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using System;

namespace Money
 /// <summary>
 /// 本类实现阿拉伯数字到大写中文的转换
 /// 该类没有对非法数字进行判别
 /// 请调用NumToChn方法
 /// 作者:menway
 /// </summary>
 public class Money
  public Money()
   // TODO: Add constructor logic here
  private char 转换数字(char x)
   string stringChnNames="零一二三四五六七八九";
   string stringNumNames="0123456789";
   return stringChnNames[stringNumNames.IndexOf(x)];
  private string 转换万以下整数(string x)
   string[] stringArrayLevelNames=new string[4] {"","十","百","千"};
   string ret="";
   int i;
   for (i=x.Length-1;i>=0;i--)
    if (x[i]=='0')
   while ((i=ret.IndexOf("零零"))!=-1)
   if (ret[ret.Length-1]=='零' && ret.Length>1)
   if (ret.Length>=2 && ret.Substring(0,2)=="一十")
   return ret;
  private string 转换整数(string x)
   int len=x.Length;
   string ret,temp;
   if (len<=4)
   else if (len<=8)
    if (temp.IndexOf("千")==-1 && temp!="")
    if (temp.IndexOf("千")==-1 && temp!="")
    if (temp.IndexOf("千")==-1 && temp!="")
   int i;
   if ((i=ret.IndexOf("零万"))!=-1)
   while ((i=ret.IndexOf("零零"))!=-1)
   if (ret[ret.Length-1]=='零' && ret.Length>1)
   return ret;

  private string 转换小数(string x)
   string ret="";
   for (int i=0;i<x.Length;i++)
   return ret;

  public string NumToChn(string x)
   if (x.Length==0)
    return "";
   string ret="";
   if (x[0]=='-')
   if (x[0].ToString()==".")
   if (x[x.Length-1].ToString()==".")
   if (x.IndexOf(".")>-1)
   return ret;


using System;

namespace Money
 /// <summary>
 /// Summary description for Class1.
 /// </summary>
 class MoneyApp
  /// <summary>
  /// The main entry point for the application.
  /// </summary>
  static void Main(string[] args)
   // TODO: Add code to start application here
   Money myMoney=new Money();
   string x;
   while (true)
    if (x=="") break;
