt quickly notice that this example is similar to the previous example involving the DSC, except that this example uses a Scatter chart. This is because the ADO Recordset object is itself a valid data source in Visual Basic and Internet Explorer, and it implements the same data source interface as the DSC. This makes it possible to set the Chart control's DataSource property to point to the Recordset object just as you would set it when using the DSC. However, the Recordset object by definition has only one data set to expose, so the DataMember property does not need to be set when binding to it.

Because the chart type used in this example is a Scatter chart, the code sets two value dimensions: X Values and Y Values. As described earlier in the section on supported chart types, a Scatter chart uses two values for each data point, so we need to bind the X Values dimension to one column in the Recordset and the Y Values dimension to another column. (You could bind them to the same column, but that would make for a highly correlated Scatter chart!)

An Accident of Good Architecture

When I sent this chapter to the Chart component developers for review, one of them commented that the component does not actually "support" loading from a Recordset and that the OWC team had not officially tested this scenario. However, almost all the demos and real pages we wrote internally use this method, so in actuality, this scenario was quite well tested.

The reason that loading the Chart component from a Recordset works is an accident of good architecture. When the Visual Basic and Internet Explorer development teams selected the standard data source interface (IDataSource), the ADO team decided that it made sense for the Recordset object to implement this interface since it could easily return the underlying IRowset interface from the GetDataMember method. Because the Chart control uses IDataSource when loading data from a DSC, it all just worked. To the Chart control, the Recordset object looks like any other data source control.

When binding to a Recordset object, you must ensure that the Recordset is using the Microsoft Windows Cursor Engine (WCE) or is capable of being sorted and scrolled. The WCE is an ADO component that provides scrolling, sorting, filtering, and more on any OLE DB Rowset regardless of the Rowset's source or native capabilities. To use this engine, set the CursorLocation property of your ADO Connection or Recordset object to adUseClient, which has a value of 3 if you are in an environment that does not recognize constants. To ensure that the Chart control can scroll around the Recordset, you can use the adOpenStatic cursor type, which also has a value of 3. Use adOpenStatic or 3 for the CursorType parameter of the Recordset's Open method or for the CursorType property of the Recordset object. (Chapter 4 will discuss the WCE in more detail.)

For an example of setting the necessary Recordset properties, see the full source listing in the LoadFromRecordset.htm file on the companion CD. When viewing this file, note the use of the column names for the axis captions. Scatter charts have two value axes (X and Y), so you should give those axes titles and explain what values you are showing on them. Using the column names in the Recordset can be an easy way to label these axes; of course, you can set your own captions if the column names in the Recordset are not intelligible.

Binding to the PivotTable Component

The last possible source of data for the Chart component is the PivotTable component. (We will talk more about this component in the next chapter.) As you might expect, this component also implements the same data source interface that all valid data sources expose in Visual Basic and Internet Explorer, so the following example, taken from the LoadFromPivot.htm file in the Chap03 folder on the companion CD, looks similar to the DSC example we discussed earlier but has a few important differences:


' BindChartToPivot()


' Purpose: Binds a chart to a PivotTable component

' In:      cspace          reference to the ChartSpace object

'          ptable          reference to the PivotTable object

'          fSeriesInCols   Boolean flag indicating whether the series

'                          of the chart should come from the column

'                          axis or the row axis of the PivotTable control


Sub BindChartToPivot(cspace, ptable, fSeriesInCols)

    ' Local variables

    Dim cht    ' Chart object that we'll create in the chart space

    Dim ax     ' Temporary axis reference

    Dim fnt    ' Temporary font reference


    ' Grab the Constants object so that we can use constant names in

    ' the script. Note: This is needed only in VBScript -- do not include

    ' this in VBA code.

    Set c = cspace.Constants


    ' Clear out anything that is in the chart space



    ' First tell the chart that its data is coming from the

    ' PivotTable component

    Set cspace.DataSource = ptable


    ' Create a chart in the chart space

    Set cht = cspace.Charts.Add()

    cht.HasLegend = True

    cht.Type = c.chChartTypeBarClustered


    ' Now call SetData to bind the various dimensions

    ' Second parameter is zero, meaning the first data source should be

    ' used if there are multiple data sources

    If fSeriesInCols Then

        cht.SetData c.chDimSeriesNames, 0, c.chPivotColumns

        cht.SetData c.chDimCategories, 0, c.chPivotRows


        cht.SetData c.chDimSeriesNames, 0, c.chPivotRows

        cht.SetData c.chDimCategories, 0, c.chPivotColumns

    End If 'fSeriesInCols


    ' Set the values dimension. The value

    ' you pass for the data reference (the last parameter)

    ' is the index of the total you want to use.

    ' Since there is only one total in this example,

    ' we pass zero, indicating the first one.

    cht.SetData c.chDimValues, 0, 0


    ' Finally, let's add an axis title to the value

    ' axis, using the label on the pivot total

    ' as the caption, and set the number format

    Set ax = cht.Axes(c.chAxisPositionBottom)

    ax.HasTitle = True

    ax.Title.Caption = ptable.ActiveView.DataAxis.Totals(0).Caption

    Set fnt = ax.Title.Font

    fnt.Name = "Tahoma"

    fnt.Size = 8

    fnt.Bold = True


    ax.NumberFormat = ptable.ActiveView.DataAxis.Totals(0).NumberFormat


End Sub 'BindChartToPivot()

As in the earlier Recordset and DSC examples, to bind the Chart control to the PivotTable control, you start by setting the Chart control's DataSource property to point to an instance of the PivotTable control. As in the Recordset example, the PivotTable control has only one data set to expose, so you do not need to change the DataMember property from its default setting.

The critical difference between this example and the DSC example is the use of special constant values for the last parameter to the SetData method. As you will remember, this last parameter specifies which part of the data you want to bind to the specified chart dimension. In a PivotTable control, the logical parts available are the row and column pivot axes and all the totals in the view. In a PivotTable control, the row axis refers to all the labels displayed down the left side of the table, and the column axis refers to all the labels displayed across the top of the table (more on these axes in the next chapter). All the Chart control needs to know is which axis you want to bind to the Series Names dimension and which axis you want to bind to the Categories dimension.

Binding the various values dimensions of the Chart control is slightly different. Since a PivotTable report can display many totals at once, the Chart control needs to know which total you want to use for the specified values dimension. You indicate this by passing the ordinal index of the total as the last parameter to the SetData method. In the BindChartToPivot example, we use a Clustered Bar chart so that each data point has only one value. We tell the Chart control to use the total at index zero (the first one, since this is 0-based) for the data point values. Note that this is the ordinal index of the available totals shown in the PivotTable control's current view—not all the possible totals in the data source.

While the PivotTable control does implement the standard COM interface for a data source control, it does not know how to return ADO Recordsets or OLE DB Rowsets. The Chart control has special code for knowing how to read the PivotTable control's crosstab data display and properly ignore subtotals and grand totals, which if used, would skew the chart's scale. Therefore, even though the Chart control can consume data from the PivotTable control, not all data-bound controls will be able to use the PivotTable control as their data source.

Chart and Axis Titles

Charts can be effective mechanisms for displaying large quantities of information in a quick-to-assimilate visual manner. However, the data plotted in charts is rarely self-explanatory; often you will want to add a descriptive title to your chart or to the axes displayed within it.

Using Multiple Totals for Multivalued Charts

The Scatter, Bubble, Polar, and OHLC chart types all have something in common: they need more than one value to determine a data point on the chart. A Scatter chart requires both an X value and a Y value, a Bubble chart needs both those values as well as a bubble size value, a Polar chart needs Theta and R values, and an OHLC chart needs the four values its name suggests. Since PivotTable reports can show more than one total at a time, it's often desirable to map those totals to the different chart values to make a single data point.

You can do this by specifying the index of the total in the PivotTable view as the last parameter to the SetData method. For example, to bind the first total to X and the second total to Y in a Scatter chart, you would write this code:

cht.SetData c.chDimXValues, 0, 0    ' First total

cht.SetData c.chDimYValues, 0, 1    ' Second total

Sometimes you want to use those multiple totals with a chart type that uses only one value per data point, such as a Stacked Column chart. In this case, you might want the caption of the total to appear as a nested category or a nested series label. To do this, you use a special constant:

cht.SetData c.chDimCategories, 0, c.chPivotRowAggregates

This setting would use any total captions appearing on the row axis as nested category names on a hierarchical category axis. To get the results you want, you also should set the TotalsOrientation property of the PivotView object to the plTotalOrientationRow constant so that the total captions are displayed on each row.

Perhaps you want to display multiple totals as different series in the chart. To do this, leave the column axis on the PivotTable report empty, add the totals you want to appear as different series, and then write the following code:

cht.SetData c.chDimSeriesNames, 0, c.chPivotColAggregates

This code will create a series in the chart for each total in the PivotTable report. Refer to the sample file PivotTotalsAsSeries.htm in the Chap03 folder on your companion CD to see what this looks like.

If you add more than one chart to the Chart control (detailed in the section "Multiple Charts in 'Chart Space'"), you can give each chart its own title. In fact, you can give the Chart control itself a global title that will be displayed above all the individual charts. Chart titles can be formatted with all the basic font attributes (name, size, bold, italic, underline, and color). You can also set their backgrounds to a specific color or leave them transparent. The same is true for axis titles.

By default, newly created charts will have neither a chart title nor axis titles. You can add chart and axis titles either at design time using the Property Toolbox or at runtime using code. The following method, taken from the AddTitles.htm file in the Chap03 folder on the companion CD, shows how to add a chart title:


' SetChartTitle()


' Purpose: Sets the chart's title

' In:      cht      reference to a chart

'          sTitle   new title caption


Sub SetChartTitle(cht, sTitle)

    Dim fnt    ' Temporary font reference


    ' If the title is nonblank

    If Len(sTitle) > 0 Then

        ' Add a title if necessary

        cht.HasTitle = True


        ' Set the caption and its font formatting

        cht.Title.Caption = sTitle

        Set fnt = cht.Title.Font

        fnt.Name = "Tahoma"

        fnt.Size = 10

        fnt.Bold = True


        ' Title is blank. Remove it.

        cht.HasTitle = False   

    End if

End Sub 'SetChartTitle()

You add an axis title the same way you add a chart title, except that the first parameter of the method accepts an Axis object reference instead of a Chart object reference.

Also note that you can set the Color property for the title's font or background to either an RGB color value or to one of the Internet Explorer color names—for instance, "FireBrick" or "PapayaWhip". This also applies to any use of color in the Chart control, such as the chart's background color, plot area color, series color, and so on.

Axis Labels

By default, the Chart control will include labels on all your axes to show where a data point lies on the scale (for value axes) or which category a data point belongs to (for category axes). You might want to adjust a few aspects of these labels using either code at runtime or the Property Toolbox at design time.

For value axes, the labels show numeric points on the overall value scale of the axis. These numbers initially have no formatting unless the source is a spreadsheet with cells containing explicit numeric formatting. To change the default number formatting, set the axis's NumberFormat property to a new number format name or string. The list of named formats you can use appears in the Spreadsheet control's help file (opened by clicking the Help button on the spreadsheet) under the topic, "Number formats in a spreadsheet." You can also build a custom format string just like you can in Excel, and the symbols used in custom number formats are documented in the Excel 2000 help files starting with the overview topic titled, "Create a custom number format."

For both value and category axes, you can choose to drop some of the labels—for example, showing only every fifth label. This is useful only for axes that have too many labels to show without overlapping and for which the dropped labels can be inferred from visible labels such as a series of dates. Category axes will not drop labels by default. But suppose you have a large set of dates on a category axis. You can choose to drop some of them by setting the TickLabelSpacing property of the appropriate WCAxis object, either by selecting the axis and using the Property Toolbox at design time or in code at runtime. The setting for this property determines how many labels to skip between the labels that appear. Note that this property affects only labels, meaning the axis will still show tick marks where each label would have appeared. However, you can drop some of these tick marks as well by adjusting the TickMarkSpacing property to the same value as TickLabelSpacing.

The Chart Legend

By default, newly created charts do not have a legend. If you plan on showing more than one series of data points, you might want to add a legend to your chart to explain which color maps to which series. To add a legend, either select the chart and use the Property Toolbox at design time, or set the HasLegend property of the WCChart object to True in code at runtime.

Initially, the legend will contain one entry per series by default, but you can adjust that. To hide a legend entry, use the LegendEntries collection of the WCLegend object to retrieve the legend entry you want to hide, and then set the returned object's Visible property to False. At design time, you can simply select the legend entry itself and press the Delete key.

If you have more than one chart in the Chart control, you can create a legend for each individual chart or you can create one for the control as a whole. If you are showing multiple Pie charts, for example, it probably makes the most sense to show only one legend for all the pies since the color/category mapping will be same for each chart. Other chart types that show the series in the legend can benefit from individual legends if the set of series displayed differs among charts.

One rather annoying aspect of using a single legend for multiple charts that show series in the legend (charts other than Pie, Stacked Pie, and Doughnut) is that the Chart control will initially add an entry to the legend for each occurrence of each series in each chart. If you are showing two series on five charts, the chart space legend will contain ten legend entries, the same two entries repeated five times. To eliminate the extra legend entries, select and delete them at design time or use the WCLegendEntry object's Visible property in code as described earlier.

