
类别:.NET开发 点击:0 评论:0 推荐:


ListView控件是一个在Windows应用程序中使用频率比较高的一个,通常使用它来显示数据报表。很多情况下,我们不仅仅使用ListView来显示数据,还要求编辑其中的数据。但是.NET提供的ListView控件的编辑功能十分有限,只能编辑首列,编辑格式只能为文本框,等等,使用起来甚为不便。因此本人新写了一个类,扩充了其功能,客户程序员可以设置任何列的格式(只读,编辑状态下文本框,编辑状态下组合框) 代码如下:


1.ALAN_ListViewColumnStyle 列风格枚举

/// <summary>

/// 列风格枚举

/// </summary>

public enum ALAN_ListViewColumnStyle


    ReadOnly, //只读

    EditBox,  //编辑状态下显示为文本框

    ComboBox  //编辑状态下显示为组合框



2.ALAN_ColumnHeader 带有自定义风格的列

/// <summary>

/// 列描述

/// </summary>

public class ALAN_ColumnHeader : ColumnHeader


    private ALAN_ListViewColumnStyle cs; //本列的风格

    public ALAN_ColumnHeader() : base()


       cs = ALAN_ListViewColumnStyle.ReadOnly;


    public ALAN_ColumnHeader(ALAN_ListViewColumnStyle _cs)


       cs = _cs;


    public ALAN_ListViewColumnStyle ColumnStyle


       get { return cs; }

       set { cs = value;}




3.ALAN_EditListView 列表控件


/// <summary>

/// 可编辑的ListView控件

/// </summary>

public class ALAN_EditListView : ListView


    private ListViewItem m_currentLVItem;    

    private int m_nX=0;

    private int m_nY=0;

    private string m_strSubItemText ;

    private int m_nSubItemSelected = 0 ;

    private ComboBox[] m_arrComboBoxes = new ComboBox[20];

    private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox  editBox;

    private Font m_fontComboBox;

    private Font m_fontEdit;

    private Color m_bgcolorComboBox;

    private Color m_bgcolorEdit;


    public ALAN_EditListView()


       editBox = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();

       this.ComboBoxFont = this.Font;

       this.EditFont = this.Font;


       this.EditBgColor = Color.LightBlue;

       this.m_bgcolorComboBox = Color.LightBlue;

       this.MouseDown += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.SMKMouseDown);

       this.DoubleClick += new System.EventHandler(this.SMKDoubleClick);

       this.GridLines = true ;


       editBox.Size  = new System.Drawing.Size(0,0);

       editBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0,0);

       this.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] {this.editBox});

       editBox.KeyPress += new System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventHandler(this.EditOver);

       editBox.LostFocus += new System.EventHandler(this.FocusOver);

       editBox.AutoSize = true;

       editBox.Font = this.EditFont;

       editBox.BackColor = this.EditBgColor;

       editBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;


       editBox.Text = "";



    public Font ComboBoxFont


       get { return this.m_fontComboBox; }

       set { this.m_fontComboBox = value;}



    public Color ComboBoxBgColor


       get { return this.m_bgcolorComboBox; }



           this.m_bgcolorComboBox = value;

           for(int i=0; i<this.m_arrComboBoxes.Length; i++)


              if (m_arrComboBoxes[i] != null)

                  m_arrComboBoxes[i].BackColor = this.m_bgcolorComboBox;





    public Font EditFont


       get { return this.m_fontEdit; }



           this.m_fontEdit = value;

           this.editBox.Font = this.m_fontEdit;




    public Color EditBgColor


       get { return this.m_bgcolorEdit; }



           this.m_bgcolorEdit = value;

           this.editBox.BackColor = this.m_bgcolorEdit;




    public void SetColumn(int columnIndex, ALAN_ListViewColumnStyle cs)


       if (columnIndex<0 || columnIndex>this.Columns.Count)

           throw new Exception("Column index is out of range");

           ((ALAN_ColumnHeader)Columns[columnIndex]).ColumnStyle = cs;



    public void BoundListToColumn(int columnIndex, string[] items)


       if (columnIndex<0 || columnIndex>this.Columns.Count)

           throw new Exception("Column index is out of range");

       if ( ((ALAN_ColumnHeader)Columns[columnIndex]).ColumnStyle != ALAN_ListViewColumnStyle.ComboBox)

           throw new Exception("Column should be ComboBox style");


       ComboBox newbox = new ComboBox();

       for(int i=0; i<items.Length; i++)


       newbox.Size  = new System.Drawing.Size(0,0);

       newbox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0,0);

       this.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] {newbox});        

       newbox.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.CmbSelected);

       newbox.LostFocus += new System.EventHandler(this.CmbFocusOver);

       newbox.KeyPress += new System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventHandler(this.CmbKeyPress);

       newbox.Font = this.ComboBoxFont;

       newbox.BackColor = this.ComboBoxBgColor;

       newbox.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;


       this.m_arrComboBoxes[columnIndex] = newbox;



    private void CmbKeyPress(object sender , System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs e)


       ComboBox cmbBox = (ComboBox)sender;

       if ( e.KeyChar == 13 || e.KeyChar == 27 ) //CR or ESC press






    private void CmbSelected(object sender , System.EventArgs e)


       ComboBox cmbBox = (ComboBox)sender;

       int sel = cmbBox.SelectedIndex;

       if ( sel >= 0 )


           string itemSel = cmbBox.Items[sel].ToString();

           m_currentLVItem.SubItems[m_nSubItemSelected].Text = itemSel;




    private void CmbFocusOver(object sender , System.EventArgs e)


       ComboBox cmbBox = (ComboBox)sender;

       cmbBox.Hide() ;



    private void EditOver(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs e)


       if ( e.KeyChar == 13 )


           m_currentLVItem.SubItems[m_nSubItemSelected].Text = editBox.Text;




       if ( e.KeyChar == 27 )




    private void FocusOver(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


       m_currentLVItem.SubItems[m_nSubItemSelected].Text = editBox.Text;




    public  void SMKDoubleClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


       // Check the subitem clicked .

       int nStart = m_nX ; //current mouse down X position

       int spos = 0 ;

       int epos = this.Columns[0].Width ;

       for ( int i=0; i < this.Columns.Count ; i++)


           if ( nStart > spos && nStart < epos )


              m_nSubItemSelected = i ;




           spos = epos ;

           epos += this.Columns[i].Width;



       m_strSubItemText = m_currentLVItem.SubItems[m_nSubItemSelected].Text ;


       ALAN_ColumnHeader column = (ALAN_ColumnHeader)Columns[m_nSubItemSelected];

       if ( column.ColumnStyle == ALAN_ListViewColumnStyle.ComboBox )


           ComboBox cmbBox = this.m_arrComboBoxes[m_nSubItemSelected];

           if (cmbBox == null)

              throw new Exception("The ComboxBox control bind to current column is null");

           Rectangle r = new Rectangle(spos , m_currentLVItem.Bounds.Y , epos , m_currentLVItem.Bounds.Bottom);

           cmbBox.Size  = new System.Drawing.Size(epos - spos , m_currentLVItem.Bounds.Bottom-m_currentLVItem.Bounds.Top);

           cmbBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(spos , m_currentLVItem.Bounds.Y);

           cmbBox.Show() ;

           cmbBox.Text = m_strSubItemText;

           cmbBox.SelectAll() ;



       if ( column.ColumnStyle == ALAN_ListViewColumnStyle.EditBox )


           Rectangle r = new Rectangle(spos , m_currentLVItem.Bounds.Y , epos , m_currentLVItem.Bounds.Bottom);

           editBox.Size  = new System.Drawing.Size(epos - spos , m_currentLVItem.Bounds.Height);

           editBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(spos , m_currentLVItem.Bounds.Y);

           editBox.Show() ;

           editBox.Text = m_strSubItemText;

           editBox.SelectAll() ;





    public void SMKMouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)


           m_currentLVItem = this.GetItemAt(e.X , e.Y);

           m_nX = e.X ;

           m_nY = e.Y ;







this.listView1 = new ALAN_EditListView();


///add the columns

ALAN_ColumnHeader header1 = new ALAN_ColumnHeader(ALAN_ListViewColumnStyle.ReadOnly);

header1.Width = 120;

header1.Text = "姓名";


ALAN_ColumnHeader header2 = new ALAN_ColumnHeader(ALAN_ListViewColumnStyle.EditBox);

header2.Width = 120;

header2.Text = "性别";


ALAN_ColumnHeader header3 = new ALAN_ColumnHeader(ALAN_ListViewColumnStyle.EditBox);

header3.Width = 120;

header3.Text = "年龄";


ALAN_ColumnHeader header4 = new ALAN_ColumnHeader(ALAN_ListViewColumnStyle.ComboBox);

header4.Width = 120;

header4.Text = "专业";


ALAN_ColumnHeader header5 = new ALAN_ColumnHeader(ALAN_ListViewColumnStyle.ComboBox);

header5.Width = 120;

header5.Text = "轮休";



///bound the combox        

this.listView1.BoundListToColumn(3, new string[]{"Lotus", "SQL Server", ".NET", "VB"});

this.listView1.BoundListToColumn(4, new string[]{"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"});


///set edit state font and backcolor

//this.listView1.ComboBoxBgColor = Color.LightYellow;

this.listView1.ComboBoxFont = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((System.Byte)(0)));

this.listView1.EditFont = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((System.Byte)(0)));


///add rows

string[] s = new string[5];

s[0] = "张三" ;

s[1] = "";

s[2] = "24" ;

s[3] = ".NET" ;

s[4] = "Sun";

this.listView1.Items.Add( new ListViewItem(s));


s[0] = "李四" ;

s[1] = "";

s[2] = "25" ;

s[3] = "SQL Server" ;

s[4] = "Mon";

this.listView1.Items.Add( new ListViewItem(s));


s[0] = "王五" ;

s[1] = "";

s[2] = "23" ;

s[3] = "VB" ;

s[4] = "Tue";

this.listView1.Items.Add( new ListViewItem(s));


s[0] = "赵六" ;

s[1] = "";

s[2] = "22" ;

s[3] = "Lotus" ;

s[4] = "Wed";

this.listView1.Items.Add( new ListViewItem(s));


///other common attributs

this.listView1.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;

this.listView1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9.75F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((System.Byte)(0)));

this.listView1.FullRowSelect = true;

this.listView1.Name = "listView1";

this.listView1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(448, 273);

this.listView1.TabIndex = 0;

this.listView1.View = System.Windows.Forms.View.Details;

this.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] {



双击需要编辑的单元,如果该列为ALAN_ListViewColumnStyle.ReadOnly 则没有变化;如果该列为ALAN_ListViewColumnStyle.EditBox则出现文本框;如果该列为ALAN_ListViewColumnStyle.ComboBox则出现组合框,如下图:

                               图1 EditBox风格


                               图2 ComboBox风格

